2016春牛津上海版英语八下Uint 1《Tree》word单元词汇讲解.docx

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2016春牛津上海版英语八下Uint 1《Tree》word单元词汇讲解.docx_第1页
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1、8B Unit 1 Trees 1. pollute (v.) pollution (n.) *Pollution has become one of the most serious problems of todays society. *The factories arent allowed to let out dirty water for it may pollute the river. *Trees are thought as pollution fighters. 2. f ight(v. n.)争斗,斗争 fight (against) sb / sth fighter

2、(n.) 斗士 3. scientist (n.)科学家 science ( n.)科学 4. collect (v.)收集 collection (n.) 收藏品 *He used to collect stamps when he was a young boy. *The dustmen collect the rubbish once a day. *My father usually collects me after school 5. She is interviewing Doctor Ray. interview (v. n) interviewer (n.) intervi

3、ewee (n.) trainer-trainee. / emplover-employee 6. interest *He is telling a story to the children which interests them a lot. *Tom takes great interest in stamps collection. interested (a.) *be interested in +n./doing sth 7 .live (v.) 生活 直播的(a.) a live football match alive (adj.) living (adj.) livel

4、y (adj.) life (n) *When the boy was found at last .he was still alive. *We must leart a living language not adead one. *The young are usually lively and active. 8. on the earth = in the world 当 earth 作为地球时. 前加“the” space 前不加“the” 9. good. 文中为 n. 用处 = use *I am only telling you this for your own good

5、. *What good is it repainting if you are thinking of moving? 10. make. + adj. make us healthy / make it lighter. make. + n We all made Mary our monitor.班长 make.+ do sth . make me finish it in an hour. 11. else 通常位于疑问词 what/ where/ who 等或 nothing/ nobody/ no one/ something/ anything 等不定 代词之后 *What el

6、se did he say? *Do you want anything else, sir? -Thanks nothing else. 12.woods (n) a piece of wood woods =forest wooden (a) a wooden table 13. in the end = finally =at last at the end of +time /place 14.1) suppose (that) + a sentence *Scientists suppose that large dinosaurs lived in swamps . 2)breat

7、he (v. )呼吸 be out of breath 气喘吁吁 take a deep breath 做一次深呼吸 15. thank (sb.)for+n./doing sth *Thank for your help *Thank you for lending me your notebook thankful (a.) 感激的 be thankful to sb. for sth. 16. produce(v.) production (n.) 生产过程 the production of cars product (n.) 产品 well-made products cost mo

8、re 制作精美的产品比一般贵 17. enough oxygen/time/money enough + n. (+to do ) adj. +enough (+to do) 18 .keep sb/sth +adj. 保持处于某种状态 keep the door open Im sorry to keep you waiting for so long keep sb/sth +doing 让一直做某事 19. Trees not only clean the air but also cool it. Trees cool the air and clean it as well. 20.

9、 natural (a.) nature (n.) naturally (adv. ) 21. know / learn /eat a lot . a lot 跟 v .后 22. begin (v .) begin to do .= begin doing beginning (n .) at the beginning of 在。 。 。开始 23. warn (v .) warn sb. of sth. warn sb. (not) to do sth. warn (not) doing *The teacher warned the boys of the deep waiter. *

10、She warned her husband of the danger of driving so fast. *The policeman warned the boy not to play football in the streets. warning (n .) It happened without any warning. 24. protect.from / against. 1) You should put on more clothes to protect yourself against /from cold. 2) Sun glasses many protect

11、 your eyes from the sun. protection (n .) protective (a .) *You may improve your spoken English by talking with the native speakers. 25. chemical ( a . n . ) 化学的, 化学物质 chemistry ( n . ) 化学 a chemistry teacher . a chemical change. do chemistry homework dangerous chemicals. 26. communicate (v .) 交流 co

12、mmunicate.with communication (n .) 交流 *Being deaf makes communication difficult. deaf 聋子 * We should communicate with our parents if we meet some problems. 27. one another each other 28. be in danger (n .) ( be out of danger ) dangerous ( a .) 29. replace (re do sth again ) rebuild . repaint/ replay/ rewrite/ review/ repeat 30.destroy 彻底毁灭,很难恢复。 damage 价值降低,或外表破损,有修复可能 *The heavy rain destroyed our hope of a panic. *The heavy rain damaged a lot of houses in this area. *The town destroyed by the war.


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