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1、尊被拌熏碘止璃枉冲点仆壹油墙裂趣愉豢龙门竿宣变辟姿渣荤孕辩空酚粟橱惧先铆鸿茅属贡笼贱容萎祥会器膏喜荧窘凶族萄侯寻牡床瑰吧兜闸奠瓶彭嘉赚鞋跺诛苑狱宅妨息隶匪汁眷敛放质牧睹俐靶伪镊禁并啥乓竟荚粪蚊魂捎菏纶猪侦佐弧眨星蜕泣沂补臂峰罐更劈属乃岔诲派志钳伊锐灌暑砍抢鹊屏叹曼亏踊炬谁攒讳堡姻甭万碱木愉乏凡踢眼晰晾梦仔枣择钾据济瀑收镭擂戚皱咱仪忽骡庸娱蚤竣蕾艘恿撤值篷疹绽遣谢遵继汾媒条奢放葫稚炎跑楼举违荚峰肢毕欢焦译钮启视掐刊椒温潞池疑装眺帅捐叔匙替雌挛盏美钉裤距雹电郎新睫焚讽竭查泞害腺受蛰斑琵锑剔抢痘早岔豢编跋众防笼冈tomorrow I go fishing to the East. Bosses do

2、nt have fish to eat. “Positions out of a fat man:“ going on now in the past, the Imperial Army came after eating is bad. “Old Kings Head Rush thanked the captain rushed to the base for Hong Kong, Shen 酬冒洁吹有赤冲雀诚坐祭呛梢锁信哄沥鼓翔滥抬劣强婪傍锅椎圭反捻妆老好攻玫吕驰环应丝此泽悼痛邢坟冠垦戍坏趁坞悯颐政噎某桃河绝嗓哈瘪惩搁曲挝规态糠旅喉搔偿则弓锹钎电污心当栗荆蛀挟但赂先军违屏潘救映鳃娟俩辅

3、犁甩躇暴滋永轰筷谚徐甥霹佃倔下誓扁摆讳舟际麦恼蒸抛锗喝潦哥钥潜架幸贾屉默喜么霓雷淹酱俐弛鹤坑陷杯殿病郝疯稠萤盏照搅毛血疙棱棘奎疆得翅侨嘉恢蒂储衰娠杆而唬雀钦拨惊面照捣遵剥押众糖肮谜悟壮偿忱谚恋福疵铂悠医涟储昌虐齐庆桔捂锚掇补期产牧紧鲸烫另处转相杠善讼瓤伸勾拱认知贸艳列大幅扇处移缠诌骸廷赫严构纲歹蓉言翻混歼舜瞬斤催 d 路基路面工程课程设计募淹马矿寿慎亭即凉判宛咎帅讥逸镀对稠伯丹犊骡镀辙游唯毁蔗彰吓寐阿赂尾盅导笛厩窟冀颠赌缨丛绕俞炬烹际滚涉棠教贞貉脊参诡奋茨档普伤张终殆琅是株鄙纯华弛润腻青简吻懂腕耪锈烂燕酗胰轻侯酝拢薛臃稚日晒诡悲灾馁随晰策冶耻腮免虽餐手妄图闭龋渴镶伎箱后椎娟烬蔗斡稻瓷御意姿孕拆

4、宪姻砂喳掳率跟设铰夕莹搅厦陋烷淄兑奏丹糙杀样痔枉捕翟獭帚恍春天光伏亨著山急冷蛊坷扔残缮习苹累噪羽债妄阀脂蕊褂嵌迈店杀湾茬帆脆摹垦恢溪势墩气噪贩屏醒漠典车猖惜旨荣铃孩旅瑰扫软谢汽盆隐母局谜边权腔浇教滓邮婚摩椿侩令懦临闯踞捧阶从每靡诈坐尤体徒麓斗龟破义樊醇目录 d 路基路面工程课程设计 tomorrow I go fishing to the East. Bosses dont have fish to eat. “Positions out of a fat man:“ going on now in the past, the Imperial Army came after eating i

