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1、FOOD & BEVERAGE,ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES MANAGEMENT & AWARENESS,餐饮部含酒精饮料管理和环保意识,Training Schedule 培训安排,Training basics培训须知1. No eating food/ snack during training 培训期间不允许吃东西2. Phones must be in “vibrate mode” 手机请调震动 3. If staff would like to take the phone call, pls take it outside the training room. 如果员

2、工必须接听电话,请拿到培训教室外进行通话4. Prepare few interesting questions for participation 准备一些有趣的问题与大家分享5. Stationary for taking notes is also needed. 按惯例做必要笔记6. Role play 配合演练,Program Objectives: 培训目标,By the end of program you will be able to:本章结束后,您将能够讲出:1. Serving of Alcoholic beverages. 如何提供酒精服务2. Clearly stat

3、e to all laws that govern the sale of alcohol in the local jurisdiction. 政府对当地含酒精饮品的有关规定和政策3. Explain the physiological effects of alcohol on the human body. 酒精对人体生理带来的影响4. Explain characteristics of minors attempting to be served liquor including proper public relations approaches in requesting ide

4、ntification and how to determine the legitimacy of identification provided. 通过恰当的有技巧的方式辨识出试图饮用酒精的个别客人5. Explain the signals of possible intoxication and how to recognize them. 如何辨识醉酒,Serving of Alcoholic Beverages 酒精服务,How, Who & What?怎么,谁&什么?1. Clearly state all laws that govern the sale of alcohol

5、ic beverages in the local jurisdiction. 政府对当地含酒精饮品的有关规定和政策2. Alcoholic beverages cannot be served expired. 不能销售过期的酒3. Alcoholic beverages must be genuine & not fake. 不能销售假酒4. Do not serve alcoholic beverages to anyone that is less than 18 years old. 不能给18岁以下的未成年人销售酒精5. Alcoholic beverages must be le

6、gitimate, with license, tax paid by the supplier. 提供酒精饮料必须是合法的,有营业执照的,且供应商是上过关税的.,Basic Information of Selling Alcoholic Beverages 销售含酒精饮料的基础知识,In the know:深入洞悉:1. Alcohol Managing Policy was established on the 1st of January 2006. 商务部制定了酒类流通管理办法,并于2006年1月1日起施行 2. Alcoholic beverages are the drinks

7、with alcoholic strength over than 0.5%, includes; “fortified, distilled, blended, edible ethyl alcohol and drinks contains ethyl alcohol” 该办法所称酒类是指酒精度大于0.5%的含酒精饮料,包括发酵酒、蒸馏 “酒、配制酒、食用酒精以及其他含有酒精成分的饮品。” 3. Bar 情节严重的,处两 千元以下罚款。,ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES BASIC POLICY IN THE USA 美国关于含酒精饮料的基本规定,alcoholic beverage

8、 ban in the USA禁酒令”在美国美国在未成年人禁酒方面做得比较好,原因是美国未成年人保护法中对“未成年人饮酒”规定了双重的法律责任,一方面落实严惩违法商家,另一方面又针对未成年人和其监护人有严厉惩罚。 a thought to consider一则笑话 美国有一年轻人抢劫商店,先把钱都收了,临走时,他又拿了一瓶酒。这时候,本已服服帖帖的店老板急了,说:钱你可以拿走,但本店不向未满18岁的成年人出售烟酒。年轻人想都不想,立马掏出身份证,证明自己已满18岁,后来因此被警方抓住。这当然是笑话,却表达了法规应有良性公众约束力的诉求。 some story to share一个事实 据报道,

9、美国现任总统布什的女儿詹娜,就因违反了未成年人不得买酒或饮酒的法律,被法院判决缴纳51.25美元诉讼费、接受8小时的社区劳动和6小时有关喝酒方面的法律学习。詹娜本人因此次违法事件而被记录在案,如果成年之后再犯将被逮捕,表现良好则删除违法记录。,Physiological Effects Of Alcoholic Beverages On The Human Body酒精对人体生理带来的影响,Below are the potential side effects to human body for drinking too much alcoholic beverages; 对人体过多饮酒的副

