2017外研版英语九上Module 6《Problems》word模块教案.doc

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1、Module 6 Problems 【教材分析】 在第 5 模块中学生已经学了“i f 条件状语从句+ 祈使句”的句式,本模块通过 以提出问题以及为问题提供解决问题的建议的方式来继续学习条件状语从句, 即“if 条件状语从句+ 一般将来时态 ”。运用真实的话题来开展听说读写的教学活 动。教学内容为语法的学习和使用提供了必要的感性材料。要求学生能够用含 有 if 引导的条件状语从句的主从复合句来描述问题以及提供解决问题的建议。 Unit 1 If I start after dinner, Ill finish it before I go to bed. 一、教学目标 Knowledge ob

2、jective 理解 Words: deal, exam, fail, guitar, instrument, musical, habit, schoolwork, volunteer, necessary, shame, instead, community, knowledge, point, consider, get into the habit of, instead of, last word 在文中的意思,能正确的翻译。 Ability objective 能听懂和阅读关于介绍问题的语言材料,能通过相关词汇和图片描述自己和他 人的问题;能编写关于所出现问题的对话。 Moral

3、objective 学会倾听他人的问题,了解他人的问题;能够养成良好的学习习惯;能够很好 地利用自己的业余时间。 二、教学方法 PWP method, task-based method 三、读前导入 Warming-up 通过一些图片导入新课,引起学生对新课的兴趣。 四、教学过程 Step 1 情境导入 教师可以通过一些图片问学生一些和课文有关的问题,通过对话调动学生 学习英语的积极性,活跃课堂气氛,导入新课,使学生进入情景学习。板书课题。 Step 2 课前朗读 1. 朗读单词 Words: deal, exam, fail, guitar, instrument, musical, ha

4、bit, schoolwork, volunteer, necessary, shame, instead, community, knowledge, point, consider,get into the habit of, instead of, last word 注意单词中每个音节的发音和字母组合。 培养学生自主学习词汇的习惯,促使学生迅速进入学习状态。 2. 检查词汇预习 :采取结对、小组互查等形式来检查学生对词汇的预习情况。 Step 3 小听力(自主完成,合作释疑) Listen and decide what Tonys problem is. Use the words

5、in the box to help you. deal exam fall guitar instrument a) Tony is spending too much time playing the guitar, and he may fail his exams. b) All of Tonys friends can play musical instruments after class, but he has to study hard. c) Tonys parents want to stop him enjoying music, although they have m

6、ade deal with him before. Step 4 大听力 一层听:Listen again and check() the true sentences. 1. Tonys dad is worried about Tony spends too much time playing the guitar. 2. Tony has failed an exam. 3. Tonys mum wants Tony to stop playing the guitar. 4. Tony plays music together with his friends. 5. Tonys mu

7、m suggests that Tony should have guitar lessons. 6. Tonys dad does not agree with Tonys mums suggestion. 二层听:Lis ten to Part 3 and answer the following questions. (学生独立完成后,小 组内交流答案。) 1. Where does Tony want to go? 2. Why does he want to go to the library? Read the dialogue and mark T or F. 1. Tony l

8、ikes playing the guitar. ( ) 2. Tonys dad wants him to do his homework after dinner. ( ) 3. Tonys dad doesnt think he should go to the library too often. ( ) Step 5 读后做 Now work in groups. Discuss what the problem is between Tony and his father. Give your advice. Read the conversation, finish Activi

9、ty 4,5(完成后让学生小组内交流答案) 1. Why does Tony say he will do his homework after dinner? a) Because he wants a rest from schoolwork. b) Because he can do his homework in the library.21cnjy c) Because homework is less important than music. 2. Why does Tonys dad think Tony should not go to the library so much

10、? a) Because he wants Tony to learn an instrument. b) Because working in the library stops Tony from playing the guitar. c) Because Tony will not have enough time to study. 3. How does Tony feel about the work in the library? a) It is more interesting than homework and should come first. b) It is no

11、t as important as homework. c) It is good because he can help the community and read books there at the same time. Complete the passage with the words in the box. community consider habit instead knowledge shame Tony wants to go to the library, because he works there to help the (1)_. He can also re

12、ad books there and increase his (2) _. But his father thinks it is a (3) _ that Tony does not (4)_ his homework to be more important. He wants Tony to get into the (5)_ of doing his homework (6)_ of doing other things first after school. Step 6 理解意思 1) 学生自主学习,理解 activity 3 的意思,找出不懂的地方。 2) 小组内合作解决不懂的

