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1、北京市宣武区 2009 2010 学年度第一学期期末质量检测 八年级英语 20101 第 1 卷选择题 50 分来源:学_科_网 听力部分(共 10 分) 一、听对话。根据所给问题。选择相应的图画,每段对话读两遍。(共 5 分,每小题 1 分) 来源:学|科| 网 Z|X|X|K 二、听对话,根据对话内容,选择正确的答案,对话读两遍。(共 5 分,每小题 1 分) ( )6What are they doing now? AThey are having a class at school BThey are making a phone call CThey are talking in a

2、 restaurant ( )7Why didnt Liu Mei go to school today? ABecause she was too late BBecause her mother was i11 CBecause she had an accident ( )8When and where did the accident happen? AOn her way to school yesterday morning COn her way to school this morning BOn her way home yesterday afternoon ( )9Wha

3、t was the weather like yesterday afternoon? AIt was fine BIt was windy CIt was rainy来源:Z#xx#k.Com ( )10Wh0 took her to see the doctor? ANobody BHer father CHer mother 请打开第卷,看第一大题听力试题。该试题需要在第卷第一大题的相应位置上作答? 语言知识运用部分(共 25 分) 三、单项选择(共 15 分,每小题 1 分) 请你从四个选项中选出能够填入空白处的最恰当的选项。 ( )11It is not my mothers swe

4、ater_ sweater is black AShe BHe CHis DHer ( )12My teacher_ to Hainan by plane in three days Awill go Bgoes Cwent Dgo ( )13Daming doesnt_ his homework after supperHe watches TV Adoes Bdo C Ddoing ( )14What are you going to do this afternoon,Jack? _I am going to play_ football Aa Bthe C Dan ( )15Which

5、 is_ the sun,the moon or the earth? Aas big as Bbig Cbigger Dthe biggest ( )16John caught a cold on Saturday and_ in bed ever since Awas Bhas been Cis Dhave been ( )17Miss Zhang has taught US English in our school_ ten years ago Asince Bfor Cin Dbefore ( )18It takes me more than an hour_ to work eve

6、ry day Ago Bto go Cgoes Dgoing ( )19You should_ more English in and out of class Aspeak Bspeaking Cspoke Dto speak ( )20Mother_ when I got home Acooks Bis cooking Cwas cooking Dhas cooked ( )21I bought a CD for her_ she didnt like it Afor Band Cso Dbut 来源:学| 科|网 ( )22Everyone is surprised at the new

7、s,_? Ais he Bare they Carent they Dis not he ( )23Thank you for_ US a lot this time Ahelping Bhelped Chelps Dhelp ( )24Mr White_ a lot of money buying a new car Acost Btook Cpaid Dspent ( )25The young man seems_ to everyone Aangrily Bfriendly Csadly Dhappily 四、完型填空(共 10 分,每小题 1 分) 先通读短文,掌握大意,然后根据短文内

8、容从后面的选项中选出适合空白处的正确答案。 When July comes,children know theyll have_26_ exams and the school year will end soon 来 源:学。科。网 Boys and girl s will have a nearly two monthsholiday,and theyll leave school_27_ train or by ca r to _28_to see their fathers and mothers The summer holidays are the _29_ time of the

9、 year for most childrenThe weather is usually good,so one can_30_ most of his time playing outsideIf one lives in the country,he can来源:学科网 ZXXK _31_ into the woods(森林)and in the fieldsIf one lives in a big town,he can usually go to a park to play The best place for a summer holiday is the_32_Some ch

10、ildren are_33_ enough to live near the seaBut for the others who do not,if they have chance to stay at one of the big seaside towns for a week or two,they will talk about it all the following school year Now_34_makes children like the seaside so much? I think its the sands(沙滩) ,the sea and the sun,n

11、ot anything elseof course,there are_35_new things to see,nice things to eat, and interesting things to doBut the feeling of sand under their feet,of salt water on their skin,and the feeling of the warm sun on their backs make them happier 来源:学_科_网 ( )26Athey Bthem Ctheir Dtheirs ( )27Aon Bby Cin Dwi

12、th ( )28Ago to town Bleave home Creturn home Dstay at home ( )( )29Abest Bbetter Cworst Dworse ( )30Atake Buse Cpay Dspend ( )31Ago out Bgo back Cgo off Dgo for ( )32Avillage Bseaside Ccity Dtown ( )33A1ucky Bsad Cquiet Dcomfortable ( )34Athat Bwho Cwhat Dwhere ( )35A1ittle Bmuch Ca little Dlots of

13、阅读部分(共 15 分)来源:Zxxk.Com 五、阅读理解(共 15 分,每小题 1 分) A woman was collecting money for a church charityThe money she collected was going to be given to poor children who had no parents to take care of themShe went from apartment to apart- ment and from house to house, She knocked on doors and asked for mon

14、ey, She always said the same thing “G00d morning,Im collecting for a church charityPlease give generously, We need $5000“Then she held out a collecting box Most people put a few coins in the box An artist lived in one of the apartmentsHe opened the door “Good morning, ”she said Fm collecting for a c

15、hurch charityPlease give generouslyWe need $5,000 ”The artist thought for a momentand then he said, “Im sorry,but I dont have any money. However,Ill give you a pant- ingIts wonh$400 The woman thanked the artist and took the painting away A week 1ater she called on him again “Im sorry to trouble you

16、again, ”she said, but we still need more moneyI need another$100Can you help?Of course, ”the artist said“Ill in-crease the value of my painting to$500 ” ( )36Who was the woman collecting money for? AP00r children BHerself CHer friends DA church ( )37What did most people give her? AA lot of money BA

