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1、1皖西高中教学联盟高三教学质量检测英语试题答案详解第卷第一部分:听力 (共 20 题,每小题 1.5 分,满分 30 分)15. ABACB 610. CBCAA 1115. CBACB 1620. ACCBC第二部分:阅读理解(共 20 题,每小题 2 分,满分 40 分)第一节:2124 CADD本文介绍了世界上几条各具特色的大街。21. C 细节理解题。根据 Champs-Elysees 中第一句话可知答案是 C.22. A 细节理解题。根据 Via Appia 中 “these ruins and historical sites along the road attract peop

2、le from all over the world.” 可知答案。23. D 细节理解题。根据 Champs-Elysees 和 Las Vegas 两条街的描述可知答案。24. D 推理判断题。根据 Via Dolorosa 中的描述可知 D 项正确。 2528 DBAB本文讲述如今许多大学新生甚至高年级的大学生在金钱管理上缺少策略,往往因为冲动消费而陷入信贷危机。25. D 细节理解题。根据文章第五段描述 “This may be the only and the best way to take responsibility for the money from your parent

3、s, as well as avoid purchasing things impulsively and falling into debt of any kind.” 可知D 项描述正确。 26. B 细节理解题。根据第四段描述 “A recent survey made by Tsinghua University and Ant Financial Business School shows that 40.5% of todays college students spend without planning a budget at allmany have also had to

4、apply an online loan.” 可知 B 项正确。27. A 词意推测题。根据第五段 Cong 的建议,大学生应该有意识地养成预算的习惯。故答案选 A。28. B 主旨大意题。本题考察此文的主旨大意,根据文章内容,答案为 B。2931 CBA本文讲述了一个日本女学生和一个车站的故事:本打算关闭的一个偏远的车站却为一个女学生又运营了三年。29. C 细节理解题。根据第三段最后一句话 “But JR Hokkaido Railway Company found that a high school girl named Harada Kana still need to take t

5、he train.”可知答案。30. B 细节理解题。根据第三段第一句话可知答案。31. A 主旨大意题。根据第一段的观点和全文的描述可知答案。3235 CBDB 如果一味的认为马拉松是对身体有好处的一种运动方式,那就大错特错了。适量的合适种类的运动才真正有益于人的身体健康。 32. C 细节理解题。根据第二段中 “The death rates from the sample group indicate that people who jog at a proper pace two or three times a week for less than two and a half ho

6、urs in total are least likely to die.” 可知答案。33. B 细节理解题。根据 “The implication of this is that proper forms of exercise such as tai chi, yoga and relaxing walking may be better for us than iron man events, triathlons (三项全能运动) and long-distance running and cycling.” 可知答案。34. D 观点态度题。根据最后一句 “You dont act

7、ually have to do that much to have a good influence on your 2health. And perhaps you shouldnt actually do too much”. 可知答案。35. B 推断判断题。根据全篇的描述可知答案。第二节3640 GADCF本文介绍了几个如何客观地进行自我调节从而提高自信心的策略。第三部分 语言知识运用第一节 完形填空 (共 20 题,每小题 1.5 分,满分 30 分)4145 CBBAD 4650 ACDCA 5155 BBCAB 5660 BADDA面对一些传统的思想观念,是选择一味地坚持还是放

8、弃?本文通过两个事例说明,一味的固守旧观念可能会夺去一个人的生命。41. C 根据整个文章的意思,这个爸爸做了自己的决定。42. B 根据下文内容及 47 题后面, “.two lifeguards on the beach.” 可以推断出他们是在沙滩 玩耍。43. B 女儿不小心滑落水中。44. A 女儿不会游泳,故显得很害怕,绝望。desperation 绝望;amazement 吃惊;embarrassment 尴尬; depression 郁闷。45. D 家人都不会游泳,所以他们什么也做不了。 46. A 女儿不会游泳,家人又就不了她, 所以只能看她在水中挣扎。47. C 就在这时(

