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1、Celanese (Nanjing) Emulsion Project Method Statement for Undergound Piping塞拉尼斯(南京)乳液项目 地下管网施工方案Nantong Construction Group Co., Ltd.南通建工集团有限公司1Contents目 录One Compiling basis and principle编制依据和原则Two Project in brief工程概况Three Organization chart and specific schedule施工组织结构和具体进度计划Four Method statement an

2、d preparation施工方案及施工准备Five Main construction method and workmanship主要施工方法及施工工艺Six QA measures质量保证措施Seven Construction schedule施工进度计划表Eight QC measures质量管理措施Nine HSE measuresHSE 措施Celanese (Nanjing) Emulsion Project Method Statement for Undergound Piping塞拉尼斯(南京)乳液项目 地下管网施工方案Nantong Construction Group

3、 Co., Ltd.南通建工集团有限公司2One Compiling basis and principle编制依据和原则1.1 Compiling basis编制依据1.1.1 Construction blueprints and pertinent information furnished塞拉尼斯(南京)乳液项目提供的施工蓝图及相关资料(1045-860)1.1.2 Drawing collection for water supply and drainage (volume 2004)给水排水标准图集合订本(2004 版) (GB50160-92)1.1.3 Technical s

4、pecification for polyethylene wrapping layer for steel pipe钢质管道聚乙烯胶粘带防腐层技术标准 (SY/T0414-98)1.1.4 Construction and acceptance codes for water supply and drainage works给水排水工程施工及验收规范 (GB50268-97)1.1.5 Construction and acceptance codes for industrial metal piping工业金属管道工程施工及验收规范 (GB50235-97)1.1.6 Work and

5、 acceptance codes for welding of onsite industrial piping现场设备工业管道焊接施工及验收规范 (GB50236-98)1.1.7 Surveying codes 工程测量规范 (GB50026-93)1.1.8 Checking and evaluating of concrete strength混凝土强度检验评定标准 (GBJ107-87)1.2 Compiling principle编制原则1.2.1 Adoption of advanced technical and workmanship, efficient equipmen

6、t together with scientific management to achieve the completion of the project;采用先进的施工技术、工艺,选择高效的施工设备,科学组织,严格管理,确保工程目标。1.2.2 Fully understand the drawing to develop a practical method statement;充分理解设计图纸,编制可行的施工方案。1.2.3 Schedule the project efficiently and rationally; divide it scientifically to meet

7、 actual Celanese (Nanjing) Emulsion Project Method Statement for Undergound Piping塞拉尼斯(南京)乳液项目 地下管网施工方案Nantong Construction Group Co., Ltd.南通建工集团有限公司3situation on site.进度安排高效、合理,施工区段划分科学,符合施工现场实际情况。Two Project in brief工程概况2.1 Project in brief工程简介Systems included: RW, FW, PW, RAW, WW, CWS, CWR, SW an

8、d all other underground piping; wells in this project are all made of concrete or brick.整个厂区内系统:包括 RW(雨水管)FW(消防给水管) 、PW(生活水给水管)、RAW(生产给水管)WW(生活污水管)、CWS 、CWR(循环水管)、SW(生产废水管 )在内的所有埋地管线。本工程井为混凝土井和砖砌井。 2.2 Pipe material管道材料2.2.1 Material for pressure pipe压力管道材料2.2.1.1 CWSwelded steel piping; CWR-welded

9、steel pipe;循环水给水管道(CWS)- 焊接钢管,循环水回水管道(CWR)- 焊接钢管; PWHDPE; PW to eye washer and safety shower (inside 810 valve well)-galv. Steel pipe生活给水管道(PW)高密度聚乙烯塑料管,接洗眼器及安全淋浴器的生活给水管道(进罐区 810阀门井后)-镀锌钢管; RAWwelded steel pipe;生产给水管道(RAW)- 焊接 钢管; FWCS, welded;消防水(FW )- 碳钢焊管; WWcast iron

