2016春牛津译林版英语七下Unit 1《Dream homes》word讲学稿.doc

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1、Unit 1 Dream homes(第一课时) 【单 元 总 览】 同学们,欢迎进入本单元学习!本单元是有关“梦想之家”这一主题内容。你有 自 己梦想的家吗?会使用英语来描述一些国家和首都、房屋和家居设施的名称吗? 本 单元介绍了具有实用功能的描述“梦想之家”的用语,并介绍了一些家中使用物 的 词汇,还介绍了基数词、序数词和介词。 【基本知识及技能】 本单元需要学生掌握与环境设施相关的常用见词汇及表达法,要求学生具备一定的 听、说、读、写能力。通过听、说、读、写掌握本单元的对话、短文和相关词汇, 并运用新词汇来谈论各自不同的居住情况。 【情感态度及文化意识】激发学生对本单元话题的兴趣,在了解

2、本单元学习的内容要点后,指导学生有效 地学习和掌握国家、首都和家居的词汇;让学生在合作中体会集体智慧的力量, 取长补短,共同进步;了解不同国家的居住条件和文化差异的时候,进行爱国主 义教育,团结各国朋友。 Comic strip + Welcome to the unit (第一课时) 【学习目标】 1、 听、说、读、写下列词汇:dream, capital, palace 2、 2、 掌握 next to, would like to do 初步掌握形容词比较级和最高级。 【课前准备】 (一)你知道下列国家的首都吗? China _ France _ England _ America _

3、Russia _ Thailand _ Japan _ (二)根据汉语意思完成句子。 1 你想住在宫殿里吗? _ you _ to live in a _? 2 那个老人想住在旅馆的隔壁。 The old man _ to live _ _ a _. 3 你最喜欢的城市是哪个? Which is your _ _? 4 最大的那个是我的。 The _ one is _. 【体验与实践】: 1. 预习情况交流: 同学们,你们能完成本课时的词汇背诵任务吗? 能否说出这些国家 的首都吗?加油呀! 从第二栏中找出与第一栏对应的国家。 ( ) 1. Toykyo A. France ( ) 2. Par

4、is B. China ( ) 3. Beijing C. Thailand ( ) 4. Moscow D. Russia ( ) 5. London E. The UK ( ) 6. Bangkok F. the USA ( ) 7. Washington DC G. Japan 【知识链接】 1、next to 相邻,隔壁,在 旁边,紧靠 aHe lives next to me. 他居住在我隔壁。 牛津英语讲学稿 ( 7B) bThey live next to each other. 他们住的很近。 2、The biggest one. 最大的那个。 biggest 最大的。 是形容

5、词的最高级。形容词比较级和最高级的形式为: a. 基本形式为比较级在原级后加-er 最高级加-est. 如:cold-colder-coldest green-greener-greenest b. 末尾以 e 结尾的直接加-r 或st. 如:nice-nicer-nicest c. 以辅音字母加 y 结尾的_.( 自己动脑筋哦) 如:early-earlier-earliest d以重读闭音节结尾,末尾只有一个辅音字母的_ 如:red-redder-reddest big-bigger-biggest 【目标达成检测】 一、句型转换。 1. Would you like an apple?

6、(同义句) _ _ _ an apple? 2. Id like to live next to a restaurant.(划线部分提问) _ _ _ _ to live? 3. The biggest restaurant is my favourite.(划线部分提问) _ _ is your favourite? 4. The capital of Japan is Tokyo. (划线部分提问)_ _ is the capital of Japan? 5. Hed like to live here.(改为一般疑问句) _ _ _ to live here? 二、根据中文写出句子。

7、1巴黎是法国的首都。 Paris is the _ of _. 2 你最喜欢的饮料是什么? _ is your _ _? 3 他想住在你家隔壁吗? _ _ _ to live _ _ your house? 4 最大的那个房间是我的。 _ _ room is _. 5 哪个是你的自行车?红色的那辆。 _ is your bike? The _ _. 【学后记】: 我的收获 _ 我的不足 _ _ _ _ _ Unit 1 Dream homes (第二课时) ( Reading I ) 【学习目标】 1、你想知道 Stephen, Madee, Neil, Anna 四个人住在什么地方,他们的家