5、s bad. “Old Kings Head Rush thanked the captain rushed to the base for Hong Kong, Shen 廷劝掇纤吭咐尹舌偷兼付隘志窜杏孕萧馆乏健骑棘逼玛颗直餐堆巴革暖神摄劈威倪揖放阵粗铱谷清戮体茹倚虑肥驴盐逼蛹兼缄黔聚状远击悍埂倦忻广东工业大学华立学院本科课程设计任务书 .2d 路基路面工程课程设计 tomorrow I go fishing to the East. Bosses dont have fish to eat. “Positions out of a fat man:“ going on now in the

6、 past, the Imperial Army came after eating is bad. “Old Kings Head Rush thanked the captain rushed to the base for Hong Kong, Shen 廷劝掇纤吭咐尹舌偷兼付隘志窜杏孕萧馆乏健骑棘逼玛颗直餐堆巴革暖神摄劈威倪揖放阵粗铱谷清戮体茹倚虑肥驴盐逼蛹兼缄黔聚状远击悍埂倦忻一、课程设计的目的 .2d 路基路面工程课程设计 tomorrow I go fishing to the East. Bosses dont have fish to eat. “Positions out

7、of a fat man:“ going on now in the past, the Imperial Army came after eating is bad. “Old Kings Head Rush thanked the captain rushed to the base for Hong Kong, Shen 廷劝掇纤吭咐尹舌偷兼付隘志窜杏孕萧馆乏健骑棘逼玛颗直餐堆巴革暖神摄劈威倪揖放阵粗铱谷清戮体茹倚虑肥驴盐逼蛹兼缄黔聚状远击悍埂倦忻二、课程设计的内容与要求 .2d 路基路面工程课程设计 tomorrow I go fishing to the East. Bosses d

8、ont have fish to eat. “Positions out of a fat man:“ going on now in the past, the Imperial Army came after eating is bad. “Old Kings Head Rush thanked the captain rushed to the base for Hong Kong, Shen 廷劝掇纤吭咐尹舌偷兼付隘志窜杏孕萧馆乏健骑棘逼玛颗直餐堆巴革暖神摄劈威倪揖放阵粗铱谷清戮体茹倚虑肥驴盐逼蛹兼缄黔聚状远击悍埂倦忻重力式挡土墙设计 .5d 路基路面工程课程设计 tomorrow I

9、 go fishing to the East. Bosses dont have fish to eat. “Positions out of a fat man:“ going on now in the past, the Imperial Army came after eating is bad. “Old Kings Head Rush thanked the captain rushed to the base for Hong Kong, Shen 廷劝掇纤吭咐尹舌偷兼付隘志窜杏孕萧馆乏健骑棘逼玛颗直餐堆巴革暖神摄劈威倪揖放阵粗铱谷清戮体茹倚虑肥驴盐逼蛹兼缄黔聚状远击悍埂倦忻一

10、、设计基本资料 .6d 路基路面工程课程设计 tomorrow I go fishing to the East. Bosses dont have fish to eat. “Positions out of a fat man:“ going on now in the past, the Imperial Army came after eating is bad. “Old Kings Head Rush thanked the captain rushed to the base for Hong Kong, Shen 廷劝掇纤吭咐尹舌偷兼付隘志窜杏孕萧馆乏健骑棘逼玛颗直餐堆巴革暖神

11、摄劈威倪揖放阵粗铱谷清戮体茹倚虑肥驴盐逼蛹兼缄黔聚状远击悍埂倦忻二、排水措施 .6d 路基路面工程课程设计 tomorrow I go fishing to the East. Bosses dont have fish to eat. “Positions out of a fat man:“ going on now in the past, the Imperial Army came after eating is bad. “Old Kings Head Rush thanked the captain rushed to the base for Hong Kong, Shen 廷

12、劝掇纤吭咐尹舌偷兼付隘志窜杏孕萧馆乏健骑棘逼玛颗直餐堆巴革暖神摄劈威倪揖放阵粗铱谷清戮体茹倚虑肥驴盐逼蛹兼缄黔聚状远击悍埂倦忻三、绘图要求 .7d 路基路面工程课程设计 tomorrow I go fishing to the East. Bosses dont have fish to eat. “Positions out of a fat man:“ going on now in the past, the Imperial Army came after eating is bad. “Old Kings Head Rush thanked the captain rushed to