13、地方,再有疑难,小组间共同解决,教师适时点拨。 Step 7 Everyday English 让学生们说说这些句子在文中的意思。 Thats a shame. 真遗憾。常用在口语中。 No deal. 表示不同意,可译成 “这不行”。 You mean 你是说;你的意思是 Thats not the point. 那不是我想说的。 Step 8 突破重点与难点 (一)对重点内容和疑难问题进行合作探究学习。 1. I want you to get into the habit of doing your homework as soon as you come home from schoo

14、l. get into the habit of doing sth.的意思是“养成习惯”。 e.g. You should get into the habit of planning your work at the beginning of each week. 你应该养成每周伊始就安排好工作的习惯。 habit 还能和其他动词搭配,表达不同的意思。例如: She has a habit of playing with her hair when she is nervous. www-2-1-cnjy-com 她有一紧张就抚弄头发的习惯。 2. It isnt necessary to

15、 do it now. necessary 表示“ 必要的,必需的 ”。 Its necessary to do sth.表示“ 做某事是必要的”。 e.g. Its necessary to obey the school rules. 服从学校制度是必要的。 3. Thats a shame. Its a shame./Thats a shame./What a shame!经常用在口语中,表示“ 真遗憾。/ 多可惜啊!” e.g. -Tim says he cant come tonight. -Oh, thats a shame! -蒂姆说他今晚不能来了。 -噢,太遗憾了! 4. No

16、 deal,Tony. No deal.表示不同意,可译成 “这不行”。deal 在这里的意思是 “协议”。在口语 表达中我们常用 deal 表示“达成协议”。 【出处:21 教育名师】 e.g. -You wash the car and Ill let you use it tonight. -Deal! -你洗车,我今晚就让你用车。 -说定了! 5. Tony, if you do all these other things instead of your homework, you wont have time to study. instead of+ n. / v.-ing 表示

17、“代替,而不是”。 e.g. Id like to go out instead of watching TV. 我喜欢出去而不是看电视。 6. Thats not the point. point 表示“观点;看法” 。Thats not the point.表示那不是我想说的。 e.g. Whats your point? 你想说的是什么呢? 7. Im sorry, but thats my last word. last word 表示 “最终决定”。 e.g. His wife always gets in the last word on everything. 凡事最终决定权总是

18、在他太太手上。 8. You should consider what the most important thing is. consider v. 考虑;斟酌 consider 后接名词或动词-ing 形式,意为“考虑。 e.g. Please consider the suggestion. 请考虑这个建议。 I am considering buying a new computer. 我正考虑买一个新电脑。 9. 小组自我补充 10. 学生自主完成这些重点与难点。 (二)自主完成后,小组合作,交流学习成果,共同释疑。 (三)让学生朗读以上重点知识。 Step 9 诵读积累 1. 跟

19、录音机朗读对话,模仿语音语调。 If I start after dinner, Ill finish it before I go to bed. If you start now, youll finish it before dinner. If you do all these other things instead of your homework, you wont have time to study. 2. 读熟对话 3. 默写,组长交叉监督,各组统计好分数,评出优胜小组。 Step 10 说的训练 Work in pairs. Talk about the problems

20、 you have with: your schoolwork your parents(Activity 7) Step 11 习题巩固 单项选择 1. What will you do if you _ to the old folks home visit? A. go B. went C. going D. will go 2. What are you going to do tomorrow? -Well go to the library tomorrow if it _. A. isnt rain B. rain C. wont rain D. doesnt rain 3. I

21、 hope you can get into the _ of having breakfast in the morning. A. guitar B. habit C. exam D. schoolwork 4. I like eating dumplings _ hamburgers. A. Instead B. instead of C. last word Step 12 作业 如果你是 Tony,你会如何处理作业的问题呢?请写一篇文章,介绍你的想法。 60 词左右。 Unit 2 If you tell him the truth now, you will show that y

22、ou are honest. 一、教学目标 1. 语言知识目标 Key vocabularyreason, angry, engineer, repair, truth, least, honest, apologise, bill Key expressioncome around, try out, no longer, be angry with, at least, pocket money 2. 语言技能目标 (1)说:能谈论生活中出现的各种问题,并给出建议。 (2)读:通过阅读这两封信,让学生掌握并运用略读、精读的技巧,即略读找 大意,精读搜索相关信息。 3. 情感态度目标 知道更

