2016秋人教精通版英语四上Unit 1《This is my new friend》(Lesson 6)教案.doc

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2016秋人教精通版英语四上Unit 1《This is my new friend》(Lesson 6)教案.doc_第1页
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2016秋人教精通版英语四上Unit 1《This is my new friend》(Lesson 6)教案.doc_第5页
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1、Unit 1 This is my new friend. Lesson 6 Revision. 课 题:Unit 1 This is my new friend. Lesson 6 Revision. 教材版本:人教( 精通)版四年级上册 教学目标:来源:Z#xx#k.Com 1、知识与技能目标: (1)Review four words: China,good,friend,brother,sister,teacher and so on. (2)Review three words: America,England,Singapore,Canada and so on . (3)Revi

2、ew key sentences:Where are you from? Im from China.What does your father/mother do?Hes /Shes a doctor.Whos this boy/girl?Hes/Shes my brother (sister). 2、过程与方法: 能通过听、说、读、表演的方式熟练应用本课的知识要点。 3、情感态度价值观目标: (1)激发学生 对英语的学习兴趣。 来源:Zxxk.Com (2)培养学生对祖国的热爱之情。 (3)培养学生团结合作的精神。 教学重点:Review keywords and key sentence

3、s来源:Zxxk.Com 教学难点:Can us e the keywords and key sentences. 课 型:复习课 教学方法:1、讨论法 2、示范法 3、游戏激趣法 学习方式:1、自主学习 2、合作探究 课程资源:The courseware and wor d cards 教 学过程: 1、前提测评: 以学校升国旗激发学生对祖国的热爱,从而教育学生要维 护祖国统一,维护民族团结。 二、教学环节设计: Step 1:Warm-up (1)Greeting (2)Lets sing .(Where are you from?)来源:学。科。网 Z。 X。X。K Step 2:R

4、eview 1、Key sentence: Where are you from? Im from China. (1) Whats the meaning of this sentence? (2) Lets say: I love China. (3)keywords:China,Canada,England,America,Singapore.来源:学科网 (4)Practice 1:Select and attachment (5)Lets play . T: I have some word cards,and I need a boy(or a girl) to take one

5、card out.then the other boys should ask him:Where are you from?The boy (or a girl)should answer them:Im from. T:Do you understand?来源:学科网 ZXXK Ss:Yes!来源:学_科_网 T:Who can help me? SA: Me! 2、Key sentence:What does your father/mother do? Hes/Shes a doctor. (1) Whats the meaning of this sentence? (2) Lets

6、 chant: 父亲父亲 father 母亲母亲 mother 姐姐妹妹 sister 哥哥弟弟 brother 医生医生 doctor 司机司机 driver 护士护士 nurse 农 民农民 farmer 邮递员 postman postman 教师教师 tea cher (3) Mouth game:teacher,farmer,nurse,doctor,postman and so on. (4) Listen and number.来源:学科网 ZXXK 3、Key sentences:Whos this boy/girl?Hes/Shes my brother (sister).

7、(1)Whats the meaning of this sentence? (2)Guess game. 4、Play the cards.(Which sentence can be?) Step 3: Class summary. What did you learn in this lesson ? Step 4 :Writing design来源:学科网 ZXXK Unit 1 This is my new friend. Lesson 6 Revision. Where are you from? Im from China. What does your father/mothe

8、r do? Hes /Shes a doctor. Whos this boy/girl? Hes/Shes my brother (sister).来源:学.科.网 Z.X.X.K Step 5:Homework 1、Copy the four words each 2 times. 2、Read the words and sentences each 2 times. 课后反思: 这一课的内容主要是对本单元的知识要点的一个复习 巩固,使学生达到能听、说、读、写 10 个单词;能听、说、 认读本单元出现的几个常见国家的单词;能听、说、认读 三组句子。 在教学过程中,我采用知识点与游戏、小组活动、听 说训练结合的方式让同学们进行复习巩固,能较好地激发 同学们的学习兴趣 ,课堂上同学们能比较准确的应用所学 的知识要点,课堂学习气氛比较浓。教学时,能及时激发 学生爱国主义教育,将民族团结常态化。但是由于自身专 业知识不足,课堂教学口语使用比较欠缺,没能给学生营 造更好的语言的环境,是我的一大遗憾,在今后的教学过 程中,我将会尽量使用英语授课,让学生能在更好的语言 环境下学习和成长。


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