9、meanwhile 与此同时)两个保安赶来了。48. D 根据语境,两个保安慌忙跑过来营救。 (hurried 匆忙、慌忙)49. C 根据下文的意思:这个爸爸由于受传统思想的影响不让别人碰她女儿,leave sb alone 离某人远点, 不要碰某人,听其自然。50. A 两个保安想“说服”这个爸爸。51. B 两个保安决定忽视,绕过这个爸爸直接去营救,但是失败了,因为这个爸爸很高大强壮。52. B 见 51 题分析。53. C 这个爸爸最终坚持了自己的决定。 (insist on doing sth 坚持做某事)54. A“结果”和这个爸爸期待一样。 (turn out 结果是、证明是)5

10、5. B“类似的”故事发生在另一个人身上。56. B tied 栓,系;wrapped 包裹;covered 覆盖;trapped 困住。 根据文章的意思,尽管天气很热,她还是按照传统的思想用棉被将自己包裹的紧紧的。57. A 她的这种做法是不正确的,给她的身体带来了很大的麻烦,这一事实在她得了 heartstroke 中得到了体现和证明。 (suggest 表明,暗示)58. D 见 57 题分析。59. D 我们经常会受到传统的思想 “束缚” 。 (restricted 限制、束缚)60. A 从整个文章中的两个故事,我们可以看出我们经常受到传统习俗和思想的束缚、控制,成为了传统思想的“奴

11、隶” 。第 II 卷第三部分 语言知识运用第二节 语法填空 (共 10 题,每小题 1.5 分,共 15 分)61. falls 考查时态。62. to 考查短语固定搭配。 “date back to”意为“追溯到” 。63. celebrated 考查非谓语动词。celebrate 与 festival 构成动宾关系。64. container 考查名词。365. whose 考查定语从句。先行词 woman 做 name 的定语,故用 whose。66. following 考查形容词。67. married 考查固定搭配形式 get married。68. especially 考查副词

12、。69. are allowed 考查时态和语态。70. What 考查感叹句。 第四部分 写作第一节 短文改错 (共 10 题,每小题 1 分,满分 10 分)One day, my friend XiaoFang bought a meal for a homeless man on her way to home, or she even andsat down, chatting and eating together with him. Some passer-by shot this scene and posted it passers-byonline, which draws

13、 public attention. During an interview, she said the homeless person was Drewstranger to her. Think no one would like to have a meal sitting alone on the road, she decided a Thinking(或 stranger strange)to sit down and keep accompany with him during the meal. I just wanted to help the company She dis

14、advantaged. One of the netizens said “ It has moved me most is that the girl was talking natural What naturallyto the man. So I told my daughter This is true love.” 第 2 节 书面表达 (共 1 题,满分 25 分)Dear Mr Colin,I am sorry to bother you, but I have to express my dissatisfaction. While having dinner in Star

15、 Restaurant on 19th January, my family experienced an awful evening owing to your bad services.First of all, although we booked dinner for 6 p.m., our table was not ready until 7 p.m. Besides, when we sat down for the meal, we discovered that there was only one kind of fruit available. However, you

16、had promised us there would be a choice of three kinds of fruit. Whats worse, waitresses who served us in the Pine Room were inconsiderate and unfriendly. I hope you will agree that it was a very disappointing evening. I would be delighted if you could send my family an apology. Yours sincerely,Li H

17、ua听力材料Text 1W: The sports meeting starts at 8:00.M: In order to get a good seat, we must arrive there fifteen minutes in advance.Text 2W: Excuse me, sir, but I need to leave early today.4M: What seems to be the problem?W: Im not feeling well. I have to go home and take some medicine. Ill be back in

18、time for class tomorrow.Text 3W: Hello, Anna Williamson speaking.M: Anna, sorry, I had to rush off this morning. How are the boys?W: Im taking them to the doctor at 10:00, but Im sure theyre going to be all right.Text 4W: Dad, why cant we see a bird?M: Honey, because they fly south to get away from

