1、 Premature discontinuation or poor compliance could be a clinical factor leading to variability of response with clopidogrel. In the PREMIER registry, data was collected from MI patients to examine the prevalence and (Group 2) long-term effects of clopidogrel (n=120) on plt function in diabetic pati
2、ents compared to non-diabetic patients already on ASA. Plt aggregometry was assessed by LTA. Patients were classified as non-responders (10%IPA), low responders (10-29% IPA) and responders ( 30% IPA). In group 1, diabetic patients had a significantly higher number of non-responders following the 300
3、mg LD of clopidogrel (left). In group 2, diabetic patients had significantly increased plt aggregation compared with non-diabetic patients, following stimuli with both 20 mol/L and 6 mol/L of ADP. Authors Conclusion: This study suggests that the presence of diabetes can affect response to clopidogrel.And the anti-tica message will help to nitch tica to CABG patients (only 2%), and those patients who failed from Plavix treatment.