2015秋牛津深圳版英语九上Unit 6《Healthy diet》word教案4.doc

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1、教案 4 课题 Unit6 Healthy diet 课型 Language 备 课 时 间 1period 教学目标 1. Students master the usage of the object clauses. 2. Students make a clear understand of saying what we know ,think, believe, and wh-clauses. 教学重点 Students master the usage of the object clauses 教学难点 Using objective clause to express the

2、idea. 教 材 分 析 教学关键 The order and structure of the object clauses 教法与学法指导 group work, self study 教学 环节 主要教学步骤或内容 学生主体活动 教师活动 设计意图 时 间 分 配 Step:Warming up 1.Watch the video and find the expression they used to express their ideas. 1.Show a video about two people, Yao Ming and Kobe to express their ide

3、as, 1.Lead in to the language topic and build a lively class 3 第一 环节 复习 回顾 平移 的基 本性 质, 引入 课题 Step:Read comprehension 2.Finish a reading comprehension 2.Find a passage which conclude object clauses and ask students to finish the reading comprehension Improve the reading ability and get ready for the

4、topci 5 第二 环节 观察 Step: Grammar learning . Self observation. 2.Observe the passage . Find all the 2. Ask students to analyze the 2.Lead them to learn the grammar by 20 操作、 探索 归纳 平移 的作 法 Self development. object clauses in the passage and underline them. work in groups to analyze the structure of the

5、object clauses. Summarize the sentences structure I/we think I/we believe I/we know Do you remember what I dont understand how Analyze the sentence structure and make clear when we use know ,think believe. Observe the correct order of the Wh-clauses. Make sentences with object clauses according to t

6、he pictures given passage Find all the object clauses in the passage. Ask student s to work in groups and analyze the structure of the object clauses . Ask students to summarize the sentences structure according to the passage. ask the students to summarize the verbs like know, think, believe. Ask t

7、hem to summarize the correct order of the Wh- clauses. Ask them to make sentences with object clauses according to the pictures given themselves. . 第三 环节 课堂 练习 Step: Practice. 3.Work in pairs, Take an active part in making a dialogue based on healthy diet. 3.Ask students to work in pairs,S1 should t

8、ell S2 what he or she and other people eat,S2 gives a proper reply according to the P88 4. Make the class lively and Strengthen their pair work. .Cultivate their habit of taking notes. 6 第四 环节 课时 小结 Step: Grammar exercises. 4. Take an active part in doing the time- limited exercises individually. ch

9、eck the answers. 4. Ask students to do some time limited exercises in class. check the answers. 4.Strengthen their grammar by exercises. 5 第五 环节 课后 作业 Step: Summary and homework 5.Listen carefully and take notes. 5.Ask students to takes notes. Summarize the object clause. Assignment. 5.Summarize and cultivate their habits of taking notes. 1 课 堂 教 学 流 程 Warming upRead comprehension Grammar learning Self observation Self developmentPracticeGrammar exercisesSummary and homework. . 效 果 评 价 与 反 思


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