2016春广东版开心英语三下Unit 4《Fruit》word教案及练习.doc

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1、三年级下册教学设计 Unit 4 Fruit Objectives and requirements: Language Target: Whats this? Its a pear. Oh.Are these peaches? No,they arent.Theyre oranges. Yum! Are these grapes? Yes, they are. Dont touch! Sounds and words: /m/,/n/,/b/ Vocabulary Key words: bananas, pears, oranges, cherries, strawberries, peac

2、hes, grapes, watermelons. Sounds and words: monkey, watermelon, banana, nine, strawberry, balloon. Story: At the supermarket The first period 一、Teaching target: 1.Learn the new words: bananas, pears, oranges, cherries, strawberries, peaches, grapes, watermelons. 2.Master the sounds of “s” and “es”.

3、二、Teaching key and difficult points: 1. The new words to learn. 2. “s” and “es”sounds: /s/, /z/, /iz/. 三、Teaching procedure: Step 1 1. Greetings. 2. Ask and answer: whats this/that? Its a banana. What color is it? Its yellow. Is this/that a yellow banana? Yes, it is./ No, it isnt. 3. Sing the song:

4、whats that? Step 2 1. Hold up some real bananas and say: I like fruit. Look! Bananas.I like bananas. Bananas,bananas. Students read the words after the teacher again and again. 2. Use the same way to teach the other fruits: pears, oranges, cherries,etc. 3. Play the tape and have Ss repeat each word.

5、 4. Let students point to the pictures and read the words. Step 3 1. Explain the(“s” or “es”) in different words have three sounds /s/, /z/, /iz/. 2. Read the new words two times together. Step 4 1. Finish Activity 1. Read, match and say. 2. Check the answers and read them aloud. Step 5 Play a game:

6、 Touch the words. 四、Practice: 1. 用 a 或 an 填空 _ pear _ banana _ orange _cherry _ apple _ grape _ peach _ watermelon _ strawberry 五、Homework: 1.Copy the new words for eight times. 2. Read the new words for three times. 六、Write on the blackboard: Unit 4 Fruit 单数 a banana a pear an orange a cherry 复数 ba

7、nanas pears oranges cherries 单数 a strawberry a peach a grape a watermelon 复数 strawberries peaches grapes watermelons The second period 一、Teaching target: 1.Can read and use the new words to practice. 2.掌握名词的单数与复数的形式变化。 二、Teaching key and difficult points: 1. Can read the new words . 2.名词的单数与复数的形式变化。

8、 三、Teaching procedure: Step 1 1. Greetings. 2. Use the pictures to review the words: bananas, pears, oranges, cherries, strawberries, peaches, grapes, watermelons. 3. Play a game: Touch the words. Step 2 1. Listen to the vocabulary and have Ss repeat each word. 2. 解释名词的单数与复数的形式变化规则。 (1) 一般情况, 加-s. e

9、g. bananas, pears, watermelons. (2) 以 s, x, sh, ch 等结尾的词, 加-es. eg. peaches, watches. (3) 以辅音字母加 y 结尾的词,变 y 为 i 再加-es. eg: cherry- cherries, strawberry- strawberries. (4) 以 f 或 fe 结尾的词,则把 f 或 fe 改为 v,再加 es . eg: knife-knives 3. Let students make notes and then read them two times. Step 3 1. Do some

10、exercises. ( 写出下列单词的复数形式。) banana pear watermelon peach watch cherry strawberry orange grape zoo knife panda noodle monkey box cat 2. Check the answers and read them aloud. Step 4 1. Do some exercises in workbook. 2. Check the answers and read them aloud. Step 5 Play a guess game. 四、Homework: 1. 写出下

11、列单词的复数形式。 (dog, kite 等) 2. 读名词复数构成形式的变化规则 2 次。 五、Write on the blackboard: Unit4 Fruit 名词变复数的形式变化规则: 1.一般情况, 加-s. eg. bananas, pears, watermelons. 2.以 s, x, sh, ch 等结尾的词, 加-es. eg. peaches, watches. 3.以辅音字母加 y 结尾的词,变 y 为 i 再加-es. eg: cherry- cherries, strawberry- strawberries. 4.以 f 或 fe 结尾的词,则把 f 或

12、fe 改为 v,再加 es . eg: knife-knives The third period 一、教学目标 1) 能听说读单词 they these 2) 能听说读句型:Whats this? Its Are these ? Yes, they are. / No, they arent. What are these? Theyre 3) 能熟练运用句型进行操练和交际。 二、教学重点、难点 1)能读懂句型,并能作出正确的回答。 2)能熟练运用所学过的水果单词套用在句型中操练和交际。 三、教学过程 Step 1: warm-up (1) Lets chant: Whats that? (

