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1、12010 年单选汇总测试海淀:Part I21 Jack had feeling of excitement when hearing his article had been published inschool magazineAthe;a Ba ;the C;the D the;22The 16th Asian Games in Guangzhou from November 12 to November 27,2010Awas held Bwas holding Cwill be held Dwill be holding23Its reported that the new und

2、erground line has been completedYes but it hasnt been made clear its to be opened to trafficAthat Bwho Cwhat Dwhen24The soccer team has been doing well this season,so they win the championshipA should Bmight Cwould Dcould25Why didnt you come to the cinema with us last Saturday?Oh,sorryBut I the film

3、Asee Bsaw Chave seen Dhad seen26A few days after the interviewI received a letter me admission to the university. Aoffering Boffered Chaving offered Dto be offered27Our women athletes achieved great success in the Vancouver Olympic Winter GamesYes No one could perform , I thinkAwell Bbetter Cbest Dt

4、he best28Thousands of Haitians cheered as the Chinese medical team arrived,many of evencried with joy.Athose Bthem Cwhom Dwho29If we had taken such effective measures much earlier, the fiver so seriously now.Ais not polluted Bwould not be pollutedChad not been polluted Dwould not have been polluted3

5、0 a diary every day and youll improve your writingAKeeping BTo keep CKeep DIf you keep31Bob! Hows your project? I heard you started it last Friday,right?Oh!I for itBut I havent decided when to do itAhave prepared Bhad prepared Chave been preparing Dwas preparing32 all kinds of difficulties,the worke

6、rs have made rapid progress in the construction of the World Expo 2010 ShanghaiAWith BFor CUnder DBeyond33Too high house prices can be brought under control, the authorities introduce a seriesof regulatory policiesAeven if Bas if Cso that Dprovided that34The scientist was rewarded by the government

7、for such a great,contribution to the country Amake Bmaking Cbeing made Dhaving made35Low-carbon lifestyle is of great benefit to improve the world environment can beenjoyed from it until you have a deep under, standing of it,howeverASomething BNothing CFew DMuch2海淀:PartII21More than five doctors and

8、 rescuers have got to Yushu County up to now.Athousand B thousands Cthousand of Dthousands of22When I got New York, I had to attend a school for students first language was not English.Awho B which Cwhose Dwhere23- Did you telephone Uncle Sam our plan for the Christmas holidays on his f arm?- Yes, h

9、e was happy about our arrival, and he eagerly asked when .Ahas we arrived Bwe had arrivedCwere we arriving Dwe were arriving24I suggested to my mother that she a drawing club after her retirement form teaching.Ajoin B joins Cjoined Dwould join25David got a higher grade in the final exam, for, you se

10、e, he made mistakes.Afew B fewer Clittle Dless26- Have you got any books on English grammar? Id like to borrow .- Yes, here you are. But you must return it by Friday.Ait B one Csome Dany27Dont give up regardless of difficulty and failure, youll never achieve your goals.Aand B but Cor Dso28- I had th

11、ought he would be nervous in this speech competition, but he turned out to be calm.- He quite enough preparation for it.Ashould do B must do Cshould have done Dmust have done29- Shall we take the 10:20 train?- No. If we took that train, we too late.Aarrive B arrived Cwill arrive Dwould arrive30Its n

12、ice to see you again. What since we last met?Ahave you done Bhad you doneChave you been doing Ddid you do31Not until they left school how much their teachers loved them and helped them.Athey realized Bdid they realizedCthe would realized Dhad they realized32- Have you heard that Jones, along with he

13、r parents, to Hainan for the winter vacation?- Really? No wonder I havent seen her these days.Ahad been B have been Chas gone Dhave gone33It was reported that 115 miners in the flooded mine for eight days were pulled out alive at last.Atrapped B being trapped Cwere trapped Dhad trapped34- How come y

14、our father can read books in German?- Well, he on a project with some German engineers for 3 years when he was young.Aworked B was working Chad worked Dwould work35 a written permission, he had to write another letter to the president of the university.ANot giving BNot having been givenCHaving not g

