2015秋牛津译林版英语七上Unit 8《Fashion》(Reading 1)word导学案1.doc

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1、年级:初一 主备:黄春广 审核:王玉琴 时间:2013.12 课题:7A unit8(reading1) 课型:新授 课时安排 :1 课时 学生姓名_ 家长签名_ 【学习目标】: 1. 使用适当的语言描述自己的需要。 2. 从对话中了解关于购物的信息。 【课前热身】:一 . 大声朗读下列单词和词组,并在课文中划下来并背诵。 1.女士,夫人 n. lady (复数 ladies) 2.先生 n. gentleman (复数 gentlemen) 3.风格,样式 style 4.运动鞋 n. trainer 5.舒适的,使人舒服的 adj. comfortable (反义词不舒适的 uncomfo

2、rtable) 6.受喜爱的,受欢迎的 adj. popular 7.在中,在三者或以上中分配或选择 prep. among 8.紫色的 adj. purple 9.灰色的 adj. grey 10.衣着讲究的,精干的 adj. smart 11.酷的,绝妙的 adj. cool 12.棉,棉织物 n. cotton (不可数) 13.围巾 n. scarf (复数 scarves) 14.两个(都)pron. both 15.牛仔裤(复数)jeans 16.丝,丝绸 n. silk(不可数) 17.羊毛,羊绒 n. wool(不可数) 18.靴子 n. boot(复数)boots 19.女士

3、们,先生们 ladies and gentlemen 20.欢迎来到我们 的时尚表演 Welcome to our fashion show 21.七年级一班 Class1,Grade7 22.打算做某事 be going to do sth. 23.向某人展示某物(2 种)show sb. sth.= show sth. to sb. 24.不同风格的衣 服 different styles of clothes 25.运动服 sports clothes 26.一双运动鞋 a pair of trainers 27.轻 便舒适 be light and comfortable 28.在年轻

4、人中间受欢迎 be popular among young people 29.西蒙来了. Here comes Simon 30.穿着一件紫色的衬衫 wear a purple shirt 31.一条灰色的裤子. a pair of grey trousers 32.红灰相间的领带 red and grey tie 33.看起来精干 look smart 34.看起来酷 look cool 35.一件黄色的棉质女式衬衫 a yellow cotton blouse 36.一条蓝色的围巾 a blue scarf 37.他们中的两个人 both of them 38.蓝色的牛仔裤 blue j

5、eans 39.一件红色的丝质女式衬衫 a red silk blouse 40.一条黑色的羊毛短裙 a black wool skirt 41.一双红色的靴子 a pair of red boots 42.看起来现代并且漂亮 look modern and beautiful .43.和都,不仅而 且bothand 44.今天的表演到此结束 Thats all for todays show 45.由制成 be made of 二请预习课文,完成书本练习 P95,96 页(B1,B2,B3) 通过预习你还存在什么疑问?_ 【学海拾贝】:读课文,回答问题。 1. What is Millie

6、wearing? _. 2. Who is wearing a red and grey tie?_. 3. What is Simon wearing?_. 4. Who looks cool?_. 5. What is Amy wearing?_. 6. What is Daniel wearing?_. 7. What do young people really like wearing?_. 1 I want to give Mille . ( 一盒巧克力 作为招待 ). 2 (别敲门 ). Dad is sleeping. 3 We like to . (用南瓜做一些特殊的灯笼 )

7、. 4 Wendy wrote a letter to Mille to thank her for . . (告诉她有关万胜节 的情况 ). 5 We are going to have a special party . (在10月1日 晚上). 8. What is Sandy wearing? _. 9. What does Sandy look like? _ 【堂清巩固】一词汇 1.B_ Li Ping and his friend are good students. 2.You look c_ in red. 3.Look! Some parents are sitting a

8、_ the students. What are they doing? 4.I like the car with _(舒适的)seats. 5.Who is the boy? He is so _ (聪明的). 6.Different people like different _ (款式) of clothes. 7.What are the _ (围巾) made of? Are they made of silk? 8.Simon looks _ (精干的 ) in his red and grey tie. 9.I dont like the _ (领带) here. They d

9、ont match my suit at all. 10.The _ (衬衫) matches her skirt well. 二动词填空。 1. They are thinking about _ (visit) England now. 2. She often practises _ (play) the piano after school. 3. The blouse is too large for me _ (wear). Do you have a smaller one? 4. I _ (listen) to the radio now. 5. Its late. Why n

10、ot go to bed? I _ (wait) for Jenny? 三单项选择。 ( ) 1.The coat is made _ wool. A. from B. in C. of D. by ( ) 2.Thats _ for this class. Thank you. A. all B. both C. all right D. right ( ) 3.There is a factory _ the farm and the hospital. A. among B. in the front of C. between D. of ( )4.The teacher is _ h

11、is photos to us. A. show B. showing C. shows D. is show ( )5.Among the trees _ an old bike. A. is B. are C. has D. with ( )6.Hobo doesnt know _. A. when to do B. what to do C. how to do D. where to do ( )7.There are some flowers on _ sides of the road. A. each B. every C. both D. all ( )8.Who are yo

12、u waiting _ the bus stop? A. for at B. for C. at D. for on 四阅读理解。 There is going to be a fashion show to raise money for the Project Hope (希望工程) this evening. Some of my classmates are going to model (穿戴展示) clothes from the 1980s to the 1990s. Wang Yang is going to wear a red shirt with a blue tie.

13、Zhang Hai is going to wear a black and white wool skirt that belongs to (属于) her aunt. Lin Fang is going to wear a purple cotton T-shirt. Are you going to come to our fashion show and donate(捐献) some money to the poor children in China? Please come here as quickly as possible. ( ) 1.The fashion show

14、 is to raise money for _. A. Project Hope B. animals C. the poor children of Aisa.(亚洲) D. the old people ( )2.Wang Yong is going to _. A. wear a red shirt with a green tie. B. wear a blue T-shirt with a red tie C. wear a red shirt with a blue tie D. wear a blue T-shirt with a white one ( )3.Li Mei i

15、s going to wear _ skirt. A. her mothers B. her aunts C. her sisters D. her classmates ( )4.Lin Fang is going to wear to _. A. brown silk shirt B. purple cotton T-shirt C. yellow cotton T-shirt D. a white woolen shirt ( )5.The clothes at the show fashion are from _ A. the 1980s to the 1990s B. the 1970s to the 1980s C. the 1960s to the 1970s D. the 1990s to the 2000s


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