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1、第三章 数词 1. It took us quite a long time to get here. It was _ journey. 【200 北京春】 A. three-hour B. a three hour C. a three-hour D. three hours 2. It is reported that the United States uses _ energy as the whole of Europe. 【NMET2004 全国 III-33】 A. as twice B. twice much C. twice much as D. twice as much

2、 3The house rent is expensive . Ive got about half the space I had at home and Im paying here . 【 2003 上海】 A as three times much Bas much three times Cmuch as three times Dthree times as much 4.He did it _ it took me. 【2003 北京】 A. one-third a time B. one-third time C. the one-third time D. one-third

3、 the time 5_of the land in that district _covered with trees and grass.【2000 上海】 A.two fifth; is B.two fifth; are C.two fifths ; is D.two fifths; are 6. It is not rare in _ that people _ fifties are going to university for further education. 【1999 上海】 A. 90s; the B. the 90s; / C. 90s; their D. the 9

4、0s; their 7. _ cave that George has discovered in his life time is near the Alps. 【1992 上海】 A. The hundredth B. The hundred C. Hundredth D. A hundredth 8. The hero of the story is an artist in his _. 【1991】 A.thirtieth B.thirty C.thirtys D.thirties 9. Shortly after the accident, two _ police were se

5、nt to the post to keep order. 【1992】 A. dozen of B. dozens C. dozen D. dozens of 10. China is _ larger than the United States. 【1990 上海】 A. one six B. one sixth C. one sixes D. one sixths 11. He looked quite healthy though he was_.【1985 上海】 A.in seventy B.in his seventies C.at seventies D.at the age

6、 of seventy 12. Mr. Smith _ me to buy several _ eggs for the dinner party. 【1992 上 海】 A. asked; dozen B. suggested; dozens of C. had; dozen D. persuaded; dozens 13. Two_died of cold last winter. 【1988 】 A. hundreds old people B. hundred old people C. hundreds old peoples D. hundred old peoples 答案与解析

7、 1. C 该题考查数词加名词构成的合成词的用法。three-hour 中间需加连字符左前置定语, journey 可数需加不定冠词 a。题意:用了很长时间才到那里。那是三个小时的旅程。 2. D 该题表示倍数的用法。表示倍数的句型:倍数+比较级+than 倍数+ 同级比较 (as/so+形容词/副词的原级(名词)+as倍数+the size(length, weight) of。据此应选 B。句意:据报道美国所消耗的能源是欧洲所消耗总和的两倍。 3.D 考查倍数的表达方式,在表达倍数时,倍数都应位于原级或比较级之前,因此 D 正确。 4.D 该题考查数词的用法。数词 one-third 要放

8、在名词前面,而名词 time 后面有定语从句 it took me,故为特指,应当在他前面加定冠词 the。因此,答案为 D。题意:他做这 件事用了我用时的三分之一。 5C 该题考查数词与主谓一致的用法。分数的表达式“基数词+ 序数词的复数” ;land 为不 可数名词,故谓语动词用单数。句意:该地区五分之二的土地为草和森林所覆盖。 6. D 该题考查数词的用法。在几十年代,在数词复数前加定冠词,即 in the 90s;在某人 多少多岁时,是在数词复数前加形容词性的物主代词,即:in ones fifties。句意:九 十年代人们五十多岁时上大学深造并不稀罕。 7. D 该题考查数词的用法。

9、序数词前加定冠词。乔治在他一生中所发现的第一百个洞穴是 在阿尔卑斯山附近。 8. D 该题考查数词的用法。在某人多少多岁时,是在数词复数前加形容词性的物主代词, 即:in ones thirties。句意:这个故事的男主人我翁是三十年代第一位艺术家。 9. C 该题考查数词的用法。事故发生后不久,就有两打警察被派往现场维持秩序。 10.B 该题考查数词的用法。分数是由“基数词+ 序数词” 构成,如果基数词大于或等于 2; 序数词变复数。是一时序数词用单数。句意:中国比美国达六分之一。 11. B 该题考查数词的用法。在某人多少多岁时,是在数词复数前加形容词性的物主代词, 即:in ones s

