[必修 2]Unit 1《Cultural relics》教案4.doc

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1、 Unit 1 Cultural relics Part One: Teaching Design (第一部分:教学设计) Period 1: A sample lesson plan for Reading (IN SEARCH OF THE AMBER ROOM) Aims: To read about cultural relics To learn about The Restrictive and Non-Restrictive Attributive Clause I. Warming up Warming up by defining Good morning, class. T

2、his period we are going to read about IN SEARCH OF THE AMBER ROOM. Before our reading, Id like to know: A. What kind of old things are cultural relics? B. Are all the old things cultural relics? C. What is the definition and classification of cultural relics? D. To whom do cultural relics belong? Ke

3、ys for reference: A. Cultural relics are physical remainders of what different peoples valued in the past and continue to value now. It can also be said that cultural relics are more than works of art, they are symbols of history and the people who lived in the past. B. No, not all the old objects a

4、re cultural relics. C. Each kind of relics preserves some aspect of cultural heritage and each relic is still a unique cultural expression and contributions. D. In a larger sense, it can be said that all the cultural relics belong to all peoples and whole societies, not a certain individual. Warming

5、 up by presenting Hi, everyone. Lets look at the screen. Ill present you some pictures. They all belong to cultural relics. Some of them are cultural sites. Some of them are natural sites. Please think these over: A. Can you name them out? B. Who have the right to confirm and classify them? Keys for

6、 reference: A. They are cultural sites: The Great wall; The Imperial Palace of the Ming and Qing Dynasties in Beijing and Shenyang; The Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor and the Terracotta Warriors; The Mogao Cave. These are natural sites: The Jiu Zhai Gou Valley Scenic and Historic Interest Area;

7、The Huang Long Scenic and Histioric Interest Area. The following are cultural and natural sites: Mount Taishan; Mount Huangshan; Mount WuYi. B. Only an international professional organization from UN has the authority to confirm and classify them. Warming up by discussing Now, boys and girls, I met

8、a “moral dilemma”. That means I must make a choice between the interests of the family and the interests of the society. Things are like this: My old granny happened to find an ancient vase under the tree in the earth of our garden. Its so beautiful and special. Now, my family fell into a moral dile

9、mma. Can you help us to make a decision: A: What should we do? B: Can we keep it for ourselves or report it to the government? C: Have you come across such a situation to make a difficult choice? Keys: ABC questions can be answered in all kinds of ways. The answers are flexible. II. Pre-reading 1. L

10、ooking and saying Work in pairs. Look at the photos on the screen. All these relics are quite beautiful. But some of them were lost and ruined in history,such as Yuan MingYuan and the Amber Room. Please guess: A. What kinds of things can result in their disappearing? B. Why do they come into being o

11、nce again? Keys for reference: A. Maybe wars, natural disasters, and time have damaged or destroyed them, getting them lost and changed. Many of them were even stolen and hidden while nobody knows who, where and how. B. People get to know these. If these relics could not be found again, they would b

12、e rebuilt by people. 2. Explaining and sharing Work in groups of four. Tell your group mates: A. What do you know about the substance of “amber”? B. What do you know about the cultural relics “the Amber Room”? Keys for reference: I am from group 2. From the knowledge we got from biology and chemistr

13、y, we know “amber” is a semi-precious stone used in jewelry and art world. Amber is really the fossil form of resin from trees. It has got its shape after a process that has taken millions of years to complete. Trees in very ancient forests produced this resin, which slowly dropped from trees and wa

14、s buried. Trees use resin to protect themselves from disease and harm caused by insects and fungi. I am from group 6. From the information of history legends and news reports, we know the Amber Room is a room built by lots of ambers. It was a gift given to Peter the Great, the King of Russia, by the

15、 King of Prussia, Frederick William I. It was given the name because almost thousand tons of natural ambers were used to make it. But during the second world war in 1941, the Nazi German army secretly stole the Amber Room and sent boxes of the Amber Room on a train to a German city. After that, what

16、 really happened to the Amber Room remains a mystery. III. Reading 1. Reading aloud to the recording Now please listen and read aloud to the recording of the text IN SEARCH OF THE AMBER ROOM. Pay attention to the pronunciation of each word and the pauses within each sentence. I will play the tape tw

17、ice and you shall read aloud twice, too. 2. Skimming and identifying the general idea of each paragraph Now please skim the text to get the key words and general idea of each paragraph. 1st paragraph the introduction about the Amber Room: design, colour, shape, material 2nd paragraph the present to

18、the Czar: a part of winter palace in St. Petersburg, a reception hall for important visitor 3rd Paragraph the relocating of the Amber Room in Catherir times: moved into Summer Palace, more added to its design 4th Paragraph the missing of the Amber Room: the two countries were at war, Nazi German arm

