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1、Success Intermediate 高级英语(1),高级英语课程教学团队编制,高级英语课程教学团队编制,. .,Unit 14 The hard sell,高级英语课程教学团队编制,. .,Teaching and learning contents,一、Grammar and listening (See TB-P216-217)二、Reading and vocabulary (See TB-P218-219)三、Listening and vocabulary (See TB-P220)四、Speaking and listening (See TB-P221)五、Vocabula

2、ry (See TB-P222)六、Writing (See TB-P222-223)七、Supplement Culture Notes (See TB-P229),高级英语课程教学团队编制,高级英语课程教学团队编制,. .,appetising commercial convenient creamy delicious faulty fresh frozen horrific informative juicy lean nutritious revolutionary sensational stale tasty tinned tough,Warm-up : Translate th

3、e following adjectives into Chinese,开胃的,促进食欲的,商业的,商务的,方便的,便利的,光滑油腻的,有奶油味的,美味的,可口的,有错误的,有缺点的,新鲜的,鲜嫩的,冷冻的,冷藏的,令人恐惧的,可怕的,提供信息的,多汁的,多水分的,不肥的,瘦的,有营养的,滋养的,革命的,非常好的,吸引人的,轰动的,不新鲜的,味道变坏的,美味的,可口的,粗暴的,困难的,咬不动的,灌装的,听装的,一.Grammar and listening (See TB-P216-217),高级英语课程教学团队编制,高级英语课程教学团队编制,. .,一.Grammar and listeni

4、ng (See TB-P216-217),Exercise 1 Look at these adverts for early American convenience food and answer the questions. What sort of products are shown?. Do they look tasty?. How popular is convenience food in your country? What sort of products are most common?. Whats your opinion of this sort of food?

5、 Why?,A bread B tinned peas C TV dinner (pre-cooked meal),高级英语课程教学团队编制,Exercise 2 Check if you understand the sentences below. Use a dictionary to help you. Then listen and match sentences1-7 with products A-C. 1.You need a saucepan to prepare it/them.2.You need to heat it in an oven.3.It comes in t

6、hree varieties-chicken, beef and pork.4.You dont need to wash up afterwards.5.It doesnt go stale for a week.6.Its natural, nutritious and good for you.7.It can be eaten with stews or meat dishes.,Keys: 1 B 2 C 3 C 4 C 5 A 6 B 7 B,Exercise 3 Listen again and match the adjectives with products AC. app

7、etising convenient creamy delicious fresh juicy lean natural revolutionary sensational,Keys: A delicious, juicy, creamy, convenient, leanB appetising, natural, sensational C fresh, revolutionary,Listening Exercises,NOtes to the listening,高级英语课程教学团队编制,1 TV dinners电视餐(也叫做冷冻餐、冰箱餐、微波餐或 者即食餐)指独立包装的冷冻或冷藏餐

8、食。这种餐食基 本不需加工,而且包含了一顿单人餐所需的所有成分。2 bingo因出乎意料的成功而兴奋的叫声。3 mashed potatoes土豆泥。4 goodness精华,精髓。5 feel like想要,后面接动词的ing形式。6 space age technology太空时代技术。,高级英语课程教学团队编制,Verb Patterns 动词形式 当两个动词连用时,第一个动词是用来表示时态,第二个动词不发生时态方面的变化。但是第 一个动词却决定了第二个动词的形式。1.动词的-ing形式用于下列词语或短语后(1)动词(admit, avoid, fancy, miss, stop, pr

9、actise, enjoy, enjoy, imagine, keep, hate)(2)动词+介词/动词短语(succeed at, apologise for, dream about, think about, look forward to, give up, feel like)(3) 形容词 + 介词 (good at, interested in, proud of, sorry for, famous for, tired of) (4) 其他一些表达 (after, by, instead of, when, I dont mind, I cant stand, withou

10、t, be worth)2.带to的不定式用于下列动词后 agree, allow, decide, expect, hope, learn, manage, offer, promise, refuse, seem, want, would like,need 3.不带to的不定式用于下列动词后: 情态动词 (must, might, will, should, can) 4.带宾语的其他动词 (let , make),Grammar Explanation,!Mind the trap!,有些动词可以接不同的动词形式,但是意思基本上差不多。 She started/continued/be

11、gan/prefers/loves learning English.或者 She started/continued/began/prefers/loves to learn English. He helped me install the program onto my computer.或者 He helped me to install the program.,高级英语课程教学团队编制,Grammar Exercises,Exercise5:Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in brackets.