23、多的其他方面的问题,做一个诚实的人。 二、教学方法 本课主要采用任务型教学方法,通过自主学习、合作学习的方式,借助教学评 价手段督促学生,通过网络课件提高课堂教学密度,加大信息量的输入,其模 式是教师创设自主学习情境学生进入情境进行意义建构学生走出情境 实现知识迁移运用自我评价与反馈。 三、读前导入 通过图片所提供的信息导入新课,引起学生的兴趣。 四、教学过程 Step 1 Warming up and presentation 1. 课前导入,图片搭配问题展示本课内容。 2. 列出本语篇重要单词,领读这些单词,让学生们尽力熟悉并记住它们。 Step 2 Pre-reading Look at

24、 the letter and the reply in Activity 2, and decide where they come from. a) A report. b) A magazine. c) A story. d) A play. Step 3 Reading 1 Scanning (略读) Read the letter and the reply to choose the best summary of Steves problem. a) Steve and his friend played a computer game on his fathers comput

25、er, though his father warned him not to do so. Steves father was really angry. b) Steves friend cut some documents by mistake from Steves fathers computer. His father was very angry. Steve did not know how to repair it. c) Steve and his friend played a computer game on his fathers computer. Some imp

26、ortant documents were missing. His father was angry. Steve was worried about what to do. 2 Extensive reading(精读) Read the passage and answer the questions. 1. What did David take with him to my home last week? 2. Where did they play the computer game? 3. Was Steves dads angry? 4. Why was his father

27、really angry? Complete the advice to Steve. 1. Steve should never _ when his father told him not to do so. 2. Steve should tell his father the truth now to show _. 3. Steve should _ to his father and pay_. 4. Steve should give up his _ so that his father will realise _. Complete the passage with the

28、 words in the box. bill honest least reason repair truth If Steve tells his father the (1)_, at (2)_ he will show that he is (3)_.If Steve wants to get his fathers documents back, he will have to ask a computer (4)_ shop for help. Steve should use his pocket money to pay the (5) _. The (6)_ for this

29、 is that it will show he is sorry. Step 4 Learning to learn Let Ss know how to learn about the structures better. In English, some structures look similar, such as the “if” structure in this module and that in Module 5. Comparing similar structures and making notes can help you learn the structures

30、better. Step 5 Language points To learn about the main points in the passage. 1. Last week, my friend David came round with a new computer game. come round 表示 “拜访(某人的家) ”。 e.g. He usually comes round at the weekend. 他通常在周末来拜访。 2. The reason is that he thinks it will go wrong if I play games on it. r

31、eason 表示“原因;理由”。 go wrong 表示“ 出毛病,出故障;出错” 。 e.g. Is it the reason? 这是理由吗? His television has gone wrong again. 他的电视又出毛病了。 3. While my dad was out, we decided to try out Davids game. try out 表示“试用,试 ”。 e.g. I want to try out the new car. 我想试试这辆新车。 4. He could no longer find the documents anywhere! no

32、 longer 表示“ 不再”。等于 notany longer。 e.g. The house no longer belonged to him. =The house didnt belong to him any longer. 这个房子不再属于他。 5. I did not tell him about the computer game because I did not want him to be angry with me. be angry with sb.表示“生某人的气”。 e.g. I shall be angry with you if you break the

33、cup. 你要是打碎了杯子,我会生气的。 6. If you tell him the truth now, he will be angry with you. tell sb. the truth 表示“ 告诉某人真相 ”。 e.g. If you dont tell her the truth, youll be in deep trouble. 如果你不告诉她真相,你就会有大麻烦。 7. but at least you will show that you are honest. honest 表示“ 诚实的” ,是形容词。 at least 表示“至少”。 e.g. She is

34、an honest woman. You can depend on her 她是一个诚实的女人,你应该信赖她。 The food was not nice, but at least it was cheap. 食物不好吃,但至少便宜。 8. You should also pay the bill to repair the computer. pay the bill 付账,买单 e.g. -May I pay the bill, please? -Sure. Its 100 yuan. -我可以付账吗? -可以。100 元。 9. If you give up your pocket

35、money, your father will realise that you are very sorry. pocket money 表示“零花钱”。 e.g. I think high school students should be given pocket money. 我认为应该给高中生零花钱。 Step 6 Writing 1. Look at the letter by Steve in Activity 2 to find sentences that: 1) sentences say what Steve did and when 2) sentences say w

36、hat happened next 3) sentences say what the problem is 4) Steves questions Think of a problem. Write a short letter to Diana about the problem. Use the steps in Activity 5 to help you. Step 7 Practice Let the students practice the main points in Unit 6. 1. I must tidy up the room because my friend w