15、iven DHaving not been given3西城:Part21What do you think of their new house?Its very modern,but they have some antique in itAfurniture BfurnituresCpiece of furnitures D piece of furniture22 Today, rapid transportation and communication, the whole word seems to be smallerAregardless of Bin spite of Cin

16、stead of D because of23Naturally I will come to you for advice whenever I feel I need .Athem Bone Csome Dfew24It is a rule in our school that no books out unless you have a library card.Amust be taken B might take Ccan be taken Dshould be taken25Why not open the windows to let cool air in?Id rather

17、you didnt air in our town is terribly pollutedAa;The B;The C/ ;/ Dthe:/26Why are your hands so dirty?I in the gardenW.w.w.k.s.5.u.c.o.mAwas working Bhave workedCworked Dhave been working W.w.w.k.s.5.u.c.o.m27We tried hard,and eventually,we were able to get Mike us his car just for a dayW.w.w.k.s.5.u

18、.c.o.mAlending Blend Cto lend Dlent28 a time in the 1960s when young people liked wearing army uniforms. W.w.w.k.s.5.u.c.o.mAIt was BThere was CIt is DThere is29The attackers were arrested and didnt know where they W.w.w.k.s.5.u.c.o.mAwould take Bare taken Cwere being taken Dwill be taken30Mike has

19、an active mind; he can retell a story anybody else in the classroomAmore vividly than Bmuch vivid than W.w.w.k.s.5.u.c.o.mCas vivid as Dso vividly as31The man stopped his bicycle beside the car it had a broken chainW.w.w.k.s.5.u.c.o.mAor Buntil Cas Dyet32Hesitating what to do, Aso lets not go outing

20、 Bthe tour was cancelledCbut we should still take the tour Dwe had to stay home33A cool rain was falling with snow causing heavy trafficAmixed B mixing Cto mix Dhaving mixed34Wow! Look at the man and his horse are running down the road.Awhich Bthat Cwho D where35You have broken your promise;you pain

21、ting the house long agoAcould have finished Bhad better finish Cmust have finished Dshould have finished4西城PartII第一节 单项填空(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,共 15 分)从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。21Stevens exam results put him the top ten students in his grade.Aamong B between Cin Dat22Ballet is amazin

22、g; you go, you are likely to find yourself going again and again.Aas B once Cunless Dwhile23Both of the sofas they ordered online arrived, but fit through the doorway.Anone B nor Cneither Deither24If transport costs into consideration at the beginning, the factory would have been built far from its

23、present place.Awill be taken B were taken Chad been taken Dwere being taken 25What do you think about dress in the shop window?Oh, its beautiful. You may give it to Linda as birthday present.Aa; a B the ;a Ca ;the Dthe ;the26The girls a game called Bomb happily when the teacher suddenly entered the

24、classroom.Aplayed B were playing Care playing Dhad played27Why are you staring at me?You look stupid! The way you wear is annoys most.Awhich B where Chow Dwhat28 the two designs ,and you will find what problem there is with yours.AComparing B Compared CTo compare DCompare29I need to call my friend D

25、avid coat I walked off by mistake yesterday.Ain whose B in that Cwith which Dwith her30 three times in a row, the boxer decided to give up fighting.AHaving defeated BTo have defeatedCHaving been defeated DTo have been defeated31Daniel, you into things. How can anyone be so clumsy?Aalways knock Bare

26、always knockingCalways look Dare always looking 32I did very well in the English exam last week.I did . I got a full mark.Ano better B not better Cno worse Deven worse33When can I get my car back?I think it sometime later today. Give me a call around 3 oclock.Awill be finished B finishes Cwill finis

27、h Dwill be finishing34China is known greatly in terms of its cultural values over the past few years.Ato change B having changed Cchanging Dto have changed35Mary was only too ready to help others, seldom, , refusing them when they turned to her.Aif never B if not Cif any Dif ever5东城:PartI21Please tu

28、rn down the music, our neighbors next door will be disturbed.Aand B or Cbut Dso22In middle schools all over China, boys not to wear their hair long.Awill be requested B have requested Care requesting Dare requested23Mike must be angry with me, for he walked me without even saying hello.Apast B on Ca