8、居又有什么 特 点吗?好,现在我就带你分别到他 们家走走。 2、 学习有关家居的英语知识。 【课前自主学习】 牛津英语讲学稿 ( 7B) 一、把下列汉语翻译成英语,并且背诵。 1、附近 2、住在宫殿 3、最长的那一个 4、中国的首都 5、看漫画书 6、朝外看 7、坐在地板上 8、一个木头房子 9、爬梯子 10、在五月 2 号 11、在起居室 12、在莫斯科市中心 13、对他们友好 14、和我分享一个大蛋糕 15、听音乐 16、饭后 17、在繁忙的街道上 18、家里第二个孩子 19、我最喜爱的地方 20、玩的开心 二、回答下列问题。 1Where does Stephen live? 2How

9、many rooms are there in Stephens house? 3What place is Stephens favourite? 4Where does Madee live? 5Who does Madee live with? 6How many people are there in Madees family? 7Where does Neil live? 8Which room is Neils favourite in the house? 9Where does Anna live? 10、Is Annas flat big? 体验与实践 一、预习情况交流:同

10、学们,你们能完成本课时的词汇和课文背诵任务吗? 这可是对你 的英语学习很有帮助的呀!不要怕!努力吧! 1)根据文章判断下列句子是否正确,正确的写 T, 错误的写 F。 ( ) 1. Stephen lives in a small house in Long Beach, California. ( ) 2. There are 12 rooms in Stephens house. ( ) 3. Stephen can watch TV on the balcony. ( ) 4. Madee lives in a small town in Thailand. ( ) 5. Madee c

11、limbs a ladder to get into her house. ( ) 6. Madee has her own room. ( ) 7. Neil lives in a big house in a town near London. ( ) 8. Neils favourite room is the kitchen. ( ) 9. Neil often watches TV in the sitting room. ( ) 10. Anna lives in the center of Moscow. ( ) 11. Anna lives in a very large fl

12、at. ( ) 12. Annas neighbours are friendly. 2). 重点热点点击:根据课文填入适当的介词 1Tom likes chatting _ friends _ the balcony. 2. They often sit _ the floor cushions and look out _ the beach. 3. Madee lives _ a small town _ Thailand. 4. Her house is _ a river. 5. She often climbs a ladder to get _ her house. 6. _ t

13、he evenings, Neil watches TV _ the sitting room. 7. Amy lives _the center _ Moscow _ her family _ a flat _ a busy street. 二、让我们也来描述自己的家吧! 1. Where do you live? 2. Do you have your own bedroom? 3. My favourite room is 4. Our house/ flat is in a quiet place. 5. Do you sleep on bunk beds? 6. Where do y

14、ou your homework? I live _ _ _ _ _ 【课外拓展研究】:阅读理解: This is Wendy. She is from Canada. She is 14 years old. She loves playing computer games. She wears glasses. She is good at dancing. Wendys parents are English teachers in China. Her brothers name is Tim. He was born in China. Hes 4 years old. Hes yo

15、ung. He doesnt go to school. Their grandfather looks after him. ( ) 1. Wendy is clever at dancing. ( ) 2. Wendy and Tims grandfather goes to work. ( ) 3. Tim is a Canadian boy. ( ) 4. Tim wears glasses. ( ) 5. Wendys family is in China now. 【学后记】: 我的收获 _ 我的不足 _ _ _ Unit 1 Dream homes(第三课时) ( Reading

16、 II ) 【学习目标】 1、 掌握重点词组。 2、 背诵课文。能用所学知识向别人介绍自己的房子。 【课前自主学习】 根据所给单词的首字母和句意写出单词。 1. He lives in Long B_, California. 2. I like the b_ because I can play games there. 3. We sit on the big floor c_. 4. I watch TV in the s room. 5. I live in a small t_ in Thailand. 6. The old man lives in a w_ house. 7. H

17、e often climbs a l_ to get into my house. 8. The house is very beautiful and q_. 9. My parents live in the c_ of Beijing. 10. Lily s_ a bedroom with Lucy. 【体验与实践】 1)预习情况交流: 翻译下列词组: 1. 住在一间大房子里 _ 2 朝外看着海滩和大海_ 牛津英语讲学稿 ( 7B) 3起居室 _4 一个小镇 _ 5一间木头房子 _6 爬楼梯进入房子 _ 7做饭 _8 在客厅里 _ 9在花园里睡觉 _10 莫斯科市中心 _ 11在一个繁忙

18、的街道_12 跟我的姐姐分享一个卧室_ 【知识链接】 1. We sit on the floor and look out at the beach and the sea. 我们坐在地板上,朝外看着海滩和大海。 look out “朝外看” ,在句中作谓语。后加名词时要加 at.例如: She often looks out at the birds in class. 她经常在上课时看外面的鸟。 Look out of the window. 朝窗外看。 look out “小心,朝外看”。相当于 be careful 例如: Look out! A bus is coming.小心,有

