2016春鲁教版英语八下Unit 8《What are the shirts made of》word导学案1.doc

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1、Unit 8 What are the shirts made of 课型:新授课 【学习目标】 1. 能熟练掌握本单元的重点单词和短语;熟练掌握并运用一般现在时和一般过去时的被动 语态结构。 2.正确运用 be made of, be made from, be made in 描述物品的制作材料、制作产地和制 作用途。 3.通过对中国产品远销各国及对中国民间艺术的描述,增强民族自豪感和爱国热情。 【学习重点】 正确运用 be made of, be made from, be made in 描述物品的制作材料、制作产地和制作 用途。 【教学难点】 被动语态 的用法 【学习过程】 一、 自

2、主学习 (一) 翻译以下句子 1、这个戒指很好看,它是 银做的吗? _ 2、是的,并且它产自泰国。_ (二)知识导学 主动语态和被动语态 1.在英语中 动词有两种语态 即主动语态(The Active Voice)和被动语态( The Passive Voice)。主动语态表示主语是动作的执行者 被动语态表示主语是动作的承受者。 eg: Many people speak English.(主动语态) English is spoken by many people.(被动语态) 2一般现在时被动语态的构成 当谓语是一般现在时的时候 被动语态由“be (am, is, are) 及物动词的过去

3、分词”构成。助动词“be“随人称、数的变化而改变。 Eg.This knife is made of wood and metal. Bananas are produced in Hainan. I am taken care of by my uncle. 3.被动语态的用法 当说话者不知道动作的执行者或没有必要指出动作的执行者 只需要 强调动作的承受者时 要求使用被动语态。如果需要在被动语态 中指出动作的执行者时由 介词 by 引导。 egChinese is spoken by the largest number of people in the world.全世界说中文的人最多。

4、4.主动语态改写成被动语态的方法 将主动语态的宾语变成主语 将主动语态的谓语变成 被动式 be+过去分词 主动语态的主语变成被动句 by 的宾语(或省略)。如果主动语态中有 两个宾语(直接 宾语和间接宾语) 可以把其中任意一个变成主语。 eg: My teacher gives me a lot of books.(主动语态) I am given a lot of books by my teacher. A lot of books are given to me by my teacher. 辨析be made of, be made from, be made in , be made

5、 by be made from “由制成的” 指从成品中看不见原材料 Paper is made from wood. 纸是由木头制成的。 be made of “由制成的” 指从成品中可以看得见原材料 The bridge is made of stone 桥是石头造的 。 be made in “在制造的”in 后常接表示地点的名词 The computer is made in America 这台电视是在美国制造的。 be made by “由制造的”b y 用来强调动作的执行者 The TV set is made by the workers in the factory. 这台

6、电视是由这个工厂的工人制造的。 通过预习,你还发现有哪些问题? _ _ 二、合作交流 (一)预习交流 小组内交流课前预习情况;讨论预习中遇到的问题(老师点拨)。 (二)合作探究 1、 Practice:看图片,练习被动语态。 2、 听录音引导学生结合所学词汇预测听力内容 播放 1b 学生合上书本 让学生 认真听 获取大意 检测之前对于听力内容的预测是否准确。若有偏差 是哪些地方 与听力内容不一致 再次播放录音 让学生不看原文 完成 1b 练习 核对 lb 答案 然后第三次播放录音 让学生在 听的过程中思考做出正确或者错误的判断的原因。并 完成听力练习 1b。 3、阅读听力材料。 (三)拓展延伸

7、 根据听力内容编对话。找学生展示。 (四)课堂小结 总结:今天我们学习了_ 三、达标测评 (一)基础题 用适当的介词填空 (1).The desk is made _wood . (2).Paper is made _wood. (3).This kind of watch is made _Shanghai. (4). His sweater was made _his mothe (5)The fork is made _steel. (6) Bread is made _wheat. (7)The sweater was made _ China. (二)能力题 单项选择 ( )1. T

8、he windows of some buildings are _steel and glass. A. make from B. make of C. made from D. made of ( )2. Mo Yan is famous _his novels and _us students. A. for; as B. as; to C. for; for D. for; to ( )3. _I know, he was an honest boy and he never told lies. A. As long as B. As soon as C. As far as D.

9、As often as . ( )4. I think arts _is more valuable. A. in hand B. at hand C. by hand D. on hand ( )5. Basketball _in our school every day. A. plays B. is played C. played D. was playing (三)拔高题 按要求改写句子。 1. They play basketball in their school.(改为被动句) Basketball _ _ in their school by them. 2. We grow tea on the sides of mountains.(改为被动句) Tea _ _on the sides of mountains. 3. Is English spoken by many people(改为主动句) _ many people_ English? 4. The T-shirt is made of cotton.(对画线部分提问) _is the T-shirt_ _ 5. The camera is made in Jinan.(对画线部分提问) _ _the camera _ 【课后反思】 _ _


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