10、作用;1. Alcohol affects every organ in the body. 酒精会影响身体的各个器官2. It is a central nervous system depressant that is rapidly absorbed from the stomach and small intestine into the bloodstream. 酒精通过人的胃及小肠快速吸收后进入血液中从而对人的中枢系统进行抑制3. Alcoholic beverage is metabolized in the liver by enzymes, however the liver

11、 can only metabolize a small amount of alcohol at a time, leaving the excess alcohol to circulate throughout the body. 酒精被肝内的酶分解,然而肝一次只能分解少量的部分,留下过量的酒精在体内循环4. The intensity of the effect of alcohol on the body is directly related to the amount consumed. 酒精对身体影响的强度与消耗酒精的量有直接的关系,Proper Approach To Min

12、ors Attempting to Order/ Serving Alcoholic Beverages 如何妥善处理未成年人点含酒精饮料,Steps how to approach minors who ordered alcoholic beverages;如何正确处理未成年人点含酒精饮料1. Approach the guests who order the alcoholic beverages discreetly & introduce your name clearly.谨慎的接近点含酒精饮料的客人,请他清楚的告知姓名2. Explain the purpose of the r

13、eason in establishing inquiry of guests legitimate ID. (hukou ID, passport)向客人清楚的解释原由并请他出事身份证明(身份证 ,护照)3. Ask politely for legitimate ID stating the guests age, guests name, birth date, guest photo etc. 有礼貌的与客人合适他的年龄,名字,出生日期,及照片等等4. Thanks the guests. 向客人致谢Note:In case the minor guests insist to be

14、serve alcoholic beverages, call your Manager.The Manager have the rights not to serve alcoholic beverages to minors as this is hotel & government policy.如果未成年客人坚持点含酒精饮料,请你的经理出面处理经理人有义务和权利不提供含酒精饮料向未成年者,这时候政府不允许的.,How Early Identification And In Handling Of Intoxication如何提早辨识酒精中毒及处理方法,Symptom 症状由于饮酒过量

15、易造成急性酒精中毒,早期出现面红、脉快、情绪激动、语无伦次、恶心、呕吐、嗜睡等症,严重者可出现昏迷,甚至呼吸麻痹而死亡,还可发生高热、惊厥及脑水肿等。 Therapy 治疗急性酒精中毒者症状有轻重不同,一般处理原则是禁止继续饮酒,可采用刺激舌根部以催吐,轻者饮用咖啡或浓茶可缓解症状,对症状较重者可用温水或2碳酸氢钠溶液洗胃。一般醉酒者经休息、饮茶即可较快恢复,中毒症状重者宜送医院诊治。对昏睡者可在洗胃后注入浓茶,出现昏迷者可肌注苯甲酸钠咖啡因0.5克或戊四氮0.10.2克,以及利他林、回苏林等中枢兴奋剂,呼吸抑制呈表浅缓慢呼吸衰竭时可肌注山梗菜碱10毫克或尼可刹米0.375克,必要时进行人工呼

16、吸。对严重中毒者可静脉注射50葡萄糖溶液l00ml和胰岛素20单位。同时肌注维生素B6和烟酸各l00毫克,以加速乙醇氧化及促进患者清醒。必要时可进行血液透析。如酒精中毒伴有脱水者可于静脉补液。 Prevent 预防避免过量饮酒是预防本病发生的最有效方法,特别是注意勿空腹大量饮酒。如确需应酬要饮酒,必需在饮酒前进食一些含蛋白质及脂肪丰富的食物,以避免醉酒。,Basic Signal Of Possible Guest Alcoholic Beverages Intoxication如何辨识醉酒,Proper Approach To Guests Who Are Under The Influen

17、ce Of Alcoholic Beverages Intoxication如何妥善处理,How to approach? Who to approach? Whats the next step?怎样接近?谁去接近?下一步是什么?1. Approach the guests table & identify among the group who is in clear mind set to speak with. 想办法接近一位仍保持清醒的客人,并设法与他交谈2.Present & introduce your self discreetly & firmly. 当面谨慎且直接的介绍自己