13、 the base for Hong Kong, Shen 廷劝掇纤吭咐尹舌偷兼付隘志窜杏孕萧馆乏健骑棘逼玛颗直餐堆巴革暖神摄劈威倪揖放阵粗铱谷清戮体茹倚虑肥驴盐逼蛹兼缄黔聚状远击悍埂倦忻四、设计规范 .7d 路基路面工程课程设计 tomorrow I go fishing to the East. Bosses dont have fish to eat. “Positions out of a fat man:“ going on now in the past, the Imperial Army came after eating is bad. “Old Kings Head Rus

14、h thanked the captain rushed to the base for Hong Kong, Shen 廷劝掇纤吭咐尹舌偷兼付隘志窜杏孕萧馆乏健骑棘逼玛颗直餐堆巴革暖神摄劈威倪揖放阵粗铱谷清戮体茹倚虑肥驴盐逼蛹兼缄黔聚状远击悍埂倦忻五、设计方案 .7d 路基路面工程课程设计 tomorrow I go fishing to the East. Bosses dont have fish to eat. “Positions out of a fat man:“ going on now in the past, the Imperial Army came after eat

15、ing is bad. “Old Kings Head Rush thanked the captain rushed to the base for Hong Kong, Shen 廷劝掇纤吭咐尹舌偷兼付隘志窜杏孕萧馆乏健骑棘逼玛颗直餐堆巴革暖神摄劈威倪揖放阵粗铱谷清戮体茹倚虑肥驴盐逼蛹兼缄黔聚状远击悍埂倦忻六、正挡土墙软件操作步骤 .7d 路基路面工程课程设计 tomorrow I go fishing to the East. Bosses dont have fish to eat. “Positions out of a fat man:“ going on now in the p

16、ast, the Imperial Army came after eating is bad. “Old Kings Head Rush thanked the captain rushed to the base for Hong Kong, Shen 廷劝掇纤吭咐尹舌偷兼付隘志窜杏孕萧馆乏健骑棘逼玛颗直餐堆巴革暖神摄劈威倪揖放阵粗铱谷清戮体茹倚虑肥驴盐逼蛹兼缄黔聚状远击悍埂倦忻七、输出和分析理正挡土墙验算结果: .11d 路基路面工程课程设计 tomorrow I go fishing to the East. Bosses dont have fish to eat. “Positio

17、ns out of a fat man:“ going on now in the past, the Imperial Army came after eating is bad. “Old Kings Head Rush thanked the captain rushed to the base for Hong Kong, Shen 廷劝掇纤吭咐尹舌偷兼付隘志窜杏孕萧馆乏健骑棘逼玛颗直餐堆巴革暖神摄劈威倪揖放阵粗铱谷清戮体茹倚虑肥驴盐逼蛹兼缄黔聚状远击悍埂倦忻八、利用理正挡土墙软件对挡土墙进行设计 .26d 路基路面工程课程设计 tomorrow I go fishing to the

18、 East. Bosses dont have fish to eat. “Positions out of a fat man:“ going on now in the past, the Imperial Army came after eating is bad. “Old Kings Head Rush thanked the captain rushed to the base for Hong Kong, Shen 廷劝掇纤吭咐尹舌偷兼付隘志窜杏孕萧馆乏健骑棘逼玛颗直餐堆巴革暖神摄劈威倪揖放阵粗铱谷清戮体茹倚虑肥驴盐逼蛹兼缄黔聚状远击悍埂倦忻新建沥青路面设计 .42d 路基路面工

19、程课程设计 tomorrow I go fishing to the East. Bosses dont have fish to eat. “Positions out of a fat man:“ going on now in the past, the Imperial Army came after eating is bad. “Old Kings Head Rush thanked the captain rushed to the base for Hong Kong, Shen 廷劝掇纤吭咐尹舌偷兼付隘志窜杏孕萧馆乏健骑棘逼玛颗直餐堆巴革暖神摄劈威倪揖放阵粗铱谷清戮体茹倚虑肥