12、1 Eating chilli peppers makes me (sweat). 2 You should _ (shake) the bottle before _ (open) it. 3 Im thinking about _ (become) a vegetarian. 4 Im tired of _ (cook) do you fancy _ (eat) out? 5 Would you like _ (help) me _ (peel) these potatoes? 6 Why do you keep _ (drink) coffee when you know you can

13、t _ _ _(sleep) afterwards? 7 He decided _ (go) on a diet hes already managed _ (lose) a few kilos. 8 The blackcurrant juice is on special offer this week. Its worth _ (buy) a few extra cartons. 9 Do you feel like _ (get) a takeaway pizza tonight?10 Dads a very nervous cook. He doesnt let anyone _ (w

14、atch) him in the kitchen. 11 I was in a hurry so she offered _ (make) me a packed lunch. 12 She seems _(relax) by _ (eat) junk food in front of the TV.,sweat,shake,opening,becoming,cooking,eating,to help,peel,drink,sleep,to go,to lose,buying,getting,watch,to make,eating,to relax,高级英语课程教学团队编制,Grammar

15、 Exercises,Exercise 6:Use the words/phrases in brackets to write a new sentence with a similar meaning.1 Beckys parents only let her come home late at the weekends. ALLOW 2 After several minutes, they succeeded in finding a table that was free. MANAGE 3 Id like to learn another foreign language. INT

16、ERESTED IN 4 Do you feel like going for a cup of coffee? FANCY 5 They didnt allow us to bring pets with us. LET 6 We must book a table for this evening. NEED 7 Do you want to order a takeaway pizza? FEEL LIKE,We need to book a table for this evening.,After several minutes, they managed to find a tab

17、le that was free.,Im interested in learning another foreign language.,Do you fancy going for a cup of coffee?,They didnt let us bring pets with us.,Beckys parents only allow her to come home late at the weekends.,Do you feel like ordering a takeaway pizza?,高级英语课程教学团队编制,Grammar Exercises,Exercise 7:W

18、rite the prepositions that go with these adjectives. Then use them to make sentences that are true for you. Use a dictionary to help you. 1 excited _ 5 keen _ 2 fed up _ 6 worried _ 3 fond _ 7 good _ 4 hopeless _ Im keen on swimming. Im excited about finishing school in June.,Keys:1 by 2 with 3 of 4

19、 at 5 on 6 by 7 at,高级英语课程教学团队编制,二. Reading and vocabulary (See TB-P218-219),Letter A the first paragraphDear Sir/Madam,I am writing in response to Judy Boyles article, Time To Declare War on Advertising which appeared in Saturdays paper. As someone who works in the advertising profession, I have to

20、say that many of Ms Boyles views are exaggerated or simply wrong.Letter B the first paragraphDear Sir/Madam,After reading Judy Boyles article in Saturdays paper (Time To Declare War on Advertising) I wanted to congratulate her on a brilliant piece.Letter C the first paragraphDear Sir/Madam,I am writ

21、ing in response to Judy Boyles article, which appeared in your paper on March 22nd. Although I agreewith many of the things Ms Boyle wrote, I feel she didnt mention some important points.,高级英语课程教学团队编制,Exercise1 Read the first paragraph of each letter AC. Which writer: 1 agrees with Judy Boyles artic

22、le. _ 2 partially agrees with Judy Boyles article. _ 3 disagrees with Judy Boyles article. _,B,C,A,高级英语课程教学团队编制,二. Reading and vocabulary (See TB-P218-219),Exercise 2Quickly read the letters and try to decide what Judy Boyle wrote about in her article.Exercise 3 Choose the best title for each letter