10、eventies。句意:虽然他已经七十多岁了,他看上去很健康。 12. A 该题考查数词的用法。dozen 和具体数连用不用复数。句意:史密斯先生让我给他买 些鸡蛋宴会上用。 13. B 该题考查数词的用法。hundreds 和具体数连用不用复数;people 当作人们皆不加复 数。句意:200 老人去年冬天死于寒冷。 第二节 考点归纳 用来表示事物的数量和顺序的词是数词,数词分为基数词和序数词两种。它是高考常 考内容之一。 2005 年全国考试说明 附录 语法项目表中对数词考查列了两项:1)基数 词 2)序数词。 一、基数词 表示数量的词叫基数词。1-12 的基数词是独立单词;13-19 的

11、基数词都是以-teen 结 尾的,要注意 thirteen,fifteen ,eighteen 的拼法稍有不同;20 一 90 的十位数,以后缀-ty 结尾,要注意 twenty,thirty,fifty,eighty 的特殊点。如下表: 1-12 13-19 20 一 90 百、千、百万、十亿 1one 2two 3three 4four 5.five 6six 7seven 8eight 9nine 10ten 11eleven 12twelve 13thirteen 14fourteen 15fifteen 16sixteen 17seventeen 18eighteen 19ninet

12、een 20twenty 30thirty 40forty 50fifty 60sixty 70seventy 80eighty 90ninety 100a hundred 1,000 a thousand 1,000,000 a million 1,000,000,000a billion(美 ) a thousand million(英) 1.基数词的读法 1)三位数的读法:第一个数字+ hundred +and+后面的一位或两位数字。如:107one hundred and seven;765seven hundred and sixty-five。 2)1,000 以上的数的读法:先从

13、后向前数,每三位数加一个逗号,第一个逗号前的数 字用 thousand(千) ,第二个逗号前的数字用 million(百万) ,用 “几十 thousand“表示 “几万 “,以 “几百 thousand“表示 “几十万“ ,用 “几十 million“表示 “几千万“ ,用“几百 million“ 表示 “几亿“ 。如:13,789,653thirteen million seven hundred and eighty-nine thousand six hundred and fifty-three。 2.数词的复数形式 1)表示几十岁时。如“二十多岁”说 twenties,表示的是 2

14、0 岁到 29 岁。依次类推, thirties 表示“三十几岁”,forties 表示“四十几岁” ,但“十几岁 ”不可说 tens,而要说 teens, 指 13 岁至 19 岁。如: He died in his thirties. She is in her teens. 2)表示几十年代时,如:“二十世纪八十年代”写成 1980s 或 1980s,均读作 nineteen eighties,指的是 1980 至 1989 年这十年间,需注意的是,年代用文字表示时则 不可用-s 形式。如 : Great changes took place in the l970s. History

15、has entered the eighties. 3)表示不确定数目时,这时要在 million,thousand ,hundred 等词后加上-s 并与 of 连用,表示大约多至“数以计” ,但 millions of 等前不能再加基数词,却可加 some, several 等表示不确定数目的修饰语。如 : Millions of other stars are even bigger and brighter than the sun. Some hundreds of new buildings have been put up here this year. 4)在分数中,当基数词(

16、 表示分子)大于 one 时,序数词(表示分母 )要用复数,两者之 间用不用连字符号均可。如: Two thirds of the teachers in our school are women. She has spent four-fifths of her money. 5)当基数词用作可数名词或用于某些固定词组中时,也要用复数。如: How many sevens are there in forty-nine? They arrived by twos and threes.他们三三两两的来了。 Wait a minute.Ill be finished in two twos.请

17、等一下,我马上就来 3数词和名词单数一起作定语,中间用连字符连接。 a seven-year-old girl 一个七岁的女孩 a two-thousand-word article 一篇 2 千字的文章 4当基数词和序数词同时修饰一个名词时,序数词一般放在基数词前;但如果序数词充 当描绘性修饰时,则放在基数词后。 He is one of the first five students. 他是前五名的学生之一。 He won three first prizes. 他获得三次第一名。 二、序数词 表示数目顺序的词叫序数词。序数词的构成规则,如下表: 范围 特点 实例 特殊情况 1-19 基数

18、词词尾加 th fourth, sixth, seventh 第一、第二和第三的序数词 分别是 first,second 和 third; eight 在变为 eighth 时 少了一个字母 t;nine 在变 为 ninth 时去掉了一个字母 “e”; 以“ve”结尾的基数词变 序数词时,须将“ve”改为“f” , 然后再加“th” 。 fivefifth,twelvetwelfth 20,30, - 90 各十位数字变 y 为 i 后加 th twentytwentieth, thirtythirtieth sixty-ninesixty-ninth 21-29 3139 91-99 只须