10、pipe, made by machine;生产污水(WW):机制铸铁管; from waste water pit (870B) to waste water station (870A) is stainless steel.废水池(870B)至废水处理装置(870A)的管道为不锈钢;Celanese (Nanjing) Emulsion Project Method Statement for Undergound Piping塞拉尼斯(南京)乳液项目 地下管网施工方案Nantong Construction Group Co., Ltd.南通建工集团有限公

11、司42. UPVC for piping from warehouse (930) for dangerous goods, production plant (800) to waste water pit (870B);危险品库房(930)、生产厂房(800)至废水收集池(870B)采用 UPVC; WW: welded steel pipe from WW station (850) to sewage drainage well;循环污水(WW):由循环水处理装置(850)至厂区污水排水井焊接钢管;2.2.2 Material for gravity p

12、iping重力管道材料2.2.2.1 SWUPVC生活污水管道(SW)UPVC; RWRC piping; cast iron for sewage piping from the flare system (830) to 870A, tankfarm and dock leveler to shift well, or 870A to NCIP tie-in;清洁雨水管道 (RW)钢筋 砼管; 火炬系统(830) 至废水处理装置(870A)、罐区和卸 车台至切换井的生产污水管道、废水装置(870A)至 NCIP 接管点的生产污水管道采用排水铸铁管。2.3 Depth管道埋深2

13、.3.1 For CWS piping, it is 2.6m (from the pipe center) underground; for CWR, it is 2.2m(from the pipe center) underground.循环水给水管道(CWS)管中心埋深 为地面下 2.6 米,循环水回水管道(CWR) 管中心埋深为地面下 2.2米;2.3.2 For PW, it is 0.75m (from the pipe center) underground;生活给水管道(PW) 管中心埋深为地面下 0.75 米;2.3.3 For RAW, it is 0.975m (fro

14、m the pipe center) underground生产给水管道(RAW)管中心埋深 为地面下 0.975 米;2.3.4 For FW, it is 1.35m (from the pipe center) underground消防水(FW )管中心埋深 为地面下 1.35 米;2.3.5 WW Piping: cast iron piping, made by machine;生产污水管(WW):机制排水铸铁管; For piping from the 870B to 870A, it is 2.2m (from the pipe center) undergrou

15、nd.废水池(870B)至废水处理装置(870A)管中心埋深为地面下 2.2 米;Celanese (Nanjing) Emulsion Project Method Statement for Undergound Piping塞拉尼斯(南京)乳液项目 地下管网施工方案Nantong Construction Group Co., Ltd.南通建工集团有限公司52.3.5.2 For piping from 930, 800 to 870B, it is 2.0m (from the pipe center) underground.危险品库房(930)、生产厂房(800)至废水收集池(87

16、0B)管中心埋深 为地面下 2.0 米; For piping from 850 to sewage well, it is 2.4m(from the pipe center) underground.循环污水(850)至厂区污水排水井管中心埋深为地面下 2.4 米;2.4 Characteristics for the project工程特点This project has many characteristics: large diameter, various pipes, a big surface area covered, multi-layers and cent

17、ralized, big depth, complexity in piping materials, major work carried in May and June, which is a rainy season.本工程管径较大、管种繁多、管线复盖面广、层多而集中、埋地深、材质复杂、施工时间主要集中在五、六月份,雨量偏多。Three Organization chart and specific schedule施工组织结构及具体进度计划3.1Organization chart施工组织机构To achieve the project in good quality and in t

18、ime, we will build up a special organization for road drainage system for a better control of the site work. 为保证地管部分的工程保质、保量、按期完成, 项目部专门成立了道路排水系统的施工管理,以强化施工现场的组织管理工作。3.2 Schedule施工进度计划3.2.1 Control of the construction schedule施工进度总体控制Since the underground piping is large and widely spread, the proje

19、ct team will develop a target schedule for piping as per the entire schedule, and subsequently arrange excavation sequence, deployment of labor and equipment, especially the RC rain manhole. 因地管工作量较大、分布较广,项目部根据厂区内施工节点 计划,对整个地管系统编制进度计划,按照计划,项目部将合理紧凑地安排管沟开挖的 顺序及人力、机械的配置,尤其是 钢筋混凝土雨水检查井的施工。Celanese (Nan

