2015秋鲁教版英语七上Unit 2《I’d like some noodles》(SectionB)word学案1.doc

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2015秋鲁教版英语七上Unit 2《I’d like some noodles》(SectionB)word学案1.doc_第1页
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2015秋鲁教版英语七上Unit 2《I’d like some noodles》(SectionB)word学案1.doc_第2页
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1、Unit2 SectionB (1a-1d)参考学案 * 教师 寄语:We are what we eat. 吃什么是什么(身体健康状况)。 【学习目标】 继续学习如何预定食物,并会表达自己的喜好和选择。 - I like dumplings, fish and orange juice. - I dont like onions, green tea or porridge. 【体验学习】: 一、预习交流 1. 根据 P12 的图片和 对话等,预测新课内容; 2. 根据音标拼读单词并牢记; 3. 自学课文,勾画出重点和疑惑 二、翻译官 1. 橙汁_ 2. 绿茶_ 3. black tea _

2、 4. 肉 _ _ 5. 汤 _ 6. 粥 _ 7. onion _ 8. 饺子_ _ 9. order form_ 三、合作交流 Group w ork: 分析总结 an d 和 or 的联系区别,并举例说明。 Notes:_ _ _ _ 【自主检测】: 精挑细选 ( ) 1. Grace doesnt like green tea, onions _ dumplings A. but B. and C. or ( ) 2. We have some _ here and we can cook _ soup A. egg, egg B. eggs, egg C. eggs, eggs (

3、) 3. - _ rice would you like? - Sm all, please. A. What kind of B. What size C. What size bowl of 、最佳选择 salad, medium, order, juice, address Maria arrives home very late. She is tired. So she telephoned Pizza Express to _ some pizzas. She doesnt want a big one. Sh e wants a _ size pizza and one smal

4、l oran ge _. She says she likes _, too. She tells them her _. They will send her pizzas in half an hour. 【快乐链接】 快餐词汇 肯德基 KFC 麦当劳 Mc Donalds 巨无霸 big Mac 番茄酱 ketchup 汉堡 hamburger / burger 芝士汉堡 cheese burger 薯条 French Fri es / potato chips 苹果派 apple pie 全家桶: Family Big Box 鸡米花 popcorn chicken 辣翅 hot wing 烤鸡翅 roast chicken wing 百事 Pepsi-Cola 七喜 7-U p 蛋挞 egg ta rt 甜筒 soft cone 三明治 sandwich 奶昔 milk shake 吸管 straw 纸巾 paper towel 【学习体会】网 成功&收获: 失败&不足:


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