19、y stole the Amber Room, 27 wooden boxes were trained to a German city, Nobody knew it from then on 5th Paragraph the rebuilding of the Amber Room: a new one but the same as the old built by the two countries, for celebrating the 300th birthday of Peterburg 3.Scanning and analyzing the characteristic

20、s of the text. Since you have got to know the general ideas of each paragraph, can you tell me the characteristics of the passage, such as, the type of writing, the way of narrating, and the tense? Keys for reference: This piece of passage is a narrative prose or non-fiction article written in a nar

21、rating style. It tells the history of Amber Room in the order of time so that we can clearly learn about what happened to it. The tense used in the text is past tense. 4.Reading and understanding Next you are to read and underline all the useful expressions or collocations in the passage. Copy them

22、to your notebook after class as homework. Collocations from IN SEARCH OF THE AMBER ROOM look into, be used to, make the design for the room, in fact, as a gift of, add more details to, remove from the search for,belong to, feel as hard as stone, the fancy style, be made for, in return, one of the gr

23、eat wonders, art objects, look much like, give the name, be made into any shape, be made with gold and jewels, be made to be a gift, serve as, at war, remain a mystery, be ready for 5. Reading and transferring information Read the text again to complete the table, which lists all the numbers in the

24、text. NUMBER MEANING 1716 Frederic William gave the Amber Room to Peter the Great as a gift. 1770 Catherine had completed the adding to the Amber Room in this year. 1941 The Nazi German army stole the Amber Room in this year. 2003 The rebuilding of the Amber Room was completed in this year. 7000 Ton

25、s The total weight of the ambers used to make the room. 55 The number of soldiers given to the king of Russia in return. 600 The number of the candles lighting the Amber Room. 2 The two countries: German and Russia. 2 In two days the Amber Room was removed to a German city. 100,000 The Amber Room wa

26、s dismantled into 100,000 pieces 27 27 wooden boxes were used to contain the pieces of Amber Room. 300th The newly rebuilt Amber Room was ready for the 300th birthday of St Peterburg city 6.Reading and learning Read the text and learn more about the following proper nouns. You can surf on the websit

27、e after class: Names of people Names of places Frederick Prussia Frederick William St.Peterburg Peter the Great Konigsberg Catherine Winter Palace Summer Palace Closing down Closing down by doing exercises To end the lesson you are to do the comprehending exercises No. 1 and No. 2. Closing down by h

28、aving a discussion A. Can you imagine the fate of the Amber Room? What is it? B. Do you think if it is worthwhile to reproduce the Amber Room? Why? Keys for reference: A. I have no idea about the fate of the Amber Room. Because anything can happen to it. Maybe it was destroyed at war in the fighting

29、 fire. You see, ambers can be melted easily. Maybe it was kept secretly by somebody who had died without telling about it to anyone else. So maybe it is lying somewhere quietly. B. I think it is worthwhile to reproduce the Amber Room. Because it represents the culture and a period of history in St.

30、Petersburg. It is a trace and feature surviving from a past age and serving to remind people of a lost time. Closing down by retelling the story of the Amber Room Well, all of us have learned the history of the Amber Room. Lets recall some key words and expressions on the board. You are to retell th

31、e story of the Amber Room: Colour Style Shape owner present move to winter palace add to more details remove to pieces put on trains remain a mystery 300th birthday Period 2: A lesson plan for Learning about Language (The Restrictive and Non-Restrictive Attributive Clause) Aims: To learn about the r

32、estrictive and non-restrictive attributive clause To discover some useful words and expressions To discover some useful structures Procedures: I. Warming up Warming up by discovering useful words and expressions Please turn to page 3. Do exercises 1, 2, 3 and 4 first. Please check your answers again

33、st your classmates. Warming up by explaining Now, class, since youve read the passage, could you explain to me how to use the phrase “belong to”? The word “to” here is a preposition, indicating the possession, and is always followed by nouns or pronoun. Look at Ex 3. The preposition “at” indicates a

34、 state, condition or continuous activity. So we can replace them or express them by using a present-continuous tense. II. Learning about Attributive Clause 1. What is an adjective Clause? An adjective clause is a dependent clause which takes the place of an adjective in another clause or phrase. Lik

35、e an adjective, an adjective clause modifies a noun or pronoun, answering questions like “which?” or “what kind of?” Consider the following examples: Adjective the red coat Adjective clause the coat which I bought yesterday Like the word “red” in the first example, the dependent clause “which I boug

36、ht yesterday” in the second example modifies the noun “coat.” Note that an adjective clause usually comes after what it modifies, while an adjective usually comes before. In formal writing, an adjective clause begins with the relative pronouns “who(m),” “that,” or “which.” In informal writing or spe

