2017上海教育版英语五年级上册Unit 7《At the beach》word教案.doc

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1、学科 英语 班级 五年级 主备人 任富香 章节 U7 P1 课题 At the beach 课 型 新授 时间 学习目 标 1. 听懂描述 Peter 一家在海边度假活动的短文及对话。 2. 用现在进行时描述人们在海边度假时所做的一些事情。 3. 用 Is /Are.(doing)?询问他人正在做的事情。 学习 重难点 1.词汇: beach,enjoy,collect,sea,letter,put,know,year,no holioday,have a good time 2.句型:Is /Are.(doing)?及其回答。 3.现在进行时的一般疑问句形式。 课前 准备 PPT ,pict

2、ures 导 学 过 程 思考与调整 Step1. Warm- up 1. 出示一些海滩及大海的图片,学习 sea,beach,并 导入主题。 T:Look at these photo.Its the beach.Its the sea.What can you do at the beach? S1:We can swim in the sea . S2:We can make sandcastles. S3:We can collect shells. S4:We can play beach volleyball. Step2:Presentation 1.让学生看图片,听短文,回答教

3、师的问题,引出学 习的主题。 T:Who are they? S1:The Browns.Theyre Sally,Peter,Paul,Mr Brown and Mrs Brown. T;How many people are there in their family? S2:There are five. T:Where are they? S3:Theyre in Sanya. T:What are they doing? Ss:Theyre spenging their holiday at the beach in Sanya. 2.学生合作填空: The Browns are o

4、n holiday in Sanya.The sky _blue and the clouds_white.Sally is _ the sunshine.Peter ia _a book.Mrs Brown and Paul are _.Mr Brown is _ in the sea.They are _ having a good time. Step 3.Practice: 1.让学生完成课本第 47 页 Listen and say 的后续练 习,引出现在进行时的问句 Is he/she.?Are they .?和答句。 2.用场景中的人物改编 Listen and enjoy 中的

5、歌谣, 巩固 Is /Are.(doing)? 3.Ask and answer T:Look at this photo.Is Mr Brown swimming? S1:No,he isnt. T:Whats he doing? S1:Hes reading a book. 然后,请学生两人一组根据栏目中的图片自编对话。 Step 4:Homework 学生以小组为单位,展示用于 Stick and say 的图片, 互相问答,介绍图片中的人物及其活动,并向全班展 示。 Step5:Blackboard design: At the beach Is /Are.(doing)? Enjoy

6、 the sunshine collect shells have a good time self-check: 1.-Where are the Browns? -They are _ holiday in Sanya. A.for B.with C.do 2.-What are you doing? -Im collecting shells. A.playing B.doing C.do 3.Its a beautiful day.Lets _football in the palyground. A.to play B.play C.playing 4.-_ Sally running after the rabbit? -Yes,she is . A.Are B.Does CIs 课后反思:


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