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1、1基于 GARCH 误差修正的时间序列季节预测模型及应用摘要:针对神经网络、支持向量机等方法对数据样本容量要求较高的问题,以及一般时间序列预测模型对最大负荷等随机因素拟合不足的问题,应用时间序列的季节乘法模型对地区月度最大负荷做预测,并用GARCH 模型对预测误差进行修正.用某电网的真实数据作案例,结果表明,误差率仅为 2%,预测精度良好.相比修正前的模型,误差率下降 0.5%,证明误差修正模型有效. 关键词:月最大负荷预测;时间序列乘法模型;GARCH 模型;误差修正 中图分类号:TM715,F224 文献标识码:A The Multiplicative Model in Time Seri

2、es and GARCH Error Amending Model and Its Application YANG Shang-dong1, LIU Jin-peng2, GUO Hao-chi2 (1. Research Department of Management Consulting,State Grid Energy Research Institute,Beijing 100052,China; 2. School of Economics and Management, North China Electric Power Univ, Beijing 102206, Chin

3、a) Abstract: ANN and SVM forecasting models need large sample data, and the traditional time series forecasting model cannot fit sufficiently the biggest load due to random factors. And in 2order to overcome the shortcomings as mentioned, this paper applied the season-multiplicative model in time se

4、ries to forecast the monthly peak load of region, and adopted the GARCH model to modify the forecasting error. The application results of the proposed model in a regional power grid show that the forecasting is precise, because the error rate is only 2%. And compared with the unmodified model, the n

5、ew models error rate decreased by 0.5%. Key words: monthly peak load forecasting; multiplicative model in time series; GARCH model; error amending 由于中长期最大负荷预测本身存在数据量比较少的特点1, 因而需要大样本的神经网络法和支持向量机等智能方法并不适用2.相反,传统的时间序列模型可较好地描述最大负荷这一随机过程3.但单用时间序列建模预测,因未考虑到的一些因素, 预测的残差可能存在自回归现象,故预测效果往往不理想4.GARCH 模型为自回归条件异

6、方差模型5,能很好地消除预测残差存在的自回归现象6.基于最大负荷数据的单一性、有限性以及季节性,本文将先用时间序列模型对最大负荷进行拟合,在此基础上再用 GARCH 模型对拟合误差做修正,以提高预测精度. 4 结 论 1)通过实例验证,将时间序列乘法模型应用在月最大负荷预测上,具有良好的拟合和预测能力. 2)用 GARCH 模型修正预测误差,在原先基础上消除了预测误差的自3回归,具有良好的拟合以及预测能力. 参考文献 1 康重庆,夏清,张伯明.电力系统负荷预测研究综述与发展方向的探讨J.电力系统自动化,2004,28(7):1-11. KANG Chong-qing, XIA Qing,ZHA

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