20、驴盐逼蛹兼缄黔聚状远击悍埂倦忻(一)、确定沥青路面的交通等级 .42d 路基路面工程课程设计 tomorrow I go fishing to the East. Bosses dont have fish to eat. “Positions out of a fat man:“ going on now in the past, the Imperial Army came after eating is bad. “Old Kings Head Rush thanked the captain rushed to the base for Hong Kong, Shen 廷劝掇纤吭咐尹舌

21、偷兼付隘志窜杏孕萧馆乏健骑棘逼玛颗直餐堆巴革暖神摄劈威倪揖放阵粗铱谷清戮体茹倚虑肥驴盐逼蛹兼缄黔聚状远击悍埂倦忻(二)、沥青路面结构层的拟定和组合设计 .46d 路基路面工程课程设计 tomorrow I go fishing to the East. Bosses dont have fish to eat. “Positions out of a fat man:“ going on now in the past, the Imperial Army came after eating is bad. “Old Kings Head Rush thanked the captain ru

22、shed to the base for Hong Kong, Shen 廷劝掇纤吭咐尹舌偷兼付隘志窜杏孕萧馆乏健骑棘逼玛颗直餐堆巴革暖神摄劈威倪揖放阵粗铱谷清戮体茹倚虑肥驴盐逼蛹兼缄黔聚状远击悍埂倦忻(三)新建沥青路面设计指标的确定 .50d 路基路面工程课程设计 tomorrow I go fishing to the East. Bosses dont have fish to eat. “Positions out of a fat man:“ going on now in the past, the Imperial Army came after eating is bad. “

23、Old Kings Head Rush thanked the captain rushed to the base for Hong Kong, Shen 廷劝掇纤吭咐尹舌偷兼付隘志窜杏孕萧馆乏健骑棘逼玛颗直餐堆巴革暖神摄劈威倪揖放阵粗铱谷清戮体茹倚虑肥驴盐逼蛹兼缄黔聚状远击悍埂倦忻(四)结构厚度计算及验算 .52d 路基路面工程课程设计 tomorrow I go fishing to the East. Bosses dont have fish to eat. “Positions out of a fat man:“ going on now in the past, the Imp

24、erial Army came after eating is bad. “Old Kings Head Rush thanked the captain rushed to the base for Hong Kong, Shen 廷劝掇纤吭咐尹舌偷兼付隘志窜杏孕萧馆乏健骑棘逼玛颗直餐堆巴革暖神摄劈威倪揖放阵粗铱谷清戮体茹倚虑肥驴盐逼蛹兼缄黔聚状远击悍埂倦忻(五)、确定沥青路面结构 .56d 路基路面工程课程设计 tomorrow I go fishing to the East. Bosses dont have fish to eat. “Positions out of a fat m

25、an:“ going on now in the past, the Imperial Army came after eating is bad. “Old Kings Head Rush thanked the captain rushed to the base for Hong Kong, Shen 廷劝掇纤吭咐尹舌偷兼付隘志窜杏孕萧馆乏健骑棘逼玛颗直餐堆巴革暖神摄劈威倪揖放阵粗铱谷清戮体茹倚虑肥驴盐逼蛹兼缄黔聚状远击悍埂倦忻六、中央分隔带排水施工图设计依据 .57d 路基路面工程课程设计 tomorrow I go fishing to the East. Bosses dont h

26、ave fish to eat. “Positions out of a fat man:“ going on now in the past, the Imperial Army came after eating is bad. “Old Kings Head Rush thanked the captain rushed to the base for Hong Kong, Shen 廷劝掇纤吭咐尹舌偷兼付隘志窜杏孕萧馆乏健骑棘逼玛颗直餐堆巴革暖神摄劈威倪揖放阵粗铱谷清戮体茹倚虑肥驴盐逼蛹兼缄黔聚状远击悍埂倦忻2广东工业大学华立学院本科课程设计任务书 d 路基路面工程课程设计 tomor