13、2) Review the words: banana bananas pear pears orange oranges cherry cherries strawberry strawberries peach peaches grape grapes watermelon watermelons Step 2 新课学习(Target) (1) 教师出示水果单数的图片提问:Whats this? 让学生回答:It s线 they, 然后学习发音,让学生读懂理解 they. 并引导学 生回答:Theyre Whats this? Its a pear / an orange. (作板书 )

14、(2) 教师出示水果复数的图片提问:What are they? 下画 What are they? Theyre pears/ oranges. (板书) (3) 教师出示 oranges 复数图片提问:Are these peaches? ,边问边教 读单词 these,并板书学习,同时与 this 单词作区别:(教师拿 着单数 orange 的图片)Is this a peach?让学生回答:No, it isnt. 那么,Are these peaches? these 是复数,我们就不能用 it, 应 该用 they, 所以正确的回答是:No, they arent. (arent

15、是缩写, 分写是 are not) Are these peaches? No, they arent. (板书) (4) T: What are these? 教师引导学生回答:Theyre oranges.(板书) (5) 教师继续用正确的复数的水果图片提问:Are these.? 让 学生回答 Yes,they are. (板书) 并重复操练,让学生熟练牢固记 忆。 (6) The students repeat all the new sentences after the teacher. (7) Listen to the radio and read after the radi

16、o. (8) Together read the sentences of Target Step3 游戏巩固练习 (1)Look at the picture and answer the questions.(分组比赛) (2)Look at the picture and ask the questions.(分组比赛) (3)听音乐传球,音乐停止拿着球的同学回答问题。 四、课堂作业 一、按要求回答下列问题。 1 Whats this? (香蕉)_ 2.What are these? ( 樱桃) _ 3. Are these cherries? (否定回答)_ 4. Is this a

17、peach? (肯定回答)_ 二、用横线画出下列句子中错误的地方,并改正。 1. Is these a cherry? Yes, it is . _ 2. Are these grape? No, they arent. _ 3. Is these peaches? Yes, they are. _ 4. Are these watermelons? No. these arent. _ 5. What is this? Theyre a pear. _ 五 Write on the board: Unit 4 Fruit 1. Whats this ? Its a /an 水果名词(单数)

18、2. Are these 水果名词(复数)? Yes, they are. / No, they arent. 3.What are they? Theyre 水果名词(复数) they 他们(与 are 搭配) 单数: it she he these 这些(与 are 搭配) 单数:this arent = are not The fourth period 一、Teaching target: 1. Can use the words and sentences to practice. 2. Can read and understand the story . 3. Finish Pr

19、actice 1,2 and Activity 2. 4. Can sing the song “What are these ?”. 二、Teaching key and difficult points: 1. Can read and understand the story 2. Master the sentence “ Dont touch!”. 三、Teaching procedure: Step 1 1. Greetings. 2. Use the pictures to review the words. Step 2 1. Point to the real things

20、or pictures ask and answer: What are these ? They are. Are these.? Yes,they are./No, they arent. 2. Listen to the target and have Ss repeat each sentence 3. Have Ss act out the target in pairs. Step 3 1. Listen to the story and pausing after each sentence to have Ss repeat. 2. Explain the story and

21、let Ss understand the sentence “ Dont touch!”. 3. Put Ss into groups of three and have them act out the story. 4.The whole class read the story again and again. Step 4 1. Sing the song “What are these ?”. 2. Finish Practice 1. Listen and number. Check the answers. 3. Finish Practice 2: (1) Put the p

22、icture cards on the blackboard and ask; What are these ? Are these grapes ? (Elicit answers) (2) Listen and answer the questions in practice 2. Step 5 Play a guess game to finish Activity 2. 四、Practice in class 用 it 和 they 填空 1. What are these? _ are apples. 2.What is this? _ is a pear. 3. I like wa

23、termelons. _ are green. 4. Are these peaches? Yes, _ are. 5. This is an orange. _ is orange. 五、Homework: 1. Sing the song “What are these ?” to parents. 2. Read and copy the story two times. 六、Write on the blackboard: Unit4 Fruit What are these? Theyre. Are these.? Yes, they are./ No, they arent. Do

24、nt touch, Gogo! (祈使句否定式) touch 触摸 The fifth period 一、教学目标: 1能听懂、会说、会读、会写单词:monkey watermelon banana nine strawberry balloon 2能够总结字母的发音规则。 3. 能正确朗读/m / /n/ / b/ 的发音。 4. 掌握 Look and write 的单词书写。 二、教学重点、难点 1.熟练读出单词 monkey watermelon banana nine strawberry balloon 2.学会举一反三,根据字母的发音找出相对应的发音的单词。 3.让学生用这些单词

