长治市输配水管道的现状与未来殷建军(长治市供水总公司 山西 长治 )摘 要:在了解长治市输配水管道现状的基础上论述输水管线存在的问题,解决的方法。结合旧城区供水管网改造谈一些认识,指出今后管网管理发展的方向关键词: 输配水管道现状 旧城区管网改造 管网管理The state and the future ofthe Pipe Alley of water Distribution of ChangZhi cityYin Jianjun(Changzhi Water Supply General Company,Changzhi,Shanxi )Abstract: The text mainly discusses the problems exsisted and the solution according to the state of the pipe alley of water distribution, and points out the direcfion of the devel