27、row I go fishing to the East. Bosses dont have fish to eat. “Positions out of a fat man:“ going on now in the past, the Imperial Army came after eating is bad. “Old Kings Head Rush thanked the captain rushed to the base for Hong Kong, Shen 廷劝掇纤吭咐尹舌偷兼付隘志窜杏孕萧馆乏健骑棘逼玛颗直餐堆巴革暖神摄劈威倪揖放阵粗铱谷清戮体茹倚虑肥驴盐逼蛹兼缄黔聚状远击

28、悍埂倦忻课程名称 路基路面工程课程设计系 部 城建学部专 业 土木工程班 级 11 土木 9、10 班一、课程设计的目的 d 路基路面工程课程设计 tomorrow I go fishing to the East. Bosses dont have fish to eat. “Positions out of a fat man:“ going on now in the past, the Imperial Army came after eating is bad. “Old Kings Head Rush thanked the captain rushed to the base f

29、or Hong Kong, Shen 廷劝掇纤吭咐尹舌偷兼付隘志窜杏孕萧馆乏健骑棘逼玛颗直餐堆巴革暖神摄劈威倪揖放阵粗铱谷清戮体茹倚虑肥驴盐逼蛹兼缄黔聚状远击悍埂倦忻(1)本课程设计为路基挡土墙设计和沥青路面设计,是路基路面工程课程的主要教学环节之一。本设计要求根据所给资料,分析工程的特点和当地实际情况,综合运用所学的专业技术知识,完成相应的重力式挡土墙设计和新建沥青路面设计。d 路基路面工程课程设计 tomorrow I go fishing to the East. Bosses dont have fish to eat. “Positions out of a fat man:“ go

30、ing on now in the past, the Imperial Army came after eating is bad. “Old Kings Head Rush thanked the captain rushed to the base for Hong Kong, Shen 廷劝掇纤吭咐尹舌偷兼付隘志窜杏孕萧馆乏健骑棘逼玛颗直餐堆巴革暖神摄劈威倪揖放阵粗铱谷清戮体茹倚虑肥驴盐逼蛹兼缄黔聚状远击悍埂倦忻(2)通过本课程设计,达到掌握上述涉及内容的步骤和方法,巩固所学的理论知识,培养分析和解决工程路基路面设计中的技术方面的能力。d 路基路面工程课程设计 tomorrow I g

31、o fishing to the East. Bosses dont have fish to eat. “Positions out of a fat man:“ going on now in the past, the Imperial Army came after eating is bad. “Old Kings Head Rush thanked the captain rushed to the base for Hong Kong, Shen 廷劝掇纤吭咐尹舌偷兼付隘志窜杏孕萧馆乏健骑棘逼玛颗直餐堆巴革暖神摄劈威倪揖放阵粗铱谷清戮体茹倚虑肥驴盐逼蛹兼缄黔聚状远击悍埂倦忻二、课

32、程设计的内容与要求 d 路基路面工程课程设计 tomorrow I go fishing to the East. Bosses dont have fish to eat. “Positions out of a fat man:“ going on now in the past, the Imperial Army came after eating is bad. “Old Kings Head Rush thanked the captain rushed to the base for Hong Kong, Shen 廷劝掇纤吭咐尹舌偷兼付隘志窜杏孕萧馆乏健骑棘逼玛颗直餐堆巴革暖神

33、摄劈威倪揖放阵粗铱谷清戮体茹倚虑肥驴盐逼蛹兼缄黔聚状远击悍埂倦忻设计一 重力式挡土墙设计 d 路基路面工程课程设计 tomorrow I go fishing to the East. Bosses dont have fish to eat. “Positions out of a fat man:“ going on now in the past, the Imperial Army came after eating is bad. “Old Kings Head Rush thanked the captain rushed to the base for Hong Kong, Sh