17、few dollars CPaintings DVery little money ( )38Why didnt the artist give money to her? AHe was not a generous man BHe did not have any money CHe had too many paintings DHis paintings were worth a lot of money ( )39Did the woman collect e nough money at last? ANoshe didnt BYes ,she did CWe dont know

18、DYes ,she does ( )40How much money does she need? A$5,000 B$5,100 C$4,00 DWe dont know (B) Mr Zhang 正在国外旅游,这是他所入住宾馆的房卡。请根据房卡正反两面的信息,回答 下列问题。 来源:学。科。网 ( )41Mr Zhang lives in_ AHotel Eiffel BHotel Concorde CHotel Mapol ( )42The hotel is_ Aon King Street near a bank Bnext to a museum Cnear a train stat

19、ion ( )43_ _ buses can reach the hotel ATwo BThree CFour ( )44If Mr Zhang gets lost(迷路),he can_ Atake Bus 507 to the hotel Bwait until the light is green Ccall the hotel at the phone number on the card ( )45Which of the following is TRUE? AOpen the door when the red light is on BThe card can be used

20、 to open the door CThe card can be used for shopping couldnt read his message! Lots of people use codes to send secret messagesIn a war,secrets are very important so sol- diers often send each other messages in codeNowadays,we can use computers to make and break difficult codesEven before computers,

21、people invented other machines to do this Heres a famous machine that Germans used in the Second World War(1941-1 945)Its called the Enigma MachineThe machines were very big,heavy and expensiveEvery day they changed the codes automatically,and this made it almost impossible for anyone to break the c

22、odesThe person sending a message had one machine,and the person receiving the message had another ( )46Sam asked David to go to the_ Apark Bhouse Cmuseum DZoo ( )47Sam told David to meet him_ Abefore breakfast Bafter school Cafter dinner Db efore school ( )48Codes are used to keep something_ Anew Bo

23、ld Csecret Dknown ( )49People will never know the meaning if they cant_ the code Abreak Bmake C change Dwrite ( )50The best title of this passage is AEnglish Letters BCodes CMessages DMachines 第卷非选择题 50 分 一、听短文,完成下列表格。(共 5 分,每小题 1 分) 请根据所听到的短文内容和表格中的提示词语,将所缺的关键信息填写在下面的表格中。 短文读三遍。 二、短文填空。(共 5 分。每空 1

24、分) 从下面方框中选出 5 个单词,将它们填人短文空格内,使短文意思正确、通顺。(注意: 每词限用一次,其中有一词多余)来源:学科网 ZXXK vegetables; because; going;difficult;longer; comfortable Its the year2050 nowLife is very different from life in 2007There are more people and cars in the worldIts more6. _ for people to find a jobAnd its also more difficult for

25、 peo- ple to ride in the streetsMost people live 7_ because they eat healthier food Nobody eats meat very often8. _ more and more people know its important to have a healthy dietThey eat more9. _ and fruitThey dont have to work long hoursThey have more free time for sports and 10. _ for a tripThey c

26、an also surf the InternetEvery family has more than one computer 三、根据中英文提示完成句子。(共 10 分,每小题 2 分) 11这些天我妈妈一直在忙于工作。 My mother_ all the time these days 12这个男孩是如此的贫困,以至于他不得不辍学。来源:学科网 The boy was_ drop out of school 13知道什么时候与别人握手是非常有必要的(necessary) 。 _when to shake hands with others 14你昨天晚上八点钟在干什么?_ at 8:0

27、0 pm yesterday? 15帮助父母打扫卫生是个好习惯。_ parents do some cleaning 四、口语交际(共 10 分,每小题 2 分) 根据上下文的意思补全对话。在方框中选择恰当的句子填入题前括号内。 ( )A:16_ Where is Beijing Railway Station? ( )B:17_ this street,and turn right at the fourth crossingGo on walking and then turn left at the second crossing ( )A:18_ B:About thirty minu

28、teswalkI think youd better take a bus ( )A:19. _ B:The No9 Bus A:Where shall I get off the bus? B:You must get off at the third stop from here A:Thank you ( )B:20_ 五、阅读与表达(共 10 分,每小题 2 分) 阅读短文,根据其内容回答问题。 Many people have jobs They go to work nearly every daySome people are luckyEither they have very

29、 interesting jobs or t hey make a lot of money Most people are not SO luckyEither their jobs are not very interesting or they dont make much money The most interesting jobs are often the most difficultPeople take a long time to learn how to do themDoctors study for at least six years after finishing

30、 school Some young people have interesting and high-pay jobsMany young players do their work suc- cessfullyFootball and tennis stars are usually under 35 years oldOlder people usually can not play these sports very wellThey cannot move fast enoughGolf,however,is a good sport for older peo-pieMany go

31、lf players are quite oldbut they can play it successfully Most people work until they are 60 or 65 years oldThen they retire( 退休)and have a lot of free timeSome people never retire thoughThese people usually have very int eresting jobs Writ- ers,artists ,scientists and actors(演员)usually work until t

32、hey dieTheir work is their life 21Do most people have interesting and high-pay jobs? _ 22Why do some jobs have to be taken a long time to learn? _ 23What sports are young people good at? _ _ 24Why is golf a good sport for older peo-ple? _ 25When do some people who have interesting jobs retire? _ 六、书面表达(共 10 分) 26现在学生进网吧(get on1ine) 成风,某班主任下周开班会时将讨论有关问题。假如你是 班主任,请根据内容写一篇演讲稿。6080 词。 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 来源:Zxxk.Com


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