25、组词和造句并且读给全班听。 三、教学过程 Step1: Warming up Lets sing: What are these? Review: T: Whats this? (教师出示单词图片问) Ss: Its a monkey/ a banana/ a strawberry/ a watermelon/ nine/ a balloon Step2:新课学习 1. 出示单词图片:monkey watermelon banana nine strawberry balloon 2. 学生开火车拼读单词,学生读,教师把该单词板书出来 3. 画出单词的发音字母 m n b 4. T: Lets

26、 practice this sound. 5. T: m-/m/ n-/n/ b-/b/ 然后学生跟着读。 6. Have Ss look at the picture on the page . 7. Play the tape and have Ss point to each word as the tape says it . 8. Have Ss repeat after the tape . 9. After enough practice ,point to the pictures randomly and have Ss say the words. Step 2. P31

27、 Look and write . 1. 出示课件让学生观看:单词的四线格书写演示。 2. 学生自己模仿练习书写。 3. 分组评价书写,教师给予五星奖励。 Step 3. Listen and say (分组比赛,看哪一组说得又快又准又多 ) T: m - /m/ S: mother / monkey/ watermelon/ animal T: n - /n/ S: nine / nice / banana. T: b -/b/ S: balloon/ strawberry/ box / big/ bird. 四、课堂作业 一、判断下列单间单词划线部分的发音是否相同,相同的写“T” , 否则

28、写“F” 。 1. mother monkey ( ) 2.nine my ( ) 3. bread balloon ( ) 4.watch watermelon ( ) 5. balloon banana ( ) 6.nice no ( ) 五、Write on the blackboard: Unit4 Fruit m /m/ : monkey watermelon - mother my n /n/ : banana nine - nice no b /b/ : strawberry balloon - big box Unit 4 Fruit 知识点梳理 一、熟练掌握水果单词的听说读写

29、。 二、区别好单词的单数与复数形式,掌握好名词变复数的规律。 三、能听说读懂句型,熟练运用句型进行交际训练。 四、掌握是动词 be 在句型中的运用。 五、掌握单数句型与复数句型的转换。 六、语音部分中让学生读准单词中的字母发音,培养学生初步的 辨音能力。 Unit 4 Fruit 练习设计 (听力部分) 一、听音,选出你听到的选项,把编号写在左边的括号里。 ( )1. A. pear B. pears C.peach ( ) 2. A. nine B. nice C. fine ( )3. A. balloon B. ball C. small ( ) 4. A. ten B. pen C.

30、pencil ( )5. A. this B. that C. these ( ) 6. A. banana B. cherry C. grape 二、听音,选出你听到的句子。 ( )1. A. Whats this? B. Whats that? ( )2. A. What are they? B. What are these? ( )3. A. Are these peaches? B. Are these pears ( )4. A. Yes, they are ? B. No, they arent. ( )5. A. Are these watermelons? B.Are the

31、y watermelons? 三、听音,在横线上写出正确的单词。 1 .Whats _? Its _ _. 2.What are _? They are _. 3.Are these grapes? Yes, they _. 4.Are these peaches? No, they _. 5.Is _ a watermelon? Yes, _ is. (笔试部分) 四、写出下列单词的复数形式。 1.orange_ 2. cherry _3. this _ 4.peach _ 5. pear _ 6.strawberry _ 7.apple _ 8. banana _ 9. watermelo

32、n _ 10. is _ 11. grape _ 12 watch _ 五、用 am is are 填空。 1. What _ it? It _ a banana. 2. What _ this? It _ an orange. 3.What _ these? They _ grapes. 4.What _ they? They _ peaches. 5._ these apples? Yes, they_ 6._ that a strawberry? No, it _ not. 六、在横线上填上正确的单词。 1. one _ ( 苹果) 2. three_( 草莓) 3.ten _ ( 桃果

33、) 4.nine _ ( 桔子) 5. a _ (西瓜 ) 6. six _(葡萄 ) 七、写出下列词的缩写。 1. Do not _ 2. are not _ 3. it is _ 4. What is _ 5. they are _ 6. does not _ 八、连词成句。 1. are , pears , these (?) _ 2.bananas ,they ,are yellow (.) _ 3. this , is what (?) _ 4. like, I apple , red a (.) _ 5.they , peaches, are (.) _ 九、选词填空。 (pear peaches these yes what do are ) 1.What are _ ? Theyre apples. 2._ these bananas? _ , they are. 3.I like _ ! 4. _ you like grapes? Yes, I do. 5. _ do you like? I like oranges. 6. Is that a _ ? Yes, it is.


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