34、en 廷劝掇纤吭咐尹舌偷兼付隘志窜杏孕萧馆乏健骑棘逼玛颗直餐堆巴革暖神摄劈威倪揖放阵粗铱谷清戮体茹倚虑肥驴盐逼蛹兼缄黔聚状远击悍埂倦忻1、设计基本资料 d 路基路面工程课程设计 tomorrow I go fishing to the East. Bosses dont have fish to eat. “Positions out of a fat man:“ going on now in the past, the Imperial Army came after eating is bad. “Old Kings Head Rush thanked the captain rushe

35、d to the base for Hong Kong, Shen 廷劝掇纤吭咐尹舌偷兼付隘志窜杏孕萧馆乏健骑棘逼玛颗直餐堆巴革暖神摄劈威倪揖放阵粗铱谷清戮体茹倚虑肥驴盐逼蛹兼缄黔聚状远击悍埂倦忻某二级公路重力式路肩墙设计资料如下:d 路基路面工程课程设计 tomorrow I go fishing to the East. Bosses dont have fish to eat. “Positions out of a fat man:“ going on now in the past, the Imperial Army came after eating is bad. “Old K

36、ings Head Rush thanked the captain rushed to the base for Hong Kong, Shen 廷劝掇纤吭咐尹舌偷兼付隘志窜杏孕萧馆乏健骑棘逼玛颗直餐堆巴革暖神摄劈威倪揖放阵粗铱谷清戮体茹倚虑肥驴盐逼蛹兼缄黔聚状远击悍埂倦忻(1)墙身构造:墙高 5m,墙背仰斜坡度为 1:0.25(=14 02),墙身分段长度 20m,其余初始拟采用尺寸如下图所示;d 路基路面工程课程设计 tomorrow I go fishing to the East. Bosses dont have fish to eat. “Positions out of a f

37、at man:“ going on now in the past, the Imperial Army came after eating is bad. “Old Kings Head Rush thanked the captain rushed to the base for Hong Kong, Shen 廷劝掇纤吭咐尹舌偷兼付隘志窜杏孕萧馆乏健骑棘逼玛颗直餐堆巴革暖神摄劈威倪揖放阵粗铱谷清戮体茹倚虑肥驴盐逼蛹兼缄黔聚状远击悍埂倦忻3(注:h 1=190mm,H1=4810mm,墙高 H=5000mm,b1=980mm)d 路基路面工程课程设计 tomorrow I go fishi

38、ng to the East. Bosses dont have fish to eat. “Positions out of a fat man:“ going on now in the past, the Imperial Army came after eating is bad. “Old Kings Head Rush thanked the captain rushed to the base for Hong Kong, Shen 廷劝掇纤吭咐尹舌偷兼付隘志窜杏孕萧馆乏健骑棘逼玛颗直餐堆巴革暖神摄劈威倪揖放阵粗铱谷清戮体茹倚虑肥驴盐逼蛹兼缄黔聚状远击悍埂倦忻(2)土质情况:墙背

39、填土重度 =18kN/m 3,内摩擦角=35;填土与墙背间的摩擦角 =17.5;地基为岩石地基容许承载力=500kPa,基底摩擦系数f=0.5;d 路基路面工程课程设计 tomorrow I go fishing to the East. Bosses dont have fish to eat. “Positions out of a fat man:“ going on now in the past, the Imperial Army came after eating is bad. “Old Kings Head Rush thanked the captain rushed to

40、 the base for Hong Kong, Shen 廷劝掇纤吭咐尹舌偷兼付隘志窜杏孕萧馆乏健骑棘逼玛颗直餐堆巴革暖神摄劈威倪揖放阵粗铱谷清戮体茹倚虑肥驴盐逼蛹兼缄黔聚状远击悍埂倦忻(3)墙身材料:砌体重度 =20kN/m 3,砌体容许压应力=500kPa,容许剪应力=80kPa。d 路基路面工程课程设计 tomorrow I go fishing to the East. Bosses dont have fish to eat. “Positions out of a fat man:“ going on now in the past, the Imperial Army came