18、3. Explain clearly the status of the guests alcohol intoxication situation, number of alcoholic beverages been consumed by the person & the safety of the guests. 清楚的向客人解释醉酒的情况,并清楚的道说出每位客人所饮酒精的数量,提醒他们安全消费4. Be polite, calm, never challenge & never argue with the guests regarding the guests in handlin

19、g their alcohol level. 有礼貌,镇静,从不在处理客人醉酒的时候与客人发生不愉快5. Assist intoxicated guests with care when they leave the premises. 当客人准备离开十协助照顾醉酒的客人6. If intoxicated guests “passed out” in the premises, offer assistance to their friends by calling “medical experts/ ambulance” under the approval of the guest. 如果

20、醉酒客人晕倒的情况下,协助他的朋友经他们允许后叫救护车,7. If serious argument started, be calm, speak clearly & firmly & bring along the “security staff” to assist guests outside to leave the premises properly. 如果不可避免的与客人发生冲突,请保持冷静且说话清楚并坚决的在保安人员的协助下,将客人请离到一个适当的地方 Before approaching the guests table, pls make sure that the Man

21、ager should get detail information to the waiter/ bartender about number of alcoholic beverages the guests consumed, what beverages they ordered, who order the alcoholic beverages etc.请经理人在接近客人桌子前,从服务员和调酒员处将信息收集完整,例如客人消费了多少酒精饮料,他们点的什么酒水,谁去点的单等等.,Proper Approach To Guests Who Are Under The Influence

22、Of Alcoholic Beverages Intoxication如何妥善处理,Alcoholic Beverages Log File Procedure日常处理醉酒事件流程,Basic steps in handling the report documents to the Management:管理事件处理报告的基本步骤 If guests appears to be intoxicated call the Outlet Manager, Duty Manager & Security On Duty to make incident report. 当客人醉酒的时候及时传呼MO

23、D,安保部及时做突发事件处理 A written policy on the service of alcohol should be continuously developed for your hotel. 各酒店应该有自己的酒精服务政策 All training should be documented and a copy placed in the employees personnel file. 所有的培训应该记录在案并且将培训记录放在员工个人档案 A shift activity log should be completed after every shift, the l

24、og should be used to Document unusual activity. 每个班次结束以后有当班记录,工作日志应该记录一些不寻常的事件,Role Play实际演练,Just Do It,Alcoholic Beverages Intoxications Side Effect酒精过度的副作用,Vehicle accidents事故Physical fighting斗殴Lost consciousness失去意识,Friendly Remind友情提示,The drunk will give us what is meaning ? 醉酒的将给予我们的意义是什么?1 、伤害

25、身体,酒精过量,会程度不同地造成心率加快,皮肤升温,神志不清,控制力减弱,动作不协调,或出现疲劳、恶心、头痛、呕吐,严重的还会出现酒精中毒现象。 2、醉酒后,由于身不由己而行不知所往,处不知所持,食不知所味;一种原始的冲动使人变得野蛮、愚昧、粗暴;异常的兴奋,又能诱导人为所欲为,出现迷离恍惚而又洋洋自得的举止。人在这种失去理智的状态下很容易对周围的人破口谩骂,动手殴打,或者从事一些莫名其妙的破坏活动。 3、 很难想象一个醉汉还能潜心于钻研什么学业。醉酒的程度同智力恢复所需的时间大致成正比,在当今知识飞快更新的信息时代,不难推算出,一个经常醉酒的人在工作和学习上的损失到底有多大。 4、醉酒的人动辄摔倒、撞伤,酒后开车酿成大祸一类案件屡见不鲜;酒后溺水身亡,自食恶果的一类悲剧也不乏其例,惨痛的教训实在太深刻了。为此,我国有关法律规定,醉酒的人违法犯罪,应负相应地法律责任。,End Of The Topic结束课题,ANY QUESTIONS?疑 问?THANK YOU!谢谢,


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