37、ill come _. A. about B. to C. at D. round 2. He is _ a police after making a series mistake. A. not longer B. no longer C. not any longer 3. If you come to school late, Mr. Li will be angry _ you. A. to B. of C. with D. in 4. Please tell me the _.I really want to know. A. true B. truly C. truth Step

38、 8 Homework Work in pairs. Read each others problem letter. Suppose you are Diana and write a reply. Give your advice. Unit 3 Language in use 一、教学目标 1. 语言知识目标 让学生能够使用在本模块所学的单词和短语。 2. 语言能力目标 总结和理解 if 条件状语从句。 3. 情感态度目标 在日常生活中能听懂他人的问题和给出建议,做一个诚实的人。 二、教学方法 PWP method, task-based method 三、读前导入 Warming-up

39、 通过一些图片导入新课,引起学生对新课的兴趣。 四、教学过程 Step 1 Revision and lead-in Let Ss look at the pictures and answer the questions to review what they have learnt. Step 2 Language practice and grammar To master the tense of the adverbial clause of condition.21 教育网 用所给单词的适当形式补全对话 1. If I _(start) the dinner, I _ (finis

40、h) it before I go to bed.www.21-cn- 2. If you _(do) these other things instead of your homework, you _(not have) time to study. 3. He thinks something _(go) wrong if I play games on it. Grammar: If 从句 (2) 一、引导条件状语从句最常用的连词是 if,常见的 if 条件状语从句表示在某 条件 下,某事很可能发生。 e.g. If you ask him, he will help you 如果你请

41、他帮忙,他会帮你的。 If he does not work hard, he will fail his exams21 世纪教育网版权所有 如果他不努力,考试就要不及格了。 二、If 从句的时态 1. if 从句用一般现在时,主句用一般将来时。 e.g. If he runs, hell get there in time. 如果他跑着去,他就会及时赶到那儿。 2. if 从句用一般现在时,主句用情态动词+动词原形。 e.g. She may come with us if she arrives in time. 如果她来得及时,就可以和我们一道去。 三、if 引导的条件状语从句位置灵活

42、,可直接放在主句后面,也可以放在句 首。放在句首 时,从句后面要用逗号和主句隔开。 e.g. Ill go to see you if I have time. 如果有时间,我就去看你。 If it rains tomorrow, well stay at home. 如果明天下雨,我们就待在家里。 四、同义句转换 用“祈使句 and / or 一般将来时的句子”转换。 e.g. If you work hard, youll pass the exam easily. 21世纪*教育网 Work hard, and youll pass the exam easily. 努力学习,你将很容易

43、通过考试。 If you dont hurry up, youll miss the train. Hurry up, or youll miss the train. 快点儿,否则你就赶不上火车了。 Exercises 1. If you _ to the party, youll have a great time. A. will go B. went C. go D. going 2. I _ her the answer if she _me. A. can tell, will ask B. will tell, will ask C. would tell, ask D. wil

44、l tell, asks 3. -What are you going to do tomorrow? -Well go to the library tomorrow if it _. A. isnt rain B. rain C. wont rain D. doesnt rain 4. Ill give the book to him if he _ here next Sunday.【来源:21世纪教育网】 A. will come B. comes C. is coming D. came Step 3 Join the sentences with if The teacher sh

45、ow Ss how to join the sentences with if. Listen in class, or you will not understand what to do. If you do not listen in class, you will not understand what to do. 1. Eat your breakfast, or you will get hungry at school. If you do not eat your breakfast, you will get hungry at school. 2. Hurry up! Y

46、ou will be late. If you do not hurry up, you will be late. 3. Read the book carefully. Then you will not make mistakes. If you read the book carefully, you will not make mistakes. 4. Dont watch too much TV, or your eyes will hurt. If you watch too much TV, your eyes will hurt. 5. Work harder! You wi

47、ll get higher marks. If you work harder, you will get higher marks. Let Ss write new sentences with if. Step 4 Make a survey 1. Think of three problems you have in your schoolwork. Schoolwork Problem Advice 2. Make notes about them in the Problem boxes. Now work in pairs. Talk about your problems and give advice to each other. Complete the table. -I cant speak English well. -If you practise more outside the classroom, you will make progress.21cnjycom Step 5 Complete the sentences so that they are true for you 1. Read the sentences carefully. 2. Use the correct words to fill in th


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