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1、1农村学生高中英语书面表达常见错误分析【摘要】: 在高考英语中,书面表达是对学生运用英语综合能力的考查,是最能体现学生英语水平的一种检测方式,所以起着举足轻重的作用。因此,教师有效地训练学生的书面表达是高中英语教学的重要内容之一。我们农村中学普通班的学生在英语写作过程中经常犯一些低级错误。本文从高二第二次月考中的书面表达试题,对一篇学生写作中常见错误进行分析、统计、归纳, 以此来指导学生提高书面表达能力。 【关键词】:书面表达;错误分析;得分技巧 Abstract: in the college entrance examination in English, written expressi

2、on is the use of English comprehensive ability of students in the examination, can most reflect the detecting methods of the students English level, so the play a decisive role. Therefore, writing teachers to train students is one of the important content of high school English teaching. Our rural m

3、iddle school class students in English writing process often make stupid mistakes. In this paper, written questions from the second sophomore Yuekao, on a student writing common errors, statistical analysis, induction, so as to guide students to improve writing ability. keyword: writing; error analy

4、sis; scoring skills 2中图分类号:G42 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2095-2104(2013) 我校是民族地区县城普通高中,少数民族学生占 95%,很多学生连汉语都说不好,虽然经过了初中的学习,但学生的英语基础、实际运用水平及接受能力等方面都较差,给教学带来了极大困难。 高考书面表达对学生综合运用英语语言能力的考察,在高考中占很大的分比,对于大多数考生来说,英语书面表达成绩的好坏,对英语成绩有很大影响。因此,对于学生,想要拿到拟定目标的英语高考成绩,提高书面表达分数成了最为关键的一环。 本文从高二第二次月考中的书面表达试题,对一篇学生写作中常见错误进行分析、统计、归纳,

5、 以此来指导学生提高书面表达能力。 一思考 材料 1:书面表达题目: 最近,学校组织高三学生开展了一场讨论。讨论的主题是:周末要不要上课呢?请根据下表提供的信息,写一篇 100 字左右的短文,客观的介绍一下讨论的情况,并且简单地表达自己的观点。 材料 2:某学生答题卷: 分句如下:标题为,第一段为,第二段为,第三段为 3此篇学生习作大致划分句子为如下 16 个句子: : On weekens should have lesson or no. : Now, our school have some problams. : Is that the number three students sh

6、ould have lesson or not on weekens. : On this way, Studens all have defferent opinion. : There are 30% students think that should have lesson. : Because high exam is becoming on Jun, students should studay hard in time. : 30% students think dont have to have lesson. : Becase have a good rest is very

7、 important. : Its good for studay. : 40% students think study a day and another have rest. : Because studay and rest both important. : In my opinion, I am glad agree with 40% students advice. : Because we have time is so short, and time is go very guickly. : That we should studay hard in time. : In

8、order to pass a famous university, Now study hard is 4nothing to come tree our dream is most important. : finally, I hope everyone can success! 二错误分析: 单句错误分析 On weekens should have lesson or no. a.单词拼写错误,b.句法错误,汉语式,c.形容词或副词误用 改正:On weekends students should have lessons or not. 或 Students should have

9、 lessons or not on weekends. : Now, our school have some problams. a.Now 时间表达不当,b. 单词拼写错误 problams,c. 句法错误,主谓不一致,汉语式,与题材无关, 改正:Recently students have had a discussion. : Is that the number three students should have lesson or not on weekens. a.句法错误,两个谓语 Is 和 should have lesson b.名词单复数错误 lesson(s)c.

10、number three students 错误表达 d.单词拼写错误weekens 改正:Whether the three students of Senior three should have classes on weekends. : On this way, Studens all have defferent opinion. 介词误用,短语表达错误 b.大小写错误 c.代词 all 位置和表达5错误 d.opinion 名词单复数错误 改正:As a result, there are three different opinions. : There are 30% stu

11、dents think that should have lesson. 句法错误,两个谓语 there are 和 thinkb.that 从句后无主语,汉语式 c.名词单复数错误, 改正:There are 30% students thinking that they should have classes. 或:30% students think that they should have classes. : Because high exam is becoming on Jun, students should studay hard in time. high exam 大小

12、写错误,专有名词该大写,b.介词错误 on 误用 c. 单词拼写错误 Jun 和 studay 改正:Because the College Entrance Examination this year is becoming in June and students should study hard. : 30% students think dont have to have lesson. 句法错误:从句无主语,汉语句式 b.名词单复数错误 改正:30% students think they dont have to have lessons. : Becase have a goo

13、d rest is very important. 单词拼写错误 becase 。b. 句法错误:两个谓语 改正:Because having a good rest is very important. : Its good for studay. 单词拼写错误 6改正:Its good for their study. : 40% students think study a day and another have rest. a.句法错误,汉语式 b.代词 another 错误 改正:40% students think they study on one day of the wee

14、kend and have a rest on the other day. : Because studay and rest both important. 单词拼写错误 b.句法错误,缺系动词 改正:Because study and rest are both important. : In my opinion, I am glad agree with 40% students advice. 汉语式英语, am glad 画蛇添足 改正:In my opinion, I agree with the most students advice. : Because we have

15、time is so short, and time is go very guickly. 谓语动词错误,汉语式, 改正:Because we have not much time and time goes very quickly. 或:Because the time we have is limited . : That we should studay hard in time. 连词 that 不当,b. 单词 studay 拼写错误。 改正:We should study hard in time. 7: In order to pass a famous university

16、,Now study hard is nothing to come tree our dream is most important. a.动词 pass 错误,b.大小写错误 Now ,c. 后半部分语义不清楚,与写作要求“简要表达自己观点”不符合。 : finally, I hope everyone can success! a. 大小写错误 b. 与题材无关的段落,与写作要求“简要表达自己观点”不符合。 错误数据统计 习作评价 整篇习作显得语言平乏,词汇档次欠高,文章缺乏连贯性。简单地表达自己的观点的收尾部分写得啰啰嗦嗦,而之前的两个要点“抓紧时间复习”和“提高学习效率”又没有表达出

17、来。 修改后的书面表达 Students should have lessons or not on weekends Recently, the students of Senior three in our school have had a discussion about whether we should have classes on weekends. As a result, there are three different opinions. 30% of them think they should have classes on weekends 8because th

18、e College Entrance Examination this year will be held in June, and students should make full use of time to review what they have learnt. Another 30% are against the idea of having classes on weekends. They believe students should have a good rest on weekends so that they can study more effectively

19、during the weekdays. The other 40% of the students dont agree with either of the idea above. In their opinion, study and rest are both important for students. They suggest one day of the weekend should be used to study and during the other day they have a rest. As far as I am concerned, the last ide

20、a is the best idea. 三书面表达拿分技巧点拨: 行文连贯流畅,句式多变,语法正确活用,要点完整。 句子是表达一个完整意思的最小单位,合理搭配使用简单句、并列句和复合句,形象,准确的表达。 搭档使用过渡词,连接词,增强文章的逻辑性。 有效地使用语句间的连接成分,使全文结构紧凑。 巧用高级结构,提高文章的档次 9应掌握一些表达效果好,使用场合广的高级语法,提高文章的档次,提升文章的品位。如:非谓语动词、强调句、倒装句、独立主格结构等。 行文整洁,字体规范,会增加好印象 认真阅读汉语提示,仔细读图或读表,完全理解命题人的意图后再下笔.,因为书面表达属于人工阅卷,其主观印象非常重要,因此,布局要合理,格式要正确,书写一定要漂亮,字体美观,不要过大,也不要过小。


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