19、辆车过来 了。 Look out for the thieves. 当心贼。 2.The house is over a river.“房子在河上面”。 over 介词, “在正上方”,例如: There is a plane flying over the city.有一架飞机在城市上空飞行。 The workers built another bridge over the Huangpu River. 工人们在黄浦江上又建了一座桥。 over= more than “超过,多于 ”。例如: I stayed in London for over a month last year.去年我

20、在伦敦呆了一个多月。 The trees there are over 20 metres tall.那儿的树二十多米高。 over “越过” 。例如: He can climb over the wall easily.他能很容易地翻过围墙。 3I climb a ladder to get into my house.我爬上梯子进入我家。 to get into my house 动词不定式,在句中作目的状语。 to get into=to enter“进入” 。例如: I got into the post office and bought some stamps yesterday.

21、 昨天我进入邮局,买了几张邮票。 4. My family and I often sit in the kitchen while my mother makes dinner. 当我妈妈烹饪时,我和家里人经常坐在厨房。 My family and I,英语中当第一 “我”和其它名词并列主语时,通常把“我”放在最后。例如: Li Lei, Jim and I are going to the zoo on Sunday morning. 我和李雷、吉姆准备星期天早晨去动物园。 while 引导时间状语从句, 意为“在期间”“在时”, 常表示一段较长的时间或 一个过程,强调主句的动词和从句的动

22、词所表示的动作或状态是同时发生的,此从 句中通常用进行时态, 动词通常用延续性动词。例如: Please keep quiet while others are studying. 在别人学习的时候,请保持安静。 5. I share a bedroom with my sister.我和我姐姐合用一个卧室。 share 动词, “分享,合用”,在句中作谓语。可以固定词组 share with “与分享”。 例如: We share a bedroom between us.我们俩合用一个卧室。 He will share the cost with you.他将与你分摊费用。 The boy

23、 shares the toys with other children.那男孩和别的孩子一起玩玩具。 【巩固练习提高】 一、用所给动词的适当形式填空。 1. Thank you for _(give) me the presents. 2. Can he _(chat) with his friends in the sitting room? 3. He would like _(share) the room with his brother. 4. He spends two hours every day _(practise) _(speak) English. 5. I have

24、 lots of things _(buy). 6. Im sorry he has no time _(talk) to you now. 7. Do you like _(read) story books? 8. Look! The boys _(play) basketball on the playground. 9. Are you good at _(sing)? 10. Let him _(go). 【学后记】: 我的收获 _ 我的不足 _ _ _ Unit 1 Dream homes(第四课时) ( Vocabulary ) 【学习目标】 能够听、说、读、写有关家具的词汇。

25、【课前自主学习】 判断句子是否正确,正确的写 T,错误的写 F。 1. The bookshelf is in the kitchen. ( ) 2. The sink is in the bedroom. ( ) 3. The fridge is in the kitchen. ( ) 4. The bed is in the bedroom. ( ) 5. The bath is in the bathroom. ( ) 一、根据所给中文完成下列句子。 1我最喜欢的地方是阳台。 My _ _ is the _. 2我们喜欢坐在大坐垫上。 We like _ _ the big _ 3我的卧

26、室里有张双人床。 I have a _ _ in my room. 4我的朋友们都认为酷毙了。 My friends think this is _. 5他们经常爬楼梯进入房子。 They often _ the _ to _ _ the house. 6他住在市中心,他的父母住在小镇上。 He lives _ _ _ and his parents live _ _ _ _. 7他跟他弟弟分享同一间卧室。 He _ a bedroom _ his brother. 8那里很美但雨下得很多。 牛津英语讲学稿 ( 7B) It is _ but it _ _ _ there. 9当我妈妈做饭的时

27、候,我的家人很我经常坐在厨房里。 My family and I often sit _ _ _ _ my mother _ _. 10那个男孩和他的父母住在一个繁忙的街道里的一家公寓里。 The boy lives with his parents _ _ _ on a _ _. 【重点热点点击】 一、翻译下列词组: 1 两个碗橱 _ 2 许多书架_ 3 在衣橱里 _ 4 我的那些台灯_ 3、 在淋浴间_ 6 他的面盆_ 7 在浴缸里 _8 在洗碗池上_ 【目标达成检测】 一、根据所给中文及句意写出单词。 1. The _(碗橱) is in the kitchen. 2. Those _