20、jing) Emulsion Project Method Statement for Undergound Piping塞拉尼斯(南京)乳液项目 地下管网施工方案Nantong Construction Group Co., Ltd.南通建工集团有限公司6Therefore, the project team will select a professional task, especially for underground piping, and have a team of formwork and rebar for support to ensure a completion of

21、 the project.为此,项目经理部精心挑选了一支 专业队伍, 专门进行地管工程的施工,并配合模板、钢筋各 1 个班,专门负责对井的施工,以保证工程的顺利完成。3.2.2 Construction schedule施工进度计划To ensure the schedule, the project team will carefully plan, rationally arrange and scientifically arrange or reasonably develop a schedule control chart, see in Work schedule for the

22、 underground piping.为保证本工程的按期完工,项 目经理部人员对本工程精心 统筹,合理安排,科学组织,合理编制了本工程的进度控制图,详见地下管网施工 进度计划。IV Method statement and preparation施工方案及施工准备4.1 Technical preparation施工技术准备4.1.1 According to design drawing together with site conditions, project team will organize relative people to carefully study design an

23、d pertinent documentation to get staff understand the design intention or any details of the design, thus to perform any site check in light of the drawing regarding the existing conditions and piping, or designed roads or centerlines of the underground piping or main control point; thus to perform

24、any reinforcement of the crossing piping, analysis or study of the traffic, finally determine the optimal program.根据设计图纸文件并结合现场实际踏勘核实。项目部组织 有关人员认真学习设计图纸及有关文件,使施工人员明确设计思想,理解 设计意图,熟悉 设计文件的各个 细节,对设计文件和图纸进行现场校核,对现场原地貌,现场地下管线进行详细地调查,对设计道路及地下管线的中线、主要控制点是否准确进行复核,对原有交叉管 线的加固, 对交通导行的技 术措施进行分析、研究,并确定最 优方案。4.1

25、.2 Carefully check the finished piling prior to work, conduct any protection of the elevation, center point of pile, then double check the piling to meet the requirement of accuracy of the work.Celanese (Nanjing) Emulsion Project Method Statement for Undergound Piping塞拉尼斯(南京)乳液项目 地下管网施工方案Nantong Con

26、struction Group Co., Ltd.南通建工集团有限公司7认真进行测量交接桩工作,在工程正式开工前,详细复核测量交桩内容,并对所交的高程、中心桩点进行有效的保护,对测量交 桩成果进行审核,要求达到 规 范规定的精度范围。4.1.3 As specified by the construction procedure, a detailed explanation on design and review of drawing is necessary, which is presided by the owner (management company) and particip

27、ated by the design institute, management representative, supervision company and construction company to find any deviation or conflict between design and site conditions, finally forming one part of the design documentation.按照施工程序要求,必须进行 详细的设计交底和图纸会审 工作,具体由 业主(管理公司)主持,有设计、管理代表、监理、施工单位共同参与进行的设计交底工作中

28、,解决设计文件及现场调查发现的各种问题,并形成会议纪要,作为指导施工必需的设计补充文件。4.2 Manpower plan施工劳动力计划4.2.1 As per the actual situation, select professional and efficient work team, say, one team for the underground work, with a formwork team as well as a rebar team for assistance. All teams should be deployed as a whole. To achieve

29、 the schedule with good quality, sufficient labor rationally structured should be mobilized for work.根据本工程实际情况,按照专业 、高效 选择施工队伍参与工程施工原 则,整个地管系统工程拟安排管道专业施工班组一个。模板、钢筋施工班组各 1 个进行配合管道上检查井施工,各班组按照整体施工部署,为按期、优质完成施工任务,准备充足的施工人力,合理的人员结构,并按照施工进度计划及时进入施工现场,参与工程施工。4.2.2 Manpower organization劳动力组织As the project

30、needs, get available of task teams for material, transportation, pipe wrapping, setting out and survey, installation, welding, trial test and so on, also adjust the number as the progress requires.根据工程需要,项目部配备相 应的材料、运 输、管道防腐,放线测量、安装、焊接、试压等作业班组;并根据工程进度及时调整人员进出场的数量。Manpower plan劳力需用量配备表Celanese (Nanji

