2015秋牛津译林版英语七上Unit 5《Let’s celebrate》(Reading 1)word教案.doc

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1、Unit5 Lets celebrate! Reading(1) 班级 姓名 学号 等第 书写_ 【学习目标】 1、 学习有关万圣节的知识。 2、 初步了解信件的写作格式 3、 培养阅读能力和阅读技巧。 【重难点】 词汇:October, special, call, knock, shout, candy, if, paint, face, wonderful, cut, chocolate, 词组:tellabout, in the USA, at Halloween, knock on the door 句型:Thank you for telling me about Mid-Autu

2、mn Festival. If they do no give us a treat, we can play a trick on them. 【学法指导】 1.小组课前通过查找资料、讨论万圣节的历史。 2.合作解决上述重难点内容,合作解决学习中遇到的新问题,用记号标记,课堂上教师点 拨。 【课堂探究】 I. 预习检测: 1、和他们开玩笑_2、玩一个叫“不招待就使坏”的游戏 _ 3、给我们一些糖果作为款待_4、穿特殊的带有面具的衣服_ 5、我最喜欢的节日_ II. 阅读课文,小组合作完成下列问题: 1. When did Wendy write the letter? 2. What do

3、people do on October 31 st? 3. What do the children do for Halloween? 4. What do Wendy and his friends wear at Halloween? 5. What do they make for Halloween? 6. How do they make a pumpkin lantern? 7. When do Wendys family have a party? 8. What do they do at the party? III小组合作并完成下列表格 Wendys favourite

4、 festival 1)_ 装 订 线 Date of the holiday On 2)_ 31st Activities Play a game called trick or treat by 3)_ on peoples doors and the neighbours usually give them a 4)_ of some candy. 5) _ up at Halloween with masks or6)_ our faces. Make lanterns out of 7)_ for Halloween. Families always have a party on

5、the 8) _ of October 31st. We enjoy 9)_ by having lots of nice sweets or food. 【课堂巩固】 In the _, people _ Halloween. They _ a special party_ October 31 st. The _ always play a game _ trick or _. They knock on _ doors and shout _ or _. If the family dont give _ a _, they can _ _ _ on them. The children

6、 always _ _ at Halloween. Sometimes they _ their faces. D. 课后拓展 一、单项选择 1. Thank you for _the cake _ me. A. share; for B. to share; with C. sharing; for D. sharing; with 2. _ do you celebrate the Chinese New Year? _ giving presents to each other. A. How; By B. How; For C. What; By D. What; For 3. Chi

7、nese people _our Chinese New Year _ many ways. A. celebrate; on B. celebrate; in C. celebrates; in D. celebrates; on 4. The light_ the eyes, the nose and the teeth. A. shines in B. shines by C. shines; through D. shines; at 5. They give the children candies _ presents _ the festival. A. as; as B. as

8、; for C. for; for D. to; for 6. They give us a treat _ some candy and we give some chocolates _ them _a treat. A. as, to, of B. of, as,to C. as, of, to D. of, to, as 7. We use _ pumpkins to make our_lanterns. A. big orange, special own B. orange big, own, special C. big orange, own special D. orange

9、 big, special own 8. I am going to an old city with my friend _ Millie. The old city _Yangzhou. A. called, is called B. is called, caleed C. is caleed, is caleed D. called, called 9. That person _ a special costume is Mr Wu. A. wears B. in C. is in D. dresses 10. We have parties _ Christmas and _ Ne

10、w Years Day. A. at, on B. on, at C. on, on D. at, at 11. Thanks _ me _ my new schoollife. A. to tell, about B. for telling, with C. to tell, with D. for telling, about 12. What does “trick or treat” mean? It means “get a _or play a _”. A. treat; treat B. trick; treat C. trick; trick D. treat; trick

11、二、用所给词的适当形式填空 13. We _(not celebrate) Halloween in China. 14. The children play a game_( call) “trick or treat” 15. The party _(begin) at about 8:00 p.m 16. If they _(not give) us a treat, we can_(play) a trick on them. 17. I know how_(make) a pumpkin lantern. 18. We have _(drink) and lots of _(cand

12、y) for Halloween. 三、完成句子 19. 人们经常给孩子们糖果作为招待。 _ _. 20. 我有个名叫 silence 的网友。 _ _. 21. 你会制作小橘灯吗? _ _? 22. 四月一号人人都可以开别人的玩笑。 _ _. 23. 春节的时候我们总会把自己好好打扮一番。 _ _. 四、阅读理解 Mothers Day is a holiday for mothers. Its celebrated in the U.S., England and other countries. Little by little, its widely(广泛地)celebrated. M

13、others Day is on the second Sunday in May. On that day, many people give presents of love to their mothers. If their mothers are alive(活着), they often wear a pink or a red carnation(康乃馨). If their mothers are dead( 死), they wear a white one. The celebration of the first American Mothers Day was held

14、(被举行) in Philadephein(费城)on May 10, 1908. Soon the holiday became popular. In China people do the same thing on this day for mothers. And in some cities people sometimes ask a song to be broadcast(广播) for their mothers only. 1 Mothers Day is on_ in May. A. the 1st Saturday B. the 2nd Sunday C. the 2

15、nd Saturday D. the 4th Sunday 2 On that day, people give_ to their mothers. A. pineapple B. presents of top C. flowers D. presents of love 3 The first Mothers Day was celebrated more than_ years ago. A. one hundred B. eighty C. ninety D. seventy 4 The word “celebration” means_. A.庆祝会 B. 演唱会 C. 宴会 D.

16、聚会 5 What kind of present do people give their mothers in some cities in China? A. They sing songs for their mothers. B. They ask songs for their mothers. C. They buy beautiful presents for their mothers. D. They wear flowers for their mothers 五、缺词填空 One day, Tony was crossing the track(铁轨), when he

17、 saw that there was s_1_ wrong with it, one of the rails(钢轨) seemed to be o_2_ of its place. Just then he heard a noise, “The train is c_3_!” Tony didnt think of any danger(危险) to himself, and he ran and stood in the m_4_ of the track, not f_5_ from the place where the rail was b_6_, and then he hel

18、d out his arms and waited. On and on came the train. The engineer(火车司机) saw the boy on the track and whistled(放汽笛) for him to get out of the way. But Tony stood still and d_7_ move. The engineer h _8_ to stop the train. He was angry and he carried out of the boy and asked him w_9_ he stood on the track. But when Tony pointed to the broken rail and the man saw that the brave little boy had save d (救) the train and the l_10_ of the people on it, he was moved into tears(眼泪). 1._ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _ 6. _ 7. _ 8. _ 9. _ 10. _


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