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1、第四章词汇翻译技巧(上) 正因为英汉词汇之间有很多差异,因此词汇翻译不可能达到一一对应的程度,必须掌握一定的词汇翻译技巧,从而使译文在忠实于原文的同时,达到“通顺”的标准。词汇翻译的技巧很多,归纳起来主要有移植法、增减法、词汇转类法、反译法、分译法和释译法等。 4.1 移植法: 在译文中直接借用原文词语。移植分为直接移植和音译两种情况 一、直接移植: 将原文中的词语原封不动地挪用过来,多应用于科技翻译和新闻媒体中。例如: 1 ) KTV; DISCO; IQ; EQ; AQ 二、音译 transliterate 用一种语言文字写出或读出另一种语言的词和词组的发音。音译适用以下范围: (一)几乎

2、所用的人名。 例如: Lincoln ( 林肯) ; Churchill (丘吉尔) ; Haughton (霍顿) ; Shakespeare (莎士比亚); Rambo (兰博) ;曹雪芹 ( Cao Xueqin ) ;鲁迅 ( Lu Xun ) ;钱钟书 ( Qian Zhongshu ) (二) 大多数地名。 例如: Australia (澳大利亚) ; New York (纽约) ; Atlanta (亚特兰大) ; Miami (迈阿密) ;泰安 ( Taian ) ; 山东 ( Shandong ) ;注意: 港澳台地区与我国对国外人名地名翻译区别。 例如: Reagon (雷

3、根) ; Kennedy (甘乃迪) ; Bush (布希) ; Sydney (雪梨) ; New Zealand (纽西兰) ; Hollywood (荷里活) (三)译入语原来没有的事物,包括科技新词、某些商标与文化词等 。例如: Dink (丁克) ; Yippie (雅皮士) ; Hippie (嬉皮士) ; Sauna (桑那) ; Shock (therapy) (休克疗法) ;金华(火腿) ( JINHUA ) ;麻将( mahjong ) ;磕头 ( kowtow ) ;功夫 ( kungfu ) ;茅台( Maotai ) ; 阴阳( yin yang ) ; 饺子( ji

4、aozi ) 有时音译比意译要显得形象, 如:talk show 音译为“脱口秀” ,而不译成“访谈节目” ;“download”, “modem”不过,音译往往是不得已而为之,音译过来的东西往往无法从字面上看出其内涵,有时会使译文读者产生文化隔阂,导致理解上的困难。因此,音译时我们不应该采取一刀切的态度,而应根据具体情况灵活处理。常用的方法如下:(一)人的本名译音,外号译意。 例如: Iron Lady (铁娘子) ; The Devil (魔鬼撒旦) ; Cinderella (灰姑娘) ; Snow White (白雪公主) ;芦柴棒 ( Spindle-Shanks ) ;赤发鬼刘唐

5、( Liu Tang the Red-haired ghost ) ;黑旋风李逵( Li Kui the Black Whirlwind ) (二)表示地理类别的普通名词的地名,其中普通地名译意。 例如: Louisiana State University ; The Gulf of Mexico ; The Strait of Gibraltar The Philippine Islands ; The Suez Canal ; 浙江省( Zhejiang Province )上海市 ( the City of Shanghai ) ;泰山 ( Mount Tai ) (三) 某些商标的翻

6、译半译音半译意。 例如: Goldlion Giant Colgate Pepsi Cola Polaroid Bisquit Nike Jell-O Canon Truly Holsten Safeguard Fieyta Lactov 四通(电脑) ( Stone ) Lucky Paloma 乔士(衬衫) ( Choose ) (四) 音译词后加一个表示类属的范畴词。 例如: Sardine (沙丁鱼) Pizza (比萨饼) Waltz (华尔兹舞) Champagne (香槟酒) Jacket (夹克衫) Bowling (保龄球) Shark (鲨鱼) 云吞 ( wonton so