19、the cold weather.W: Why dont their daddies fix the heating in their home?Text 5M: Do you have any plans for the weekend, Lucy? Would you like to join me for a movie?W: Thanks, but Im going to work on my paper all weekend.M: Well, are you available next weekend?Text 6W: Excuse meM: Yes?W: Could you t

20、ell me how far it is to the National Arts Center?M: Yes, its only a ten-minute walk from here.W: How can I get there? Im a stranger here, you see.M: Well, you walk down this street two blocks to the traffic lights.W: Two blocks to the traffic lights. And then?M: Then turn left and youll be on Queen

21、Street. Theres a big hotel on the corner and the National Arts Center is right there. You cant miss it.W: Thank you very much for your help.M: Youre welcome.Text 7W: David, you can play the guitar, cant you?M: Ive played for about six years. But I havent practiced it much since I went to college. Wh

22、y do you ask?W: Im singing for a group that meets every Wednesday. We have several piano and violin players, but not one guitar player. Id love to invite you to play the guitar for us.M: Who is directing the group?W: Janet Pearson.M: Well, Im afraid I need a lot of practice before I can play before

23、audience.W: Dont worry about that. Miss Pearson will teach you if necessary.M: Then I think I can have a try.W: Im sure youll be just fine. I expect to see you next Wednesday.Text 8M: Hey! Susan. I didnt expect to meet you here!W: Oh, yes. This is my first time at this Internet caf. Do you often com

24、e here?M: Yeah. I come here to check my e-mails and keep in touch with my friends and relatives.W: Why dont you do that in your office? Youve each got a computer on your desk, havent you?M: Yes. But its not very convenient for me to surf the Internet there. We employees are not allowed to do that at

25、 5work.W: I see. Your boss might be unhappy.M: And how about you? What are you doing here, enjoying a coffee, or taking an Internet training course?W: Well, I want to get some information about foreign colleges. You know Ill graduate in July. I want to go abroad for further study.M: If you want to g

26、et in touch with them, you may send e-mails. It saves time, and its very convenient.W: Thats right. And whats more, its cheap for us students.M: Then you may choose yahoo mail or hotmail. Its very easy and its cheap for you.Text 9M: I am sorry I am late, Cindy.W: Thats all right, Joe. My house isnt

27、that easy to find. But you know, you wouldnt have gotten lost if you had a “smart” car.M: A smart car? Whats that?W: I just read a magazine article about some new technology that can make a car smart. Thats something like a GPS with a map display and a voice. You just enter the address where you wan

28、t to go, and the voice tells you how to get there, street by street.M: Hey, thats just like my brother. He never gets lost, and hes always telling me the best route. So what else will smart cars be able to do?W: Well, the article said that theyll be equipped with warning systems that will warn drive

29、rs if theyre getting too close to other cars with an alarm signal, and theyll even put on the brakes if the drivers dont.M: It seemed to be reported on TV, too. Tell me, Cindy, will these cars smart enough to fill themselves up with gas?W: Not that I know of. Why do you ask? M: Well, I am not late b

30、ecause I got lostI am late because I ran out of gas on the way over here.Text 10W: The class was coming to an end. The teacher told the pupils not to draw anything on the wall in order to keep it clean. After class, Philip forgot all that the teacher had said. He took a piece of red chalk and drew a

31、 sun on the wall. Just then he noticed that the teacher was coming. He quickly turned around and covered his drawing with his back. The teacher didnt find out what he was doing. When she passed by Philip, she touched Philip on the head. Philip was very frightened and said, “Good morning, Madam!” in

32、a low voice. The teacher nodded towards him with a smile and went away. Philip was happy. When he turned around to see his drawing, he was surprised to find nothing on the wall. He wondered to know “where is his drawing”. But when he got home after school he was scolded by his mum because the back of his shirt was covered with red color!


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