2017牛津译林版七年级上册Unit 4《My day》(第1课时)word教案.doc

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2017牛津译林版七年级上册Unit 4《My day》(第1课时)word教案.doc_第1页
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2017牛津译林版七年级上册Unit 4《My day》(第1课时)word教案.doc_第2页
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1、Unit 4 My day Comic strip 2. ask and answer questions about Millies day; 3. use the new vocabulary to talk about the students own day. II. Teaching contents 1. New words and phrases: wake, wake up, shall, hill, seldom, out, go out, need, rest, just, have fun, have breakfast/lunch/dinner, have lesson

2、s, after- school activity, homework, go to bed, usually, never, be late for, start, quarter, past 2. New structure: I seldom go out. Some dogs just dont know how to have fun. Im never late for it. III. Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty 1. Report ones daily activities and ask for i

3、nformation about others daily activities; 2. Use seldom and never correctly. IV. Teaching procedures Comic strip Step 1 Presentation 1. Learn the new words. 2. Watch the cartoon and complete the table. 3. Read aloud after the tape and learn the language points. (1) Shall we do ? = Lets do = What/How

4、 about doing ? = Why dont we do ? (2) go walking in the hills go + v-ing e.g. go swimming/shopping/fishing (3) seldom go out = not often go out (4) need a good rest need sth. need to do sth. need sb. to do sth. (5) Some dogs just dont know how to have fun. 4. Read after the tape and ask if the stude

5、nts have any problems with the comic strip. 5. Play in roles and practice in pairs. T: Please play in roles and act out the story. Ill ask some pairs to act in front of the class. Now, please practice in pairs. 【设计意图:展示生词和语言点,并通过表格梳理漫画内容。 】 Step 2 Consolidation 1. Report and develop the story. 2. Co

6、mplete a short story about Eddies day. One day, Hobo _ up Eddie in the morning. He wants to go walking in the _ with Eddie. But Eddie says he _ goes out because he is always very busy at home. After _ up in the morning, he needs to have _ and have another sleep. Then its time for _. In the afternoon

7、, he needs a good _ again. What do you think Eddie does in the evening and at night? Yes, he has _ and sleeps. Oh, Eddie is busy eating and _ all day! Doesnt he know how to have _? (wakes, hills, seldom, getting, breakfast, lunch, rest/sleep, supper/dinner, sleeping, fun) 3. Check the answers and re

8、ad the short story aloud. 【设计意图:通过改写,考察学生对知识的掌握情况,并让学生发挥想象力改编故事,锻 炼了学生的思维。 】 Welcome to the unit Step 1 Presentation 1. Listen to the conversation in Part B and complete the table. 2. Read after the tape. 3. Check the students understanding of some phrases and sentences. Im never late for school. st

9、art lessons at a quarter past eight enjoy school T: OK, do you have any questions to ask me? “Im never late for it.” Who can translate it into Chinese? What does “never” mean? 4. Develop the conversation. 【设计意图:通过书上提供的表格进行扩展练习。 】 Step 2 Consolidation 1. Complete the passage, check the answers and re

10、ad the passage aloud. T: OK, you really did a good job. Now are you clear about Millies daily activities? Please complete this short passage about Millies day. Millie is a hard-working student. She _ up early in the morning. She goes to _ at 7:20. Shes _ late for school. Before the first lesson star

11、ts, Millie and all her classmates do morning _. She has lunch at ten to _. The school finishes at four _ in the afternoon. Then its time for after-school _. She always has fun. In the evening, Millie watches TV for _ an hour. Its her favourite time of the day. Then she needs to do her _. She always

12、does it carefully. She usually goes to _ at 9:30. 2. Report your day. (1) Complete the table in the book about the students own days. T: Now, I know something about Eddies and Millies days now. Next, Id like to know about your day. Please write down the time and the activities in the table. (2) Prac

13、tice reporting the students own days. T: OK, please try to report your day according to the table you finished just now. Ill give you only two minutes to practice. Please try to make your report clear and interesting. (3) Ask a student to report and the other students to listen carefully. T: Time is

14、 up! Are you ready to report your day? When one student is telling about his or her day, the others should listen carefully. I will ask you questions after the report. Whod like to be the first to tell us about your day? T: Thank for your report. Now questions for the other students. Are you ready? Question 1 【设计意图:让学生结合自己的实际情况练习,达到学以致用。 】 V. Homework 1. Practice talking about your daily activities with a new partner; 2. Finish the exercises in Period 1 of Unit 2 in the Workbook. 【教学反思】


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