23、 to the editor AC. There are two titles that you dont need. 1 More advertising clichs. 2 How advertising helps the economy. 3 Life before advertising. 4 Why advertising is a good thing. 5 How advertising makes us unhappyExercise 4 Find these words and phrases in the letters. How would you say them i

24、n your language?Letter A: advertising TV commercial (advertising) slogan ad-break Letter B: ad/advert advertising agency Letter C: spam billboard junk mail leaflet poster,高级英语课程教学团队编制,Answer: She wants fewer adverts. She doesnt like the stereotypes represented in adverts. She thinks adverts are an i

25、nvasion of our privacy,key:1.B 2.X 3.X 4.B 5.C,高级英语课程教学团队编制,二. Reading and vocabulary (See TB-P218-219),Exercise 5 Read the letters again. Tick true and cross false. 1 Ashley Coates believes that, thanks to advertising, there is a bigger range of newspapers and magazines on the market.2 He suggests

26、that the 1940s were an exciting decade to live in. 3 He thinks that adverts take a lot of their ideas from pop videos.4 Duncan Grant uses the example of car adverts to show how exciting adverts can be. 5 He suggests that stereotypes in adverts dont change very quickly.6 Jean Cox doesnt believe that

27、people have contact with 3,000 advertising messages each day.7 She thinks that advertising makes us feel that what we own is never good enough.,高级英语课程教学团队编制,key:1. 2. X 3. X 4. X 5. 6. X 7. ,高级英语课程教学团队编制,二. Reading and vocabulary (See TB-P218-219),Exercise 6 Work in groups and answer the questions.

28、1 Which of the opinions in the letters do you agree with most? Why? 2 What is your favourite billboard/TV advert? Why do you like it? 3 Can you think of any advertising slogans which have entered everyday language? 4 Can you think of any more clichs or stereotypes that are used in adverts?,高级英语课程教学团

29、队编制,高级英语课程教学团队编制,1 I am writing in response to Judy Boyles article, .“我写信的目的是想回应一下朱迪 博伊尔的文章”短语in response to的意思是“回应”。2 I have to say that many of Ms Boyles views are exag- gerated or simply wrong.“我得说博伊尔女士的许多观点有点夸大其词或者说完全错误。” I have to say的意思是“我得说(用以强调自己的观点)”, simply在此处的意思是“完全地,绝对地”。3 The Dark Ages

30、of the1940s. “20世纪 40年代的黑暗时代”此处作者有点夸张,因为她认为那时只有一个公共电视频道、两个公共广播台和无聊的报刊,选择太少了,所以称之为“黑暗时代”。但是英文中常出现的“ the DarkAges”通常用来指欧洲中世纪的早期,即大约在公元 5001100年。其间,日耳曼部族横扫欧洲和北非,经常袭击并破坏城镇和居住区,这一时期被认为是一个较为蒙昧的时期。4 The three-minute ad-break on TV is just enough time to make a nice cup of tea.“三分钟的电视广告休息正好可以冲一杯香茶。”ad是adver

31、tisement的简写形式。 break此处是名词,意思是“间歇,中间休息”。5 I wanted to congratulate her on a brilliant piece.“我想祝贺她写了这么好的文章。”Congratulate someone on something的意思是“就对某人表示祝贺”,piece这里的意思是“一篇章”。6 Why does nobody wear glasses unless its an advert for an opticians?“除了眼镜店的广告外,为何其他广告中的人都不戴眼镜?” optician“眼镜商”,加上 s,指的是“眼镜店”。一些表

32、示该职业的名词后面加s表示该职业的工作场所,如 dentists牙医诊所。,LANGUAGE NOTES,NOtes to the listening,高级英语课程教学团队编制,7 And yet, I have been watching fools like these advertise products for the past twenty years!“然而在过去的20年里,我却一直看这样的傻子们为产品做的广告。”这个句子比较长,watching后面引导了一个宾语从句,从句中fools是主语,like these作定语来修饰 fools。短语 and yet的意思是“然而,但是,可

