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1、中国 100青年英才培养计划报名表 姓 名 性 别 民族 相片 出生年月 身份证号 家庭电话 手 机 E-mail 通讯地址 邮编 就读学校 专业(文科理科) 就读年级 担任职务 现任曾任校内外社会工作 及获奖情况 由至 (年月) 活动名称 活动规模 (国际国内跨校校内) 担任职务 日期 曾荣获的奖项 曾获与学业成绩相关的校内、外奖学金(按顺时 序列出) 日期 奖学金名称 颁发机构 志愿者服务或社会服务经验 日期 服务内容 服务 时数 服务机构 组织参与 语言能力 (请在相应水平打) 英语 精通 良好 一般 其他( ) 精通 良好 一般 请撰写一篇名为我对英才的理解及自身与英才目标的 比较 的

2、短文,字数不超过 500 字(可另附) 申请人 认为需要 补充 的 资料: 声明书 在 签署本表格同时,本人确认: 1. 本 表格及随附文件所提供的资料均 正确 无误 ,并无缺漏; 2. 若成功获选,将承诺全力参与 中国 100培训 计划的 学习、考察活动,达到课程 要求; 3. 若成功获选,将承诺愿意竭尽所能,服务社会; 4. 若成功获选,同意自动成为中国 100青年英才俱乐部会员,并同意将以上个人资料用作中国 100青年英才俱乐部的联络及通讯。 申请人签名: 年 月 日 就读学校负责人推荐(报名表须交学校填写及盖章) 名 称 负责人姓名 负责人职务 职 称 联系方式 联络地 址 邮 编 负

3、责人对 申请人 的评价 : 在签署本表格时,本人确认: 1. 以上申请人所填写的校内成绩及校内社会工作资料均 正确无误; 2. 同意中国 100青年英才培养计划办公室向本人及本校收集本人及受推荐人的资料,以作审核此次报名之用。 负责人 签名 : 盖 章: 年 月 日 年 月 日 家长意见 我 同意并支持 参加中国 100青 年英才培养计划所有学习和社会活动。 家长签名: 年 月 日 China 100 Youth Elite Project Application Form Name Gender Nation Photo Date of Birth ID. Card No. Home Tel

4、. No. Mobile E-mail Correspondence Address Zip Code Current School Major( Arts / Science) Grade Post(s) Current / Previous Social Work and Prize(s) Innside and Outside School From / To (yy / mm) Name of Activity Scale of activity (International / National / Inter-school / Inside school) Post(s) Date

5、(s) Previous Prize(s) Previous Academic-related Scholarship(s) / Prize(s) (In chronological order) Date(s) Scholarship(s) Issuing Body(ies) Voluntary Work or Community Service Experience Date(s) Content of Service(s) hour(s) of Service(s) Name of Organisation(s) Organize or participate, Language Pro

6、ficiency( mark up “” at The corresponding place) English Excellence Good Fair others( ) Excellence Good Fair Please write an essay of no more than 500 words in Chinese entitled “My understanding of Youth Elite, and my Advantage and shortcoming comparison with the objectives of Youth Elite”. Addition

7、al Information of Applicant: Declaration Upon completing and signing this Application Form, I confirm that I: 5.certify that all the information provided above and all the enclosed supporting documents are complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge; 6.shall make every effort to the china 100

8、Project and Reach the Courses Requirements, if successful; 7.shall make every effort to the serve the community with devotion, if successful; 8.hereby give my consent to become a member of “China 100” Youth Elite Project and to release my personal information given above for,if successfui; Signature

9、 of Applicant: Date: Recommendation from Principal of Respective School (Applicants should submit the form to school for completion and certification) Name of School Name of Principal Post(s) of Principal Title Tel. No. Correspondence Address Zip Code Comments on Applicant from Principal: Upon compl

10、eting and signing this Application Form, I confirm that I: 1.certify that all the information the applicant provided related to academic rank and leadership post(s) at school are accurate to the best of my knowledge; 2. give my consent to the Secretariat of “China 100” Youth Elite Project to carry o

11、ut necessary reference check and investigation with myself or my school for the purpose of assessing this application. Signature of Principal: Stamp Chop: Date: Date: Parents views I approve and Support Participate all study and Social investigation of China 100 Youth Elite Project. Signature of Parents: Date:


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