2017牛津译林版七年级下册Unit 6《Outdoor fun》(task)教案.doc

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2017牛津译林版七年级下册Unit 6《Outdoor fun》(task)教案.doc_第1页
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2017牛津译林版七年级下册Unit 6《Outdoor fun》(task)教案.doc_第2页
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1、Unit 6 Outdoor fun task 教学目标: 1. 能条理清晰的描述事情。 2. 能熟练运用本单元所学知识进行续写。 教学重点: 能条理清晰的描述事情 教学设计: Step 1 Review 1. 将学生引入本课时的语言环境:Alice in Wonderland is a famous story . We read a part of it in Reading .Do you like it ?Do you think its exciting ?What do you think will happen to Alice ?鼓励学生根据自己的知识回答,也可发挥自己的想象。

2、 2. 接着对学生说:You have so many good ideas . Theyre all very exciting .Ill tell you what actually happens to Alice. Step II Presentation 1. 让学生将书翻到课本第 78 页并说:This is the next part of the story . Read it and tell me :What did Alice see on the table ?布置学生阅 读并回答 :She saw a little bottle on the table . 2. 让

3、学生再次阅读并回答教师事先提出的问题: (1) Did Alice drink the juice in the bottle ? (2) How did she feel ? (3) What happened to her after she drank it ? (4) What did she decide to do then ? (5) What did she forget ? (6) Could she reach the table ? (7) What did she see under the table ? 指导学生根据 A 部分的内容回答问题并教授新知识,板书 bec

4、ome, enter, forget, decide, reach ,fail ,和 feel a little ill, tooto,帮助学生理解 d. Alice failed to climb up the table e. Alice saw a little bottle on the table f. Alice opened the bottle and drank a little. g. Alice became smaller and smaller Step III 准备 1. 引导学生:Alice found a note under the table near th

5、e cake .What did the note say ? 学生回答:It said “EAT ME 2. 接着问学生:What will Alice do next? Why?鼓励学生发表自己的观点。 3. 对学生说:Look at the questionsin Part B.Please discuss them in groups of four and answer them with your own ideas.安排学生小组讨论,根据 B 部分的问题提示, 构思故事框架。 4. 教师提供一些故事人物,帮助学生打开思路。 Step IV Writing 1.安排学生小组合作完成写作任务 在学生的写作过程中,如果有问题,教师及时给予帮助和指导。 2.请班级中几位能力较强的学生上讲台朗读他们的作品。


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