28、(书架)are very beautiful. 3. My father is in the _ (淋浴间)now. 4. The _(台灯) on the desk are all mine. 5. Put your clothes in the _(衣橱), please. 6. Can you see the bowls in the _(洗碗池)? Wash them now. 7. He like taking a _(沐浴). 8. The football shoes are in the _(面盆). 二、用所给动词的适当形式填空。 1Do you like _(have) a

29、 bath in the bathroom? 2. Thank you for _(bring) me the book 3. Can you _(wash) the dishes? 4. He enjoys _(chat) with his friends on the balcony. 5. Would he like _(exercise) in the garden? 6. Do you often spend an hour _(read) books every day? 7. My mother has no time _(cook) for us. 8. He has many

30、 books _(read). 【课外拓展研究】 Jack and Sally are brother and sister. They are twins. They like to swim and ride a bike. They look very happy. But not all of their favourite games are the same. Jack likes to play football and Sally likes to make something, but Jack cant. Sally can sing very well and Jack

31、can throw the yo- yo very well. Sally wants a go. Both of them like flying kites, too. They often fly kites near their houses. ( ) 1. They both like _. A. swimming B. riding a bike C. flying kites D. all of them ( )2. Where do they fly kites? A. Near the river B. On a hill C. Near their houses D. At

32、 school ( )3. What does Sally like? A. Football B. Basketball C. Volleyball D. singing ( )4. What does Jack like doing? A. Playing football B. Making things. C. Swimming. D. Both A and C. 【学后记】: 我的收获 _ 我的不足 _ _ _ _ _ Unit 1 Dream homes(第五课时) ( Grammar I ) 【学习目的】 1、知识目标:人称代词主格的使用。 2、技能目标:通过本节课的学习,能让学

33、生掌握人称代词主格的用法。 3、情感目标:通过学习,学会正确使用人称代词主格,增强人与人之间的情感交流。 【课前自主学习】 一. 请你看一看 Daniel 的教室,你能用正确的介词来描述他们的位置吗? Hi, I am Daniel .This is my classroom I sit _1_ Millie and _2_ the second row . I sit _3_ _ Sandy and she sits _4_ Kitty and me . Amy sits _5_ _ _ Sandy and _6_ Millie and Simon .There is a big desk

34、_7_ the front _8_ our classroom .It is _9_ our teachers .You can see some chalk _10_ the desk .The door is _11_the windows . 二.用英文表示下列数字. 1. 4589 2. 24752 3. 2374091 4.723 5. 34589135 【体验与实践 1)预习情况交流(Talk about Kates classroom) 1.Who has a computer? 2. Is there a lamp on the small table ? 3. Wheres

35、the small table ? 4. Wheres the shelf? 5.Are there many things under her bed? 6.Is her room very tidy? 2). 重点热点点击 你能写出下列电话号码吗? 牛津英语讲学稿 ( 7B) 1.8906543 _2. 55556 7890_ 3.33362118_4. 68689253_ 5.63904321_ 请你帮助 Hobo 填正确的介词吗? 1.My father lives _ Room 88, the third floor _ that building . 2. The broom is

36、 _ the door, so I can not see it . 3.Andy sits _Tom and her . 4.The park is next_ the shop. 5.Would you like to come to my house _ Mid-autumn Day . 3).目标达成检测 翻译下列短语 1 在教室的后面 2 在双人床上面 3在公园和餐馆之间_ 4地上的篮球 _ 5在医院对面_6在李梅的后面_ 7湖上的一座桥_ 8在花园的左边_ 【课外拓展研究】 Children in the USA like K Day very much. K is for kit

37、es. March 7 is the day. On that day lots of children go out in the open air. They take their kites with them. One kite is very big. Others are small. They are in different colours. Every kite has a long string. To get the kites up, the children begin to run. They let out the string from the ball in

38、their hands. Now the kites are flying in the air. How nice they look. Now all of their kites are high up in the air. Some are higher than others. The one like a bird is the highest. But whats wrong? Its flying away! The string is broken. Another kite gets away, and more kites fly. But the children a

39、re running after them. They want to get them back. People are watching them and laughing. 根据短文内容,回答下列问题: 1. When do a lot of children go out in the pen air? 2. What do they take with them on that day? 3. Which kite is the highest? _ 4. What are people doing? _ 5. Whats the story about? Unit 1 Dream homes (第六课时) ( Grammar II ) 【学习目标】 a) 学习基数词。 b) 正确使用方位词。 【课前准备】 完成下列空白处: Neil will _1_ in Beijing on Sunday ., the _2_ of April . On the _3_ of April Neil 牛津英语讲学稿 ( 7B


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