2017秋广州版英语四年级上册Module 5 Unit 10《Can I help you》word教案.doc

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1、小学英语新四年级 Module5 Unit10 教学设计 Team 备课小组 龙洞小学四年级 Author 执笔 陈林清 Date 2013-11-13 Module /Topic 模块及话题 MODULE5 Unit 单元 Unit 10 Title 题目 Can I help you? Period 课时 1st Type of lesson 课型 Lets talk Objectives: 教学目标 1.Language knowledge 语言知识: Vocabulary 词汇:会理解并准确认读以下单词: help, shoe, pair, a pair of, Ill = I wil

2、l, them, jeans, anything, else, all, sock, trouser, shorts Sentences 句型:能理解并准确认读购物用语:Can I help you? Yes, please. I want (to buy) . We have these and those ones. How much are ? They are yuan. Ill take them. Do you want anything else? No, thanks. Here you are. 2.Language skill 语言技能: a.能听、说、读本课的新单词和短语

3、,能在老师的引导下尝试记忆(通过单词的音形意) “四会”单词 b.能整体的理解课文内容,并能准确地朗读课文 c.能理解课文中的购物用语,并能在情境中正确使用。 3.Affect 情感态度: 通过学习,不断增强英语学习的兴趣和参与课堂教学活动的积极性,保持良好的合作学习习惯 4.Learning Strategies 学习策略: 1、能通过单词的音形意类比记忆来学习单词; 2、能通过购物情景来学习购物用语。 5、文化意识:1、初步了解衣服的种类 2、能在购物时,用上礼貌用语,以礼待人。 Difficulties Analysis 教学重难点分析: 重点: 课文的整体理解和准确朗读 难点: a.

4、shoes, shorts, socks 的辨读 b.课文长句的朗读:We have these black shoes and those brown ones. I want a pair of those blue jeans. 150 and 200 is 350 yuan, please. Teaching Aids/Media and Resource 主要教学媒体 1、 教学课件:使用于热身、呈现和巩固操练环节 2、5 种衣物:使用于复习、呈现和巩固操练环节 Preview learning 前置性学习 1、 复习三位数数字的朗读以及两位数加法的问和答。 2、 了解购物的礼貌用语

5、。 3、 上课前 5 分钟朗读三位数加法的句子。 Teaching Procedures 教学过程 Teaching activities & Steps 教学活动及具体的操作步骤 Learning Activities 学生学习活动 Strategies/Purpose 策略与设计意图 Warming up and revision Presentation and practice Activity1:Sing a song: My Clothes Activity2:Create a situation (在 这里就开始创设情景,说 MissChen 准 备开一个时装店,你有很多衣服在里

6、 面,你能说出他们的名字吗?) Review & Leading-in Show the pictures of clothes on the PPT quickly and ask the Ss to answer T: Look at the pictures. Which clothes do you know? Ss: No. 1 is a . (Review the clothes learnt in Unit 9: T-shirt, blouse, jacket, coat, shirt, sweater, skirt, dress, cap, hat. And learn the

7、 new clothes: sock, jeans, trousers, shorts, shoe.) Activity3: 1、Create a situation(在第一个活动 时就应该创设你准备开一间时装店的 情景了,这里是情景的延续,说请大 家帮你的新衣服来定价钱) T: Look!Ms Chen has many beautiful clothes here. I want to open a clothes shop. Lets see how much they are. 2、 Learn how to buy or sell clothes politely. 在 Ms Che

8、n 的时装店里模拟购物活动, 学习新的购物用语 Activity4: learn the dialogue T: Look! Who is the boy? Activity1:Sing a song: My Clothes Activity2:Look and answer 学生高度集中注意力看图片并一起复 习旧单词和学习新单词 Activity3: 1、在情景中学习对复数衣物价格的询 问和回答方法 How much is it/are they? Its/ Theyre 2、巩固和学习更多的购物用语。 Activity4:Listen and understand 营造愉快的课堂气氛,激发

9、学生的学习兴趣, 复习和感知颜色和衣物单词。 复习学习过的颜色和衣物的单词,对于难度适中 的游戏和夸张有趣的图片,学生容易集中注意力, 气氛活跃,积极回答问题,学生兴趣也比较高。 通过呈现情景来吸引学生的注意力,引起学生的 好奇心,激发学生的想象力。同时学生根据图片 就理解和学习新的单词、短语和句型,学生很感 兴趣。在师生和学生间的问答中操练长句,解决 课文对话中长句难上口这个难点。 学生在理解的基础上看课文,容易理解,边看边 思考老师的问题,有助于学生更好地理解课文, Consolidation Summary Ss: Ben. T: Yes. Ben is coming to buy so

10、me clothes. Lets listen and writ down what clothes he wants to buy and how much they are. (listen for once and check the answers) T: Lets listen again and find out what the shop assistant says and what Ben says. (fill in the table on the worksheet) Activity5:Practice 1) Read the dialogue after the v

11、ideo. 2)Read the dialogue in groups 3) Practice the dialogue in pairs, 4) Act out the dialogue according to the tips. Activity6: Sum up what we have learned today 1) More new words of clothes 2) How to buy or sell clothes politely. 学生通过完成 worksheet 上的练习理解 和学习课文内容 Activity5: Read the dialogue 学生在老师的引

12、导下用跟读、齐读、 小组读和分角色读等多种方式朗读课 文 Activity6:Sum up what we have learned today 在读的过程中理解新的知识点,让学生的印象更 深刻的印象。同时通过学生的回答可以检查学生 对课文的理解 主要是训练学生很好的朗读课文,采取各种方式 可以保持学生的兴趣,也为表演课文做准备。尝 试背诵课文也是为了给学生渗透背书技巧。 归纳总结本课所学的内容,给学生一个清楚的认 识。 Homework 1, Copy the new words and try to remember2, Read the dialogue after the radio for five times. 熟悉今天的新内容,训练单词和句子的拼写,表演掌握今天所学的内容。 板书 Unit 10 Can I help you? I want to buy . . We have these and those ones. How much are ? Theyre yuan. Do you want anything else? No, thanks. Pictures and new words Score of the match


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