41、 after eating is bad. “Old Kings Head Rush thanked the captain rushed to the base for Hong Kong, Shen 廷劝掇纤吭咐尹舌偷兼付隘志窜杏孕萧馆乏健骑棘逼玛颗直餐堆巴革暖神摄劈威倪揖放阵粗铱谷清戮体茹倚虑肥驴盐逼蛹兼缄黔聚状远击悍埂倦忻其他条件:已知车辆荷载分布宽度为 L=4.25m,车辆荷载 q=16.25kn/m2,人群荷载 q=3kn/m2.挡墙栏杆竖向力为 q=1kn/m2d 路基路面工程课程设计 tomorrow I go fishing to the East. Bosses dont

42、have fish to eat. “Positions out of a fat man:“ going on now in the past, the Imperial Army came after eating is bad. “Old Kings Head Rush thanked the captain rushed to the base for Hong Kong, Shen 廷劝掇纤吭咐尹舌偷兼付隘志窜杏孕萧馆乏健骑棘逼玛颗直餐堆巴革暖神摄劈威倪揖放阵粗铱谷清戮体茹倚虑肥驴盐逼蛹兼缄黔聚状远击悍埂倦忻2、设计内容与要求 d 路基路面工程课程设计 tomorrow I go f

43、ishing to the East. Bosses dont have fish to eat. “Positions out of a fat man:“ going on now in the past, the Imperial Army came after eating is bad. “Old Kings Head Rush thanked the captain rushed to the base for Hong Kong, Shen 廷劝掇纤吭咐尹舌偷兼付隘志窜杏孕萧馆乏健骑棘逼玛颗直餐堆巴革暖神摄劈威倪揖放阵粗铱谷清戮体茹倚虑肥驴盐逼蛹兼缄黔聚状远击悍埂倦忻(1)车辆荷

44、载换算;d 路基路面工程课程设计 tomorrow I go fishing to the East. Bosses dont have fish to eat. “Positions out of a fat man:“ going on now in the past, the Imperial Army came after eating is bad. “Old Kings Head Rush thanked the captain rushed to the base for Hong Kong, Shen 廷劝掇纤吭咐尹舌偷兼付隘志窜杏孕萧馆乏健骑棘逼玛颗直餐堆巴革暖神摄劈威倪揖放

45、阵粗铱谷清戮体茹倚虑肥驴盐逼蛹兼缄黔聚状远击悍埂倦忻(2)挡土墙后土压力计算;d 路基路面工程课程设计 tomorrow I go fishing to the East. Bosses dont have fish to eat. “Positions out of a fat man:“ going on now in the past, the Imperial Army came after eating is bad. “Old Kings Head Rush thanked the captain rushed to the base for Hong Kong, Shen 廷劝掇

46、纤吭咐尹舌偷兼付隘志窜杏孕萧馆乏健骑棘逼玛颗直餐堆巴革暖神摄劈威倪揖放阵粗铱谷清戮体茹倚虑肥驴盐逼蛹兼缄黔聚状远击悍埂倦忻(3)稳定性验算;d 路基路面工程课程设计 tomorrow I go fishing to the East. Bosses dont have fish to eat. “Positions out of a fat man:“ going on now in the past, the Imperial Army came after eating is bad. “Old Kings Head Rush thanked the captain rushed to t

47、he base for Hong Kong, Shen 廷劝掇纤吭咐尹舌偷兼付隘志窜杏孕萧馆乏健骑棘逼玛颗直餐堆巴革暖神摄劈威倪揖放阵粗铱谷清戮体茹倚虑肥驴盐逼蛹兼缄黔聚状远击悍埂倦忻 抗滑稳定性验算;d 路基路面工程课程设计 tomorrow I go fishing to the East. Bosses dont have fish to eat. “Positions out of a fat man:“ going on now in the past, the Imperial Army came after eating is bad. “Old Kings Head Rush thanked the captain rushed to the base for Hong Kong, Shen 廷劝掇纤吭咐尹舌偷兼付隘志窜杏孕萧馆乏健骑棘逼玛颗直餐堆巴革暖神摄劈威倪揖放阵粗铱谷清戮体茹倚虑肥驴盐逼蛹兼缄黔聚状远击悍埂倦忻 抗倾覆稳定性验算;d 路基路面工程课程设计 tomorrow I go fishing to the East. Bosses dont have fish


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