2015秋鲁教版英语七上Unit 2《I’d like some noodles》(SectionA )word学案3.doc

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2015秋鲁教版英语七上Unit 2《I’d like some noodles》(SectionA )word学案3.doc_第1页
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2015秋鲁教版英语七上Unit 2《I’d like some noodles》(SectionA )word学案3.doc_第2页
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1、Unit2 SectionA (Grammar Focus-3c)参考学案 * 教师寄语:An apple a day keeps the doctor away. 一天一苹果,医生远离我。 【学习目标】 1、总结归纳 Section A 部分的重点知识; 2、并将所学知识学 以 致用。 【体验学习 】: 1. 根据 Grammar Focus, 归纳 Section A 部分的重点知识; 2. 自学课文,勾画出重点和疑惑。 3. 合作交流来 1) Group work: 总结归纳 Section A 部分语法重点 Notes:_ _ 2)Group work: 单词归类 可数名 词:_ 不可

2、数名词:_.网 可数名词&不可数名词:_ 【自主检测】: 完形填空 Its 12 oclock. A man goes into a restaurant for _ _1 _ . “Hi! Can I _ 2 _ you?” a waiter says. “Id like some F rench fries, a _ 3 and a medium Coke,” says the man. “_ 4 _ else ?” asks the waiter. “No,” the man answers. “Thats _ _5 . ” “For here or to go?” asks the w

3、aiter. “To go, please,” says the man. The waiter puts t he food into a bag. Then the man goes away _ 6 _ the bag. “Have a nice day,” the waiter says. The man walks to the park. He sits down and opens the bag. There _ _7 _ a hamburger, some French fries and a Coke. There is also some _ _8 _ in the ba

4、g. “Thats the money for my lunch,” says the man. Then he goes back to the _ _ 9 _ because he doesnt want to _10_ his lunch for free. He is really a good man. ( ) 1. A. breakfast B. lunch C. dinner ( ) 2. A. ask B. call C. help ( ) 3. A. hamburger B. dumpling C. tomato ( ) 4. A. A nyone B. Anything C

5、. Something ( ) 5. A. all B. her C. his ( ) 6. A. of B. with C. from ( ) 7. A. am B. is C. are ( ) 8. A. money B. beef C. cabbage ( ) 9. A. park B. house C. restaurant ( ) 10. A. get B. give C. play 【快乐链接】 Riddle (谜语) - 打食物名 1.What kind of dog doesnt bite or bark? - hot dog 2.What is the smallest ro

6、om in the world? - mushroom 3.What table is in the field? - vegetable 4.What stays hot even if put it in a fridge? -pepper 5.What is the only vegetable that will make you cry? - onion 6. My first letter is in “tea“, not in “sea“. My second letter is in “those“, not in “these“ My third letter is in “fine“, no t in “nine“ My forth letter is in “buy“, not in “boy“. -tofu 【学习体会】 成功&收获: 失败&不足:


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