P4P 可持续发展的必由之路.ppt

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1、P4P: P2P产业产业 可持可持 续发续发展的必展的必 经经 之路之路谢海永谢海永 博士,首席研究员博士,首席研究员美国分布式计算工业联盟美国分布式计算工业联盟 (DCIA)P4P工作组工作组 (P4P Working Group)09/25/2008 P4P、 P2P、 BT互联网视频产业研讨会 2Outlinen Problem Statementn Requirements and Challengesn The P4P Frameworkn Objectiven Architecturen Performancen P4P Working Groupn History, Struct

2、uren Next Steps09/25/2008 P4P、 P2P、 BT互联网视频产业研讨会 3P2P Bandwidth UsageCacheLogic ResearchInternet Protocol Breakdown 1993 - 2006n Trafficn Up to 60-70% of Internet traffic is contributed by P2P applications CacheLogicn Random peering causes traffic spread across PoPs and domainsn Problemsn Increased

3、network resource usage (e.g., using bandwidth of more links)n Increased network operational costs n Degraded performance of other applications09/25/2008 P4P、 P2P、 BT互联网视频产业研讨会 4The battle results in a lose-lose situationBandwidth BattleISPs Approachesn Upgrade network infrastructuren Deploy P2P cach

4、ing devicesn Terminate user connectivityn Rate-limit P2P trafficn P2P Countermeasuresn Use random portsn Hide by using well-known portsn Encrypt trafficn Governmentn Network Neutrality09/25/2008 P4P、 P2P、 BT互联网视频产业研讨会 5The Fundamental Problemn Traditional ISP feedback/controls to application traffic

5、:n Routingn Rate control through congestion feedback (e.g., packet loss)n These are ineffective for P2Pn P2P traffic is highly dynamic and scattered, due to dynamic, unguided (network-oblivious) peer selectionn Need a mechanism for ISPs to communicate with P2P about network structure and policies09/

6、25/2008 P4P、 P2P、 BT互联网视频产业研讨会 Solution: 堙堵堙堵 or 疏导疏导 ?n 问题:问题: 当尧之时,天下犹未平。洪水横流当尧之时,天下犹未平。洪水横流,泛滥于天下。草木畅茂,禽兽繁殖。禽,泛滥于天下。草木畅茂,禽兽繁殖。禽兽逼人,兽蹄鸟迹之道交于中国兽逼人,兽蹄鸟迹之道交于中国n 方法一:堙堵。方法一:堙堵。 鲧堙洪水,汨陈其五行。鲧堙洪水,汨陈其五行。帝乃震怒,不畀其洪范九畴,彝伦攸。鲧帝乃震怒,不畀其洪范九畴,彝伦攸。鲧则殛死,禹乃嗣兴则殛死,禹乃嗣兴n 方法二:疏导。方法二:疏导。 禹疏九河,沦济漯而注诸禹疏九河,沦济漯而注诸海,决汝汉排淮泗而注之江

7、,然后中国可海,决汝汉排淮泗而注之江,然后中国可得而食也。当是时也,禹八年于外,三过得而食也。当是时也,禹八年于外,三过家门而不入,虽欲耕,得乎家门而不入,虽欲耕,得乎 09/25/2008 P4P、 P2P、 BT互联网视频产业研讨会 7Solution Requirements & ChallengesnEfficiencyn ISPs: better network utilizationn P2Ps: higher performancen End-users: better experiencesn Nation: less expenses in upgrading infrast

8、ructure09/25/2008 P4P、 P2P、 BT互联网视频产业研讨会 8Solution Requirements & ChallengesnExtensibility nUniversally applicable to most P2P architecturesnTracker-based and trackerless P2P systemsnEasily extensible to handle application-specific requirementsnFile sharing vs. streaming, nCommercial vs. non-commerc

9、ialnAllow easy entry of new applications09/25/2008 P4P、 P2P、 BT互联网视频产业研讨会 9Solution Requirements & ChallengesnScalabilitynSupport a large number of P2P users and networks in dynamic settingsnSupport fine-grained feedbacks among ISPs and P2Ps09/25/2008 P4P、 P2P、 BT互联网视频产业研讨会 10Solution Requirements & ChallengesnEconomicsn Allow profit for both ISPs and P2Psn sustainable economical growthn Allow equal power in the eco-systemn sustainable technological innovationn Allow competitions, prevent monopoly


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