19、变个位的基数 词为序数词 twenty-twtwenty-second forty-fourforty-fourth sixty-ninesixty-ninth 1.序数词前不用定冠词的情况 1)表示顺序的语气很弱,具有“ 又一”、 “再一” 的意思时,其前要用不定冠词,不用定冠 词。如: l.He cast the net a second time. 2.A third bullet passed. 2)序数词前己有指示代词、物主代词、名词所有格或 every 时,不用定冠词。如: l.He made his first set in an old box. 2.Berlin in 192

20、9 held a public celebration on Einsteins fiftieth birthday. 3)在表示分数的序数词前不用定冠词。如: From then on Bashi toured three-fourths of Beijing. Two-thirds of the area is covered by trees. 4)数词与名词构成复合名词时,不用定冠词。如: There is a first-class hotel over there. He went to a second-hand bookshop. 5)序数词用作副词时,不用定冠词。如: Why

21、 did the captain first hesitate in letting the boy risk climbing the tree? First come, first served. 6)在一些由序数词构成的固定词组里不用定冠词。如: 1.at first 2.first of al1 3.from first to last 三、数词的功能 1表小数、分数和百分数 1.小数点读作 point,零读 zero 或 nought。小数点后的数字按个位基数词依次读出。如: 3.4three point four,0.2zero(nought)point two,0.03zero

22、point zero three,3.458three point four five eight 2.百分数由基数词后直接加 percent(per cent)构成。如: 20% 2Opercent(per cent) 3.分数由基数词 (分子)和序数词 (分母)合成。分子大于 l 时,表分母的序数词要用复 数形式。如: 1/3one/a third 2/3two thirds 但 1/2 一般用 a/one half;1/4 用 a/one quarter 或 one fourth。 3.表示几分之几 (或百分之几) 的人或物时,须在分数 (或百分数) 和人或物间加 of。若 充当主语,谓

23、语动词的数须与 of 后的名词的数保持一致。如: One third of the students are girls.1/3 的学生是女生。 Sixty percent of her income was spent on clothes.她收入的 60%花在了服装上。 但当表示人口的几分之几 (或百分之几 )作主语时,谓语动词常用复数形式。如 : The population in China is very large, and eighty percent of it are farmers. 中国的人口众多,其中 80%是农民。 2表加减乘除 1.加法的表达法 如表达“几加几是多少

24、 ”,可用 “What/How much is+基数词and/plus+基数词?” ;如 表达“ 几加几等于几 ”,可用“基数词and+基数词is 基数词”。如: What/How much is seven and eight?7 加 8 是多少? Seven and eight is fifiteen. 7 加 8 等于 15。 2减法的表达法 如表达“几减几是多少 ”,可用 “What/How much is+基数词minus+基数词?”;如表 达“ 几减几等于几 ”,可用“基数词minus+ 基数词is 基数词 ”。 3.乘法的表达法 如表达“几乘几是多少 ”,可用 “What/How

25、 much is+基数词times+基数词?” ;如表 达“ 几乘几等于几 ”,可用“基数词times+基数词is基数词 ”。 4.除法的表达法 如表达“几除以几是多少 ”,可用 “What/How much is+基数词divided by+基数词?”; 如表达“几除以几等于几 ”,可用 “基数词divided by+基数词is基数词”。 3表时间 1.用数字表达法来表示几点几分时,分钟数在后,并且不可使用 quarter, half。如: 8:15 eight fifteen(不能说:eight a quarter) 10:30 ten thirty(不能说:ten half) 2.使用介

26、词 past 表示“几点过几分”,用 to 表示“几点差几分” 时,分钟数放在介词前。 11:25 twenty-five past eleven(=eleven twenty-five) 6:40 twenty to seven(=six forty) 3.past,to 前的分钟应小于三十分钟(如果正好是三十分,应用 half) 。如: 5:55 five to six=five fifty-five(不能说:fifty-five past five) 5:30 half past five=five thirty(不能说:thirty past five 或 five half) 4数词

