2017外研版英语九上Module 7《Great books》(Unit 1)word学案.doc

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1、Book 5 Module7 Great books 一、教学内容:Unit1Were still influenced by Confucius ideas. 二、课型:Listening and speaking 三、教学目标: 1、能够正确使用下列单词和词组:discuss, thinker, wise, review, influence, sense, make sense, by the way, suppose, well-known 2、能够听懂谈论人物或文学作品的对话。 3、能够谈论自己喜欢的文学作品。 4、能够与同学交流对中外文学作品的看法。 四、 教学重难点: 1、能够听

2、懂谈论人物或文学作品的对话。并能在一般现在时的被动语态的用法。 (重点) 2、能够通过对话学习,对孔子、莎士比亚、马克吐温这三位伟大的人物有基本 的认识,在交流中鼓励不同层次的学生敢于发表自己的观点。 (难点) 五、 教学准备: 课堂整体运用任务型教学模式以及听说课教学模式。本课指导学生通过听获取 信息,培养学生听说技能。在教学过程中,采用多媒体手段辅助教学,利用各 种图片和习题任务贯穿整个教学过程。因此,本节课需准备:PPT 课件、挂图、 录音机、课堂练习表格、奖品 六、 教学过程:来源:学科网 ZXXK 教学 步骤 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图 Step One Warmin g-up (

3、3) Lead in “Recently Ive read a great book called Romeo and Juliet Im deeply moved by it. Have you ever read some great books?” Talk with the teacher and partners. 鼓励学生说 出他们读过的 名著。这里用 学生们熟悉的 话题导入新课, 能 够 激 发 学 生 学 习 的 兴 趣 , 活跃课堂气氛 Step Two Pre- task(5) Task: Check the new words. 1.Show some pictures

4、and things to get the students say out the new words. 2.Organize the students to read the new words together. 3.Ask the Ss to look at the pictures. Say who the people are and why they are famous.(Activity 1) 1.See the pictures and things to say out the new words. 2. Read the new words together. 3. S

5、ay who the people are and why they are famous in the pictures. 引导学生谈论 实物及 ppt 上 的图片,检查 学生对词汇的 掌握程度,训 练学生的表达 能力,通过图 片、情景学单 词,做到词不 离句。Check 完词汇后及时 做 Activity 1 进行巩固。 Step Three While- task (20) 来源:学科网 ZXXK Task1:Listening (1). Play the tape, ask students to listen and complete the sentences, then chec

6、k. (Activity 2) (2).Guide the students to listen to the conversation in Activity 3. Task 2: Reading来源:学科网 (1) Organize the students to read the conversation with the video. (2).Ask the Ss to work with their gr oups to read the conversation. (3). Organize the students to match the people with the des

7、criptions. (1). Listen to the tape and complete the sentences (2). Listen to the conversation in Activity 3 and answer the questions: What does Mr Jackson think of Confucius? Who wrote the book The Adventures of Tom Sawyer? (A. Confucius B. Shakespeare C. Mark Twain.) (1)Read the conversation with t

8、he video. (2) Read the conversation in groups. (3). Read the conversation again and match the people with the descriptions. 利用听读,练 习的方式加强 学生对课文的 理解,培养学 生细节听力的 技巧,能够听 取信息,训练 和培养学生细 节听力技巧。 通过看视频听 读对话,帮助 学生进一步理 解课文内容。 小组活动能通 过学生间的自 主、合作学习, 让学生充分地 实践运用语言, 并培养团结合 作精神。 (4).Organize the students to check t

9、heir answers one by one. Task 3: Solve the language points (1).Organize students to come to the blackboard and show out some difficult language points that they found. (2).Help the students to solve the difficult points. Task4: Retell the dialogue (1)Ask students to complete the passage. (Activity 4

10、) (2)Ask two of the students to retell the dialogue. (4). Check the answers one by one. (1). Students come to the blackboard to show out some language points, the other students listen to them carefully and note . (2).solve the difficult points. with the teachers help. (1) Students complete the pass

11、age. (2)Two students retell the dialogue, the others listen. 通过让学生上 台展示他们所 找的语言点, 既培养了学生 的胆量,又培 养了他们自主 学习的能力。 教师点拨、补 充语言点,让 学生进一步理 解知识点。 通过复述对话, 加深对课文的 掌握,同时也 锻炼了口语。 来源:学,科,网 Step Four Post- task (9) Task:Do some speaking (1) Work in groups.Do you agree with the following opinions? Give your reasons

12、. (Activity 6) (2). Have the Ss act out their new dialogues. (2) Ask students to do some Exercises and then check. (1). Give your reasons in groups with the teachers help. (2). Act out the new dialogues. (3)Do the exercises, then check. 通过做对话训 练学生说的能 力,能使学生 加 深 对 课 文 内 容 的 理 解 , 适量的口头练 习,让学生巩 固本课时的语

13、 言重点。 通过笔头练习, 进一步巩固所 学。 Step Five Summar y(2) 1.Get the students to sum up the language points. T: What have we learned today? Ss: 2. Let the students to choose the best team in this lesson. 1.Sum up the language points. 2.To choose the best groups. 引导学生对这 节课的总结, 让学生做自由 发言,培养学 生自主学习, 自主总结的良 好学习习惯。 简

14、短的评价使 学生的课堂表 现得到肯定并 且可以激励学 生的学习兴趣, 树立学习英语 的信心。 Step Six Home- work (1) Give your reasons with partners after class like Activity6. Finish the homework. 课后作业有助 于学生巩固已 学的知识,补 充其他方面的 锻炼。 七、板书设计: Module7 Great books Unit1Were still influenced by Confucius ideas 小组评价 I accept T1 T2 T3 I agree/dont agree

15、with I suppose I think 达标训练题 A. 单项选择: 1. Experts _ to make suggestions to help him develop. A. will invite B. are invited C. have invited 2. Han H ans books are popular. They _ by many teenagers. A. are reading B. are read C. were read 3. At present, one of the best ways to study is working in group

16、s. More chances _ to students to learn from each other. A. offer B. are offered C. have offered 4.Dont y ou see the sign “No Parking!” on the right? Sorry, I didnt. But now I know parking_ here. A. wasnt allowed B. isnt allowed C. wont allow D. doesnt allow Keys: 1. B 2.B 3. B 4. B B. 完成句子: 1. 我试图让每

17、首歌都体现出它自己的意义。 I try to make each song _for itself. 2. 顺便问一下,你认为这个队的水平如何? _, what do you think about this Team? 3. 今天很多人仍然看孔子的作品。 Confucius works _ by many people today. 4. 学校鼓励学生大声地讲英语。 All the students _ speak English loudly. 5. 我们受到孔子思想的影响。 We _ by Confuciuss thoughts. Keys: 1. make sense 2. By the way 3. are still read 4. are encouraged to 5. are influenced


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