33、是”。8 A recent report suggests that, on average, each person has to put up with about 3,000 advertising messages every day.“最近的一个报告显示每人平均每天要忍受 3 000条的广告信息。” suggest此处的意思是“表明”,短语 on average的意思“平均”,在句中起副词的作用。短语 put up with的意思是“忍受,容忍”。9 At first sight, this number seems impossible, .“乍一看,这个数字好像不可能,”短语 a

34、t first sight的意思是“乍看之下;一看到就”,如 They fell in love at first sight.“他俩一见钟情”。 10 . and pop-up adverts on internet pages.“网页上弹出的广告。” pop-up,“(计算机)(菜单或其他应用程序)弹出的”。 11 First of all, .Then . Then . Finally .“首先,其次,然后,最后。”这些过渡词使本段内容的条理清楚。大家在写英文材料时不妨借鉴一下。 12 In short, advertising is one big lie.“总之,广告就是个弥天大谎。

35、” in short的意思是“简而言之,总之”,用在文章的最后,来对前文做总结。,高级英语课程教学团队编制,三. Listening and vocabulary (See TB-P220),Exercise 1 Work in pairs. Do you enjoy shopping? Why?/Why not? Tell your partner.,高级英语课程教学团队编制,三. Listening and vocabulary (See TB-P220),Exercise 2 Listen to the conversation between Jason and his parents

36、 and answer the questions.,1 When is International Buy Nothing Day? 2 What do campaigners hope that people will do on this day? 3 Is Jason for or against supermarkets and chain stores? Why? 4 Would you find it easy to go for one day without buying anything? Why?/Why not?,Your own answers,The last Fr

37、iday in November,Think about whether they really need to buy the things they usually buy.,Againstsupermarkets dominate our lives and we all buy the same things.,高级英语课程教学团队编制,三. Listening and vocabulary (See TB-P220),Exercise 3 Match items 19 with places ai. Then listen and check. Where can you buy t

38、hem?,1 boot polish a bakers 2 pet food b butchers 3 cosmetics c chemists 4 bread d clothes store 5 vegetables e greengrocers 6 stationery f grocers 7 meat g newsagents 8 salt h pet shop 9 underwear i shoe shop,高级英语课程教学团队编制,三. Listening and vocabulary (See TB-P220),Exercise 4 Listen again and answer

39、the questions.,1 Why do Sue and Jeff think that life before supermarkets was worse? 2 What further arguments does Jason give against supermarkets?,You had to go to different shops and queue, carry your bags around town and walk a long way. It took much longer. There were no convenient car parks. It

40、was more expensive.,Workers wages are low, it is bad for farmers and small businesses, it encourages families to go shopping together as if it were fun.,高级英语课程教学团队编制,三. Listening and vocabulary (See TB-P220),Exercise 5 Complete the compound nouns below with a word from the box.,cash (x 2) chain chan

41、ging department shop shopping (x 2),1 _ assistant someone whose job is selling things in a shop2 _ trolley a metal structure on wheels that is used for carrying things in shops3 _ store one of a group of similar shops owned by the same company 4 _ register a machine that is used in shops for keeping

42、 money in 5 _ centre/mall a place where a lot of shops have been built close together 6 _ rooms a room in a shop where you can try clothes 7 _ _ store a large shop divided into several different parts, each of which sells different things8 _ dispenser a machine, usually outside a bank, that you can

43、get money from,Shop,Shopping,Shopping,Chain,Cash,Department,Cash,Changing,高级英语课程教学团队编制,四. Speaking and listening (See TB-P221),Prepare and give a short presentation on one of the topics below.,高级英语课程教学团队编制,1. Small shops still have an important role to play in todays towns and cities. Do you agree?2.Shopping has become one of the most important leisure activities of our time. Is this a problem?,Exercise 1 Look at the cartoon below and answer the questions.Have you ever been dissatisfied with something you have bought? What did you do about it? Did you make a complaint?,


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