2015秋牛津译林版英语七上Unit 8《Fashion》(Period 3)word学练案.doc

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2015秋牛津译林版英语七上Unit 8《Fashion》(Period 3)word学练案.doc_第2页
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1、英语学科 7A Unit8 Period 3 Reading(2) 学讲预案 一 .Learning ahead of time ( 自主先学) 1. 度过 2. 懒惰的 3. (女)短上衣 4. 领带 5. 借给 6 女士_ 7 先生_ 8 舒适的_ 9 紫色的_ 10 受喜爱的_11 在之中_12 灰色的_ 13 精干的_14 酷的_15 围巾_(复数) 16 丝绸_ 二 .Cooperative learning (合作助学) 1.cotton sports clothes 2.一件丝绸男衬衣 3.a pair of comfortable trainers 4.他的红黄相间的领带 5.

2、a black wool skirt 6.看起来既神气又时髦 7.thanks for coming 8.由纸制成 9.young peoples favourite 10.你的红色长靴 三 .Extensive learning (拓展导学) 1.He is wearing a purple shirt and a pair of grey trousers. 他正穿着紫色的衬衫和一条灰白色的 裤子。 解析:a pair of 修饰的是可数名词的复数,但是做主语时,要根据 pair 前面的数量来判断 谓语动词的单复数。常用 a pair of 表示成双的物品有: a pair of sock

3、s a pair of gloves a pair of trousers a pair of glasses 一双袜子 一副手套 一条裤子 一副眼镜 Eg There is a pair of glasses on the desk. There are two pairs of shoes under the bed. 2.She is wearing a red silk blouse, a black wool skirt and a pair of red boots. 她穿着一件红丝绸衬衫、一件黑羊毛短裙和一双红靴子。 在英语中,当名词有多个形容词修饰时,就有它们的先后顺序。下面的

4、口诀可帮你记住这 一先后顺序,也是解题的关键。 熟记规则:大小形状和新老,颜色国际出(处)材料 多个形容词修饰同一名词时的顺序是固定的,其顺序为: 冠词、指示代词、不定代词、物主代词+ 序数词+基数词 +一般性描绘形容词+ 大小、长短、形状+年龄、新旧+ 颜色+国籍、出处+材料+用 途、类别+最终 修饰的名词或动名词。例如:a beautiful little red flower 一朵美丽的小花。 those four old- looking,grey,wooden houses 所以这个翻译题 我有一个中国制造木制红色的大的园桌子可以 翻译成 i have a big,round ,re

5、d,wooden,chinese table 四 .Enhancing learning through testing (检测促学) 一)完成句子 1. -现在你在干什么?- 我正在读书。 -What _ you _ now? -I _ _. 2.他喜欢穿运动服。He _ _ sports clothes. 3.这个问题如此难,她正在考虑。This is question is _ _. She _ _ _ _. 4.我不知道我该干什么?I dont know _ _ _. 5.我还需要两本书。I need _ _ books./ I need _ _ books. 6.他每天花一个小时读书

6、。 He _ one hour _ books every day./ He _ one hour _ books every day./ It _ him one hour _ _ books every day. 7.我可以向你借一本书吗? May I _ _ _ _ _? 8. -你的衬衫多大尺码?-尺码 4 _ _is your blouse? _4. 9.他穿着一件紫色的衬衫和一条白色的长裤。 He is wearing a _ shirt and a pair of_ _ _. 10.这首歌现在在人们当中很流行。 Gangnam Style is very _ _ the peop

7、le now. 二) 任务型阅读。 In Thailand(泰国 ),there are many elephants. They are very useful. They can carry heavy things so they can help people do a lot of hard work. And they are very clever. They can act and dance. Sometimes they can play with people. Many people go to Thailand to have fun with the elephan

8、ts. Its very interesting. But do you know there is a festival for the elephants in Thailand? It is called Elephant Day. It comes at the third weekend of November. On that day. the elephants dont work or act. They can have a good rest. People give them much good food like fruit and vegetables. People

9、 also have some activities for them. On that day. the elephants can wear colourful clothes and eat nice food. They enjoy themselves a lot then. 1. In which country are there many elephants? _. 2. When is Elephant Day? _. 3. What food do people give elephants on Elephant Day? _. 4. What can the elephants wear on Elephant Day? _. 5. What do you think of elephants? _. 五 . Reflection on learning(反思悟学)


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