2017外研版英语七年级下册Module 9 Unit 2《He decided to be an actor》word教案.doc

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2017外研版英语七年级下册Module 9 Unit 2《He decided to be an actor》word教案.doc_第1页
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2017外研版英语七年级下册Module 9 Unit 2《He decided to be an actor》word教案.doc_第2页
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1、Module 9 Life history Unit 2 He decided to be an actor 教学目标 1. To master these new wor ds: successful build on fire die rich around the world play poem marry work language. 2. To introduce a writer you know well. 3. To learn some past simple irregular verbs. 4. To get information from the reading. 教

2、学重点 To g et information from the reading. 教学难点 5. To le arn some past simple irregular verbs. To get information from the reading. 学情分析 整体的英语水平参差不齐, 普遍学习不够积极不够主动,极度依 赖老师的讲解;对于基础知识,同学们普遍掌握的不够扎实,对 关于发表自己的意见 与观点的能力就更差了;个别同学上课的时 候注意力不能长时间集中,很容易分心,对于老师的问题一问三 不知。在教学中让学生动起来是必须考虑的环节,要做到师生互 动,生生互动。 学法指导 共享学习

3、 策略;阅读中学会猜测词义的策略。 教 学 过 程 教学内容 教师活动 学生活动 效果预测 (可能出 现的问题) 补救措 施 修改意见 一、Step 1 Revision 二、Step 2 Presentation 三Step 3 Activities 四Step 4 Activities 1、Ask students whether they like writing o r not. Then ask what they like to like to write. 2、Work in pairs. Read the passage and decide what William Shak

4、espeare wrote. 3.Put the sentences in the correct order. 4.Complete the timeline for Shakespeare . 1、Put students into groups of 3- 4.Ask them to name as many famous writers and their works as pos sible and make a list. 2、Ask if anyone knows who Shake speare was. Ask students to read quickly to chec

5、k their ideas. 3.Ask students to discuss the order of events in pairs. 4.Tell the students 1、 2、 1、 2、 五Step 5 Activities 六Step 6. Activities 七Step 7 Activities 5.Ask and answer questions about Shakespeare. 6.Complete the passage with the correct form of the words from the box. 7.Look at the sentenc

6、es to read the passage again and find the answers. 5.Nominate students to ask others for open pair practice to demonstrate. 6.Ask students to read the words in the box first. Tell students to work individually to complete the passage. 7.Put students in pairs or groups t o ask and answer Ask students to check what they have written in pairs. 板书设计 Module 9 Life history Unit 2 He decided to be an actor -Was Shakespeare born in 1564? -Yes, he wa s. -Did he leave school in 1582? -No, he didnt. He finished school in 1578. 参考书目及 推荐资料 教师用书 教学反思


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