7、ap ) 花雕 ( huadiao wine ) (五) 约定俗成。 例如: Bernard Shaw (肖伯纳) Cambridge (剑桥) Shelley (雪莱) 香港 ( Hong Kong ) 孙中山 ( Sun Yat-san ) 毛泽东 ( Mao Zetung ) 蒋介石 ( Kung Kaishi ) (六) 大多数音译在长期使用中固定下来。 例如: Logic jeep sofa tank waltz disco Pie biscuits 磕头 衙门 四合院 饺子 (七) 音意译并存。 例如: Penicillin engine vitamin microphone Ta

8、xi 武术: wushu/martial arts 太极拳 : taijiquan/shadow-boxing 4.2 词语增减法:增词不增意,减词不减意 一、弥合语法差异的需要。 (一) 代词增减 : 英译汉很多代词可省略,汉译英时可根据具体情况增加代词。 例: 1 ) Calmly, mother looked around before she turned back fearlessly, closing the door behind her and dashed to the window. 2) 她懒洋洋地站起来,估量丈夫不会再回来了。(二)介词增减法 。例如: 3) 接到信时我

9、高兴得跳了起来。4) At about this time, movies actors began running for President, astronauts began flying around the planet to get from one desert to another, and people began renting one-bedroom apartments for $2000 a month. (三)关联词的增减。 例如: 5 ) Even if you go there, there wont be any result. 6) The wind was

10、 so strong that he found it difficult to keep on his feet. 7) 小孩子受了惊吓就会哭。 When/As 8)有人喜欢吃肥肉,有人讨厌吃肥肉。 ( Likes fat, while/whereas dislike ) (四)语助词的增减。 例如: 9 ) 我想起李白杜甫在那遥远的年代,以一叶扁舟搏浪激进,该是多么雄伟的搏斗,会激发诗人多少瑰丽的诗思啊。 10) After all, what is more enviable than happiness? 11) Can an ape master anything like huma

11、n language? 二、弥合词义差异的需要 (一)(1) 英语词汇的语义范围比汉语宽,英译汉增词,反之,英译汉时减词 。例如: 12 ) party liner 和 worry lines 13) I want to be a man, and a man I am. (增词) 14) He was killed in a car accident on an icy Denver street, on his way home to his wife and infant daughter.( 增词) 15 ) If I just kept my eyes locked on the b

12、ack of my brothers truck, if I just made my wheels follow his wheels, Id be all right.( 减词) 16 ) The only cure for envy in the case of ordinary men and women is happiness, and the difficulty is that envy is itself a terrible obstacle to happiness. ( 减词 ) (2)当汉语词义比英语宽,汉译英时用增词法,反之,汉译英时用减词法。 例如: 17 ) 苗

13、头( symptoms of a bad trend) 襟怀( ample and simple bosom) 18) 吴所长 “ 噢 ” 了一声 ,凭他的经验可以看出马而立头脑中的东西。 (增词) 19 )我们的干部必须具有公仆意识。 (增词) 20 )我们应该推动农产品生产、加工、和销售的有机结合。 (减词) 21) 只有雨还在刷刷、刷刷地下着。 (减词) (二)英语多用抽象词、概括力强,词义范围宽;汉语用词倾向于具体,以具体的形象表达抽象的内容。英俄译汉时可以使英语抽象的概念具体化,根据具体的语境加上 “ 方法 ” 、 “ 现象 ” 、 “ 局势 ” 、 “ 状态 ” 、 “ 情况 ”

14、、 “ 政策 ” 、 “ 做法 ” 、 “ 习俗 ” 、 “ 精神 ” 、 “ 态度 ” 、: “ 问题 ” 等范畴词, 使译文含义清晰,行文流畅。反之,汉译英时不考虑这些范畴词,把整个名词词组译成英语中的抽象名词即可。 例如: 22 ) He was moved by McMenamys story and impressed by his dedication.( 增词) 23 ) He was described as impressed by Dengs flexibility. ( 增词) 24) 根据科学家们的看法,用数百万年的时间才能把有机物转化成煤。 (减词)25) 人类总是无

15、止境地千方百计使自己的土地增产。他们工作中所用的原料是他们的地理条件,一个地区的自然特征和生物的分布状况。 (减词)三、满足译文修辞上的需要 (一)译文中适当的地方增加词语,传达原文的语气,使译文具有文采而达到 “ 达 ” 的效果。 26) Women screamed, and kids howled, but the men stood silent, watching, interested in the outcome. ( 增词) 原译: 女人尖叫,小孩欢闹,男人们静静地站着观看,对结果感兴趣。 27) Quiet and shy, he was never more comfort