31、ng) Emulsion Project Method Statement for Undergound Piping塞拉尼斯(南京)乳液项目 地下管网施工方案Nantong Construction Group Co., Ltd.南通建工集团有限公司84.2.3 Equipment and instrument list机械、测量仪器计划表No. Description名 称Specification规 格Unit单位QTY.数量Remarks备 注1 Crane 吊车 25T set 1 Lifting吊装运输3 Truck 汽车 20T set 1 Lifting 吊装运输4 Argon

32、 welding machine 氩弧焊机set 6 Welding焊接5 Angel grinder角向磨光机set 6 Grinding打磨焊口6 Pipe cutting machine管道切割机CG2-11 100 set 2 Fabricating of piping加工管道7 Abrasive wheel cutting machine 砂轮切割机J3G-400 set 1 Fabricating of piping加工管道8 Electrical pressure testing pump电动试压泵SY7416.3 set 1 Pressure testing 试压9 Leaka

33、ge test instrument for holiday test电火花检漏仪set 1 Leakage check 测漏Discipline工种Electrical welder电焊工Pipe fitter管工Labor普工Lifting worker起重工Electrician电工Driver司机Surveyor测量Material controller材料Others其他Total 合计Number人数7 人 12人12 人 3 人 2 人 2 人 3 人 1 人 30 人 72人Celanese (Nanjing) Emulsion Project Method Statement

34、 for Undergound Piping塞拉尼斯(南京)乳液项目 地下管网施工方案Nantong Construction Group Co., Ltd.南通建工集团有限公司910 Magnetic thickness gauge 磁性 测厚仪set 1 Thickness mesuring测厚11 Pressure gauge压力表0-1.6Mpa Ea 2 Pressure testing 试压12 Pressure gauge压力表0-4.0Mpa Ea 1 Pressure testing 试压13 Dryer for rod焊条烘干箱ZYHC-100 set 1 Drying t

35、he rod烘干焊条14 Insulating cylinder for rod焊条保温筒pcs 615 Distribution box配电箱ea 416 Submergible pump潜水泵 set 5 Local watering局部降水17 Gradient水准仪D S1-1 set 1 Elevation surveying测量标高18 Optical transit光学经纬仪T2 set 1 Closure and positioning闭合、定位19 Manual hoist手动葫芦3t set 1 Calibrating deviation校核偏差20 Manual hois

36、t手动葫芦2t set 4 Piping fitting配管用21 Sweating soldering welding machine 专set 1Celanese (Nanjing) Emulsion Project Method Statement for Undergound Piping塞拉尼斯(南京)乳液项目 地下管网施工方案Nantong Construction Group Co., Ltd.南通建工集团有限公司10业热溶焊机22 Excavator挖机set 24.2.4 Material supply plan材料供应计划4.2.4.1 Materials needed f

37、or this project should be strictly checked prior to mobilization and confirmed by the management company and the supervision company as well. No rejected material is allowed to site.本工程所需的材料,进场前均 经过严格的质量检查, 报审管理、监理公司确认,做好原材料使用前的检测试验。不合格材料不得 进入现场。 Complie a material plan as the actual progress

38、 goes; all materials should be mobilized as scheduled and placed where they are specified and protected thereafter.项目部根据工程进度编制材料计划,各种材料按照已 编定的 计划进场,并按指定的地点堆放,并作材料保护工作。4.2.5 Test and inspection plan试验、检验计划4.2.5.1 Key points for test重点试验内容4. Test prior to application of the raw materials: espec

39、ially those tests for the cement, rebar and welding piece;原材料使用前的检测试验:重点加强水泥、 钢筋及焊件的试验 ; Test for construction: fabrication test of concrete piece and that of its strength as well as compaction degree;施工试验:重点为混凝土试块制作及强度试验,土壤 压实度 试验等; Testing methodology试验措施4. compliance with the project as well as the schedule, make preparation of the testing plan.根据工程特点、施工进度,做好试验计划准备工作。


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