37、ech, you may leave out the relative pronoun when it is not the subject of the adjective clause, but you should usually include the relative pronoun in formal, academic writing: informal The books people read were mainly religious. formal The books that people read were mainly religious. informal Som

38、e firefighters never meet the people they save. formal Some firefighters never meet the people whom they save. Here are some more examples of adjective clauses: the meat which they ate was tainted This clause modifies the noun “meat” and answers the question “which meat?”. Theyre talking about the m

39、ovie which made him cry This clause modifies the noun “movie” and answers the question “which movie?”. They are searching for the student who borrowed the book The clause modifies the pronoun “student” and answers the question “which student?”. Did I tell you about the author whom I met? The clause

40、modifies the noun “author” and answers the question “which author?”. 2. Restrictive a new Amber Room having been built Para. 5 Cultural relics are physical reminders of what different peoples valued in the past and continue to value now. Without these relics, we could not cherish cultural traditions

41、 as much or appreciate the lives of the people who practiced those traditions. Although we may not often consider it, cultural relics are not only the possession of one culture. In a larger sense, it can be said that they belong to all peoples. For these reasons, this unit describes cultural relics

42、not from China but other places. Looking at it from another angle, it can also be said that cultural relics preserves some aspect of cultural heritage and each relic, regardless of whether the same hands created many examples of it, is still a unique cultural expression and contribution. II. The cul

43、tural relics of China in the world heritage site list世界文化遗产名录中的 30 处中国文遗产 本单元的主题是“文化遗产” ,学生很可能已经亲身接触过当地的文化遗产,或是能过 电视、报纸等媒体对此有了一定的了解,因此,在课前教师可让学生列举国内外著名 的文化遗产,然后对“文化遗产”给出定义、分类或划分标准。到 2004 年底,我国已 有 30 处文物古迹和自然景观被联合国科教文组织世界遗产委员会列入世界遗产名录 ,以下是这些文化遗产的名称、性质和列人世界遗产名录的年份: Mount Taishan(泰山),listed as a world

44、cultural and natural site in 1987. The Great Wall(长城) ,cultural site, 1987. The Imperial Palace of the Ming and Qing Dynasties in Beijing and Shenyang(北京 故宫、沈阳故宫),cultural site, 1987,2004. The Mogao Caves(敦煌莫高窟),cultural site,1987. The Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor and the Terracotta Warriors(泰

45、始皇陵及 兵马俑坑),cultural site,1987. The Peking Man Site at Zhoukoudian(周口店北京猿人遗址),cultural site,1987. Mount Huangshan( 黄山),cultural and natural site,1990. The Jiuzhaigou Valley Scenic and Historic Interest Area(九寨沟风景名胜区), natural site,1992. The Huanglong Scenic and Historic Interest Area(黄龙风景名胜区),natural

46、 site,1992. The Wulingyuan Scenic and Historic Interest Area (武陵源风景名胜区),natural site,1992. The Mountain Resort and its Outline Temple, Chengde(河北承德避暑山庄及周围 寺庙),cultural site,1994. The Temple and Cemeter of Confucius and the Kong Family Mansion in Qufu (曲阜 孔府、孔庙、孔林),cultural site,1994. The Ancient Bui

47、lding Complex in the Wudang Mountains(武当山古建筑群), cultural site,1994. Historic Ensemble of the Potala Palace, Lhasa(西藏布达拉宫),cultural site,1994. The Lushan National Park(庐山) ,cultural site,1996. Mount Emei and the Leshan Giant Buddha Scenic Area(峨眉山一乐山大佛风景名 胜区),cultural and natural site.1996. The Ancie

48、nt City of Pingyao(平遥古城),cultural site,1997. The Classical Gardens of Suzhou(苏州园林),cultural site,1997. The Old Town of Lijiang(丽江古城),cultural site,1997. The Summer Palace(颐和园),cultural site,1998. The Temple of heaven:an Imperial Sacrificial Altar in Beijing(天坛),cultural site,1998. Dazu Rock Carvings

49、(大足石刻),cultural site, 1999. Mount Wuyi(武夷山),cultural and natural site,1999. Mount Qincheng and the Dujiangyan Irrigation System(青城山一都江堰),cultural site,2000. Aucient Villages in Southern AnhuiXidi and Hongcun(安徽古村落一西递、宏 村),cultural site,2000. Longmen Grottoes(龙门石窟),cultural site,2000. Imperial Tombs of the Ming and Qing Dynasties(明清皇家陵寝),cultural site 2000. Yungang Grottoes( 云冈石窟),cultural site,2001. Three Parallel Rivers of Yunan Protected Areas,natural site(三江并流),2003. Capital cities and Tombs of the Ancient Koguryo King


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