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1、cabbage n.卷心菜cabin n.机舱,船舱;小屋cable n.索;缆caf n.咖啡馆;小餐馆cafeteria n.自助餐厅cage n.笼子cake n.蛋糕;饼,糕a piece of cake (组)小菜一碟,容易做的事calculate v.计算calculation n.计算calculator n.计算器pocket calculator (组)袖珍计算器calendar n.日历callvt.叫;打电话给 vi.叫;打电话;拜访 n.呼叫;电话;拜访call at sp. (组)拜访某地call on sb. (组)拜访某人call on to do (组)号召做c

2、all for (组)要求,需要call off (组)取消call in (组)约请call up (组)打电话给call back (组)回电话make a telehphone call to (组)打电话给within call (组)在叫声可达的范围内,在附近at call (组)随叫随到so-called adj.所谓的calm adj.镇静的 v.(使)沉着;(使)冷静calm down (组)(使)冷静下来calmness n.沉着;冷静camel n.骆驼camera n.照相机(=video camera)摄像机digital camera (组)数码相机camp n.野营

3、;营地 vi.野营go camping (组)去野营campsite n.营地campaign n.战役;运动;竞选campus n.校园on campus (组)在校园内can v./aux.会,能够;可能 n.罐头 vt.把(食品等)装罐can not/nevertoo (组)再也不为过canal n.运河cancel vt.取消;删去cancer n.癌candidate n.候选人;求职者;应试者candle n.蜡烛candy n.糖果canned adj.罐装的cannot v./aux.不能canteen n.食堂;小卖部cap n.帽子capable adj.有能力的;能干的b

4、e capable of doing sth. (组)有能力做某事capability n.能力incapable adj.无能力的capital n.首都;资本;大写字母 adj.重要的capitalism n.资本主义capitalize vt.用大写字母书写capitalist adj.资本主义的;资本家的 n.资本主义者;资本家captain n.船长,记账;队长;上尉capture vt./n.捕获,俘虏;占领car n.(小)汽车carbon n.碳carbon dioxide (组)二氧化碳carbonic adj.碳的card n.卡片play cards (组)玩牌carbo

5、ard n.硬纸板care n.照顾;关心;小心 v.照顾;关心;介意take care of (组)照顾Take care(not to do) (组)小心,注意(不要)care about (组)管子呢;介意;在乎care for (组)喜欢,想要;照顾caring adj.关心照顾人的career n.生涯;职业,事业follow acareer (组)从事职业careful adj.小心的;仔细的be careful about (组)注意Be careful not to do (组)注意不要carefulness n.小心;仔细careless adj.粗心的;疏忽的be care

6、less about (组)对粗心cargo n.(由船、飞机、车辆装载的)货物carpenter n.木匠carpet n.地毯carriage n.四轮马车carrot n.胡萝卜carry vt.携带;运送;担负;刊载,报道carry out (组)实施(计划等)carry on (组)继续be carried away (组)浑然忘我cart n.手推车cartoon n.动画片;漫画cartoonist n.漫画家case n.情况;(常 the-)实情;事例;案件;病例in case (组)(连)以免;万一(从句用一般现在时或 should)in case of (组)万一(一般位

7、于句首)in any case (组)无论如何in no case (组)绝不as is often the case (组)这是常有的事cash n.现金 vt.兑现(支票等)pay in cash (组)付现金cashier n.出纳员;收银员cassette n.磁带盒cast v./n.扔,投,抛castle n.城堡casual adj.偶然的;随便的;不经意的,漫不经心的casual clothes (组)便装cat n.猫It rains cats and dogs. (组)下着倾盆大雨。catalog n.目录 v.编目录catch vt.抓住;赶上(交通工具)catch sb

8、. doing (组)抓住某人正在做be caught in (组)遇到(雨、交通堵塞等)catch up with (组)赶上catch on (with) (组)受(的)欢迎cattle n. (pl.)牛cause vt.导致 n.导因cause sb. sth.=cause sth. to sb. (组)带给某人不好的事情cause to do (组)导致做the cause of (组)的导因cave n.山洞CD n.激光唱片;光盘( =compact)cease v./n.停止ceiling n.天花板celebrate vt.庆祝celebration n.庆祝cell n.细

9、胞cement n.水泥cemetery n.墓地cent n.美分centigrade adj.摄氏的ten degrees centigrade (组)10 摄氏度centimetre,centimeter n.厘米central adj.中心的,中央的;核心的,主要的centre,center n.中心,中央self-centered adj.自我中心的century n.世纪in the 21st century (组)在 21 世纪ceremony n.仪式,典礼opening/closing ceremony (组)开/闭幕式wedding/graduation/award cer

10、emony(组)婚礼/毕业典礼 /颁奖典礼certainadj.确实的;有把握的;某个(用 a-,相当于 some),某些be certain of/that/wh- (组)确信,对有把握be certain to do (组)一定会It is certain that (组)是确实的certainty n.确实;确信uncentain adj.不确实的;不确信的certainly adv.当然,当然可以;必定地certificate n.证书;证明chain n.链条;一系列,一连串chain store (组)连锁店chair n.椅子chairman n.(pl.)-men 主席chal

11、k n.粉笔challenge n.挑战 vt.向挑战;对提出质疑meet the challenge (组)迎接挑战challenging adj.有挑战性的champion n.冠军championship n.冠军称号win the championship (组)赢得冠军头衔chance n.机会,机遇;可能性chance to do/of doing (组)做的机会catch/seize/grasp a chance (组)抓住机会miss a chance (组)做过机会(The)chances are (that) (组)很可能change v./n. 改变,变化 n.零钱;找零

12、changefor (组)将某物更换为同种物品的一件changeinto (组)使变成;把 兑换成change for the better/worse (组)好转/恶化keep the change (组)留下零钱,不用找了changeable adj.易变的,变化莫测的;可变的channel n.海峡;(电视)频道;渠道chapter n.(书籍的)章character n.特征;性格;角色,人物;文字Chinese characters (组)汉字characterize vt.是的特征;描述 的特征be characterize by (组)以为特征characteristic n.特

13、征 adj.特有的chargen.掌管;费用;充电;谴责;控告 vt.收费;充电;谴责;控告in charge of (组)负责,掌管in the charge of=in ones charge (组)由负责、掌管take charge of (组)负责,掌管free of charge (组)免费charge sb. with (组)谴责/控告某人 rechargeable adj.可再充电的charity n.慈善;救济物品;(常 charities)慈善组织charm n.魅力charming adj.有魅力的,迷人的chart n.图表chase v./n.追逐;追求chat vi.

14、/n.闲谈,聊天cheap adj.便宜的,廉价的cheat v.欺骗 n.骗子check v./n.检查;核对 n.支票check in (组)办理住宿手续;办理飞机的搭乘手续check into the hotel (组)登记入住旅馆check out (of the hotel) (组)(从旅馆)结账离开pay by check/cheque (组)以支票付款checkout n.(超市市场等的)收银台cheek n.面颊cheerv.(使)振奋,(使)高兴;(向)欢呼,(为 )喝彩 n.振奋,高兴;欢呼,喝彩cheer up (组)(使)振奋cheerful adj.愉快的,兴高采烈的cheese n.奶酪chemical adj.化学的 n.(常-s)化学药品chemist n.化学家;药剂师,药商the chemists (组)药房chemistry n.化学biochemistry n.生物化学cheque n.支票chess n.国际象棋play chess (组)下棋chest n.胸部chew v.咀嚼chicken n.小鸡;鸡肉


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