27、用于编号 表示编号,可以用基数词,也可以用序数词,即:事物名词(不加冠词)+基数词;the+序 数词十事物名词。如: Lesson Twelve=the Twelfth Lesson 第十二课 Part Onethe First Part 第一部分 World War I=the First World War 第一次世界大战 如英语编号中数字较长,一般用基数词表示。如: Room 506 第五 0 六号房间 page 265 第二百六十五页 Telephone NO.8297976 电话号码 8297976 5表倍数 两倍:twice 两倍以上:基数词+times This classroo

28、m is twice as big as that one. The house is three times bigger than that one 四、数量名词的单复数形式 1. hundred,thousand ,million 的用法 当前面有数词以及 many,several 等词修饰时,这三个词用单数形式,后面直接跟复 数名词。当这几个词前面没有数词而后面有 of 时,则一定要用复数形式,表示数百、 数 千等笼统的数目概念。如: two hundred students 200 名学生 several thousand enemies 几千敌人 hundreds of dolla

29、rs 数百美元 millions of ants 数百万蚂蚁 2. score(二十),dozen (打; 十二个) 的用法 1)当 dozen 与基数词或 many,several 等连用时,不加“-s”,所修饰的名词前常省去 of。 但是,在 a dozen of these people, two dozen of them 等短语中应加 of。这是因为习惯上 在 these, those, us 等词前该用 dozen of 的缘故。 two dozen books 两打书 two (many,several)dozen pencils 两打(几打)铅笔 some dozen peop

30、le 是“若干打的人(几十个人,许多人) ”。 2) score 意为“ 二十”。two score of people 中应加 of,但 three score and ten people, “70 人 ”中不加 of。scores of people 意为“许多人 ”。上述这两个词的复数形式与 of 连用时,表示不确切的数量,意为“许多“,“大量的“。如: for dozens of years 好几十年以来 scores of years ago 许多年前 scores of times 许多次 第三节 巩固提高 1.-Have you seen_workers pass by? -Y

31、es,Ive seen_them. A. woman; hundreds of B. women; hundreds of C. woman; two hundred of D. women; hundreds 2.Having done three experiments without rest,they were _out to go on with_one. A. so tired;a fourth B. so tiring ;the fourth C. too given;the fourth D. too worn;a fourth 3.-Whats the date today?

32、 -Its _. A. Sunday B. August the ninth C. the first of May D. October fifth 4.Hainan is _ island. A. Chinas second largest B. the Chinas second largest C. the second Chinas largest D. Chinas the second largest 5.In her _she began to take up writing. A. forties B. fourties C. fortieth D fourtieth 6._

33、Summer Olympics was held in Barcelona in Spain A. The Twenty-four B. Twenty-four C. The Twenty-forth D. Twenty-fourth 7.The Sao Paulo fire broke out _February 4th,1974. A. in B. on C. at D. for 8.-How many new jobs can you give to the people here? -Three _ and _. A. hundred; eighty-six B. hundreds;

34、eighty-six C. hundred; eighty-sixth D. hundreds; eighty-sixth 9.-What time did finish your homework yesterday? -_seven oclock _ the afternoon. A. On;in B. At;on C. At;in C. On;at 10.“Please turn to _ and look at the text.” A. Page 29 B. the page 29 C. a page 29 D. 29 page 11.He lives in _. A. Room 5

35、12 B.512 Room C. the 512 Room D. the Room 512 12.-How long is the bridge? -700_. A. meter long B. meters long C. meter longer D.meters longer 13.After a long walk we had _ rest. A. a few minutes B. a few minutes C. few minutes D. few minutes 14.The meeting has finally begun after _. A. two hours lat

36、er B. two hours of absence C. two hours delay D. a delay of two hours 15._of the rivers here have been polluted. A. Two-third B. Two-thirds C. Two-three D. Second-third 16.The Second World War broke out in _. A. 1930s B. the 1930es C. The 1930s D.1930s 17.There are _ of visitors in the exhibition ev

37、ery week. A. tens of thousands B. about ten of thousands C. about three thousands D. about three thousand 18.-What time is it now? -Its _. A. a quarter past half B. four eighteen C. five past forty-two D. forty-two to five 19.I got to the station _ than John. A. five minutes later B. five minutes late C. later five minutes D. late five minutes 20.Two _ years ago he lived in the United Stares. A. dozen B. dozens C. dozen of D. dozens of 答案:1. B 2.D 3.C 4.A 5.A 6.C 7.B 8.A 9.C 10.A 11.A 12.B 13.B 14.D 15.B 16.C 17.A 18.B 19.A 20.A


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