16、able than when at his workbench. ( 增词 ) (二)原文中有些若直译过来,会使译文显得臃肿, 不够简洁精炼。因此,为使译文简练、紧凑、文气贯通,有必要把他们省略。 31 ) He licked a finger and pushed at the pages of the notebook. ( 减词) 32) 他的家里很穷,但是他从小就认真读书,刻苦学习。 (减词) 32)此时鲁小姐卸了浓妆,换了几件淡雅衣服,逐公孙举目细看, 真有沉鱼落雁之容,闭月羞花之貌。 (减词) 四、满足译文语境的需要 (一)在原文化语境中原文中有些内容予以省略, 但在目的语语境中,

17、译文采用增词法,将原文省略的内容明确化。 33 ) I never told my love vocally; still, if looks have language, the merest idiot might have guessed I was over head and ears. ( 增词) 34 ) 女人的生活天地较小,一旦过了 35, 便像吃了耗子药,非紧张不可。 (增词) 原译: women live in a small world. When they are over 35, they are bound to get upset, as if they had t

18、aken medicine for mice. (二)反之,有时有的词或词组在原文中使用了, 在译文中可根据上下文推断出来,该词或词组可省略不译。 35 ) 她忽然觉得心头一紧,不知怎么得就哭了起来,那是欢乐的泪水,满足的泪水。 (减词) 36 ) Although winners can admire and respect other people, they are not totally defined, demolished, bound, or awed by them. (减词) 第五章:词汇翻译的技巧(下) 5.1 词汇转类法: 翻译时在保持原文内容不变的前提下,改变原文中某些

19、词的此类,以求译文通顺自然,合乎译入语的表达习惯。例如: 1 ) For 20 years they were passive witnesses to the deterioration of prices of our raw materials and an excessive increase of the prices of manufactured of good. 原译: 在 20 年中,他们是原材料价格下跌、工业品价格暴涨的消极目击者。 一、英语的名词、形容词转换为汉语的动词、副词 英语中具有动作意义或动词转化来的名词,在翻译时往往转换为动词,而修饰该名词的形容词便可相应地转换

20、为副词。例如: 2 ) We also realized the growing need and necessity to industrialize certain sectors of the economy. 3 ) There is bit increase in demand for all kinds of consumer goods in every part of our country. 具有动作意义或有动词转化过来的名词,如果后面跟着起引导作用短语,前后两个名词往往是属于动宾关系,可译成汉语的动宾短语。例如: 4 ) His real mission in life w

21、as to contribute, in one way or another, to the overthrow of ruthless dictators. 这种句型有时也可以译成主谓(宾)结构。例如: 5 ) This pessimistic forecast speaks of the destruction of the balance of nature -pollution, waste and hunger. 6 ) The victory of justice over arbitrary acts, of reason over decadence and blindnes

22、s, of democracy over imperialism, of good over evil, our victory of 25 October will represent one of the glorious pages of our history, and we shall be able to leave it to our heirs. 二、英语的动词、副词转换为汉语的名词、形容词, 如英语动词转换成汉语名词,修饰英语动词的副词随之转换成汉语的形容词。 例如: 7 ) Independent observers have commented favorably on

23、the achievements you have made in this direction. 8 ) The volume of trade has increased tremendously to the advantage of both countries. 三、英语的形容词转换为汉语的动词:可转换为汉语动词的英语形容词以现在分词和过去分词或动词同根者居多,也有其他可以延伸为动词的形容词。 例如: 9 ) We seek a deep-rooted understanding through the multiplication of our economic, cultural

24、, scientific, technical and human ties. 10 ) In Chinas approach to relations with other countries, we find a welcome emphasis on the principles of the equality of states and respect for the rights and views of small and middle powers. 四、英语的名词(形容词加后缀构成)转换成汉语的形容词。 例如: 11 ) We are deeply convinced of t

