2015秋牛津深圳版英语九上Unit 4《Problems and advice》word教案6.doc

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1、教案 6 课题 Unit4 Problems and advice 课型 Writing 备 课 时 间 1 Period 教学目标 1. The students learn to write the form of an email. 2. Students can write to ask for advice in email facing problems or difficult situations in daily life . 3. Students have an active attitude to problems or difficult situations in

2、daily life after learning this lesson . 教学重点 Students can write to ask for advice in email facing problems or difficult situations in daily life. 教学难点 How to ask for advice in email facing problems or difficult situations in daily life . 教 材 分 析 教学关键 Students can know about what to talk and write. 教

3、法与学法指导 group work. Discussion Competition 教学 环节 主要教学步骤或内容 学生主体活动 教师活动 设计意图 时 间 分 配 第一 环节 复习 回顾 平移 的基 本性 质, 引入 课题 Step:Lead in . 1.Try to speak out as many problems or difficult situations as possible in study or daily life. 1Ask students to speak out some problems they meet in their school or daily

4、life . 1.Talk about problems students meet in their school. 5 第二 环节 观察 操作、 探索 归纳 平移 的作 Step: Reading comprehension 2 Do a reading comprehension in 5 minutes. 2.Find a passage which is related to the email writing about a school girl asking for advice . Then 2.Improve the reading ability and set an e

5、xample for the writing. 5 法 Step: An email to ask for advice 3. Observe the reading passage and study the email in the textbook. Then try to complete the email Read the email loudly. ask students to do a reading comprehension 3.Explain the way of writing an email and structure of an email. Then ask

6、students to complete the in P59 A. Ask students to read the email loudly 3.Give them some directions to list the following aspects: Hobby: How often: Where: Why:. 3.Help them to know the format and the structure of an email, be ready for the writing. 10 第三 环节 课堂 练习 Step: Writing 4.Write an article u

7、sing the discussed information. 4.Present different situations and ask students to choose one of them to write an email to ask for advice using the email on page59 and 4.Practice their writing. 15 the expression given to help you. 第四 环节 课时 小结 Step: Correcting and developing. Step:Show time 5.Check t

8、he work with each other from the words expressions grammar and give marks. 6.Correct the work and recommend the better one to learn from. 5.Lead them to check the work in different aspects. 6.Walk around to find the better work to show around. 5.Teach them how to develop an article. 6.Help them to develop their confidence. 5 5 第五 环节 课后 作业 Rewrite the article in the exercise book. 课 堂 教 学 流 程 Lead inReading comprehensionAn email to ask for adviceWriting Correcting and developingShow time . 效 果 评 价 与 反 思


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