25、he correctness of this policy and firmly determined to pursue it. 12 ) His words and deeds testify to his honesty. 五、英语的形容词转换成汉语的名词:英语名词加后缀构成的形容词,与名词同根或可转换成名词的形容词一般译成名词 。例如: 13 ) They expect us in the Community to work out policies of aid and trade which will show a sympathetic understanding of thei

26、r own problems. 14 ) A week after his prelude to the Presidents visit, China was in . 六、英语作表语的副词可转换成汉语动词。 例如: 15 ) The workers are out. 16 ) Shed be down in a little while. 七、英语的介词与介词词组可转成汉语的动词:英语介词可带宾语,有些有动词转化而来,具有动词属性和意义。 例如: 17 ) The road to development is long but we are firmly on it. 18 ) The E

27、uropean Community is the best instrument for this purpose. 19 ) In view of human history this could be a slight enough hope. 5.2 反译法: 正话反说与反话正说 一、英汉语言表达否定的差异。 (一)汉语表达否定意义的词语中含有明显的否定标志词: 不、无、非、莫、勿、未、否、别、没有等。 (二)英语的否定标志:否定词缀: dis- 、 il- 、 in- 、 non- 、 un- 、 less 和表形式肯定、意义否定的各类词: fail, deny, miss, lack

28、, ignore, but, except, beyond 和短语: instead of, in place of 以及结构形式: morethan, other than,rather than 等。 (三) 思维方式的差异。例如: 1 ) I used to be amused by an aunt who never drove anywhere without a box of Graham crackers. 2 ) 油漆未干 3)我们讨论中国文化问题,不要忘记这些基本观点。 4 ) No one get out of this world alive, and few peopl

29、e come through life without at least one serious illness. 二、正话反说:英汉语言中的肯定形式在汉英语言中译成否定形式。 例如: 5 ) True, reading is far from the only source of knowledge. 6 ) (Its overtime. Sudden death, pal.) You want me, but I want you even more. 7 ) Americans are far more race-conscious than class-conscious. 8 ) I

30、ndeed, this nations best-loved author was every bit as adventurous, patriotic, romantic, and humorous as anyone has ever imagined. 9 ) 我说道, “ 爸爸,你走吧。 ” 他往车外看了看,说: “ 我买几个橘子去。你就在此地,不要走动。 ” 三、反话正说:英汉两种语言中表示否定的形式在汉英语言中译成肯定形式,反之亦然。 例如: 10 ) The thought of returning to his native land never deserted him a

31、mid his tribulation. 11 ) A book may be compared to your neighbor; if it is good, it can not last too long; if bad, you cannot get rid of it too early. 12) 但花下也缺不了成群结队的 “ 清国留学生 ” 的速成班。 13) 他承认有不少国家和公众对中国的了解还不够。 14) Harvard Business School opened in the early 20 th century, and pioneered the case-stu

32、dy method of teachingmaking use of real-world scenarios, instead of relying on academic theorya methodology that has remained the basis for many MBA programs around the world today. 5.3 分译法: 英译汉中,英语词的多个语义成分,只有分解其语义。例如: 1 ) It is an important catalyst to the cause of our liberation. 原译 : 这是我国解放事业的重要触

33、媒(催化剂) 。 2 ) He could understand a passive opposition from Kennedy loyalists, but an open one would have dire consequences. 3 ) Mr. Dubacher, a gregarious, ruddy-faced man, seems an unlikely savior of birds, having no degree in ornithology or zoology or formal training in wildlife care. 5.4 释义法: 通过解

34、释词义来达到译文的深层对应。例如: 1 ) Early Reagan was a mirror image of early Carter. 原译: 上台时的里根有着执政初期卡特的镜子形象。 2 ) The study had a Spartan look. 原译: 这间书房有一种斯巴顿式的景象。 3 ) The system is the brainchild of Lior Hessel. 原译: 这个系统是莱奥 郝塞尔大脑的产儿。 4 ) Words are not themselves a reality but only representation for it, and the Kings English , like the Anglo-French of the Normans, is a class representation of reality. 5 ) 我们是一个萝卜一个坑,腾不出人手来。 6) (深圳)他们自己总结经验,由内向型转为外向型,就是说能够变成工业基地,并能够打进国际市场。


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