29、t Dover24 fit, we ought to learn more about our body and be careful with what we eat.AKeeping B To keep CHaving kept. DTo have kept25-Lets throw a surprise party for moms 50th birthday.-Thats a good idea. We several of her friends. http:/ B have invited Care inviting Dwill invite26 life began on the

30、 earth is one of the biggest puzzles to scientists.AHow B What CWhere DThat27-Your composition is full of mistakes.-I wish I more careful. http:/ have been B had been Cwould be Dwere28The film is very humorous but can be enjoyed unless you understand English culture.Aeverything B something C. nothin

31、g Danythinghttp:/ his car in front of my house and it is blocking my driveway.Ahas parked B is parking Cparked Dhad parked30QQ, you can chat with your friends, makes communication easy.Awhy B which Cthat Dwhere31In summer, food will go bad if in room temperature.Aleaving B left Cbeing left Dhaving l

32、eft32How I help them to understand when they wont listen to me?Acan B would Cmay Dmust33The Day of the Dead, an ancient Mexican festival, is not a sad day, but time to celebratehttp:/www.ks5u cycle of life. http:/ the B不填 , the C不填,a D. the, a34More and more people shop online, advantage of low pric

33、es.Ahaving taken B taking Ctaken Dhaving been taken35-Are my clothes too casual?-No. You can go you are.Aas B what Cthat Dwhere6东城PartII 21To write your report, you may refer to books 19th century English literature.Afrom Bin Cabout Dat22 Has Tom already finished his new story? I Have no idea. He it

34、 last month.Ahad written Bwas writing Cwould write Dwrote23You look so tired. You have stayed up late again.Ashould Bcan Cmay Dmust24The couple finally bought the house they wanted, for they enough money.Ahad saved Bwere saving Cwould save Dwere to save25Only when Tom fully recovered back to work.Ad

35、id he go Bhe went Chad he gone Dhe had gone26Young people go to college with the expectation that educated people get a higher pay.Agood Bbetter Cbest Dthe best27Oct.1st, is our National Day, is always celebrated with singing and dancing.Aas Bthat Cwhen Dwhich28Peter, would you like a beer to go wit

36、h your meal?Sure, it .Aordered Bwas ordered Chas been ordered Dhas ordered29Its not easy to learn English well. as much as possible is necessary.AHaving read BRead CReading DTo have read30Every year, Tom remembers to have some flowers to her mother on her birthday.Asend Bsent Csending Dbeing sent31

37、hard you may try, you cant possibly persuade Tom to give up smoking, for he is so addicted to it.AWhatever BHowever CWhichever DWhenever32They all wanted to stop working because they were tired, but of them would say so.Aany Bsome Cnone Dneither33 the address, Tom sent the email to his teacher.AHavi

38、ng checked BChecked CBeing checked DTo check34How do you usually find out about new software?In the magazines like Popular Electronics. Thats computer companies usually advertise.Awhich Bwhere Cwhat Dwhy35I think you should complain ,of course, you are happy with the way things are.Aif Bunless Cas D

39、because7朝阳Part I21- Wow, so many new houses! I cant believe that. It used to be a poor village.- Yes. has changed here.ANothing B Something CEverything DAnything22- potato salad is good.- Im very glad you like it. I used special cheese to make it.AThe; 不填 B The; a CA;不填 DA; the23The performance will

40、 be given next week. You can go to the student union tickets.Afor B in Cby Don24With the speedup of the railway, now you can get to your destination by train.Afast B faster Cfastest Dthe fastest25- Did you see a girl in white pass by just now?- No, sir. I a newspaper.Aread B had read Cwould read Dwa

41、s reading26I will appreciate it you can change your plan a little bit to make it more workable.Aso B if Csince Dalthough27It has been proved taking exercise regularly does good to ones health.Awhether B when Cwhat Dthat28The flowers sweet in the garden attracted the visitors to the beauty of nature.

42、Asmell B smelt Csmelling Dto be smelt29It is the only time in history that two Nobel Prizes to the same person.Ahave been given Bhad been givenChave given Dwill give30I suggest you save you find with an electronic bookmark so you can return to it later.Awhat B that Chow Dwhere31 for his expert advic

43、e, John is often asked to help others with their personal affairs.AHaving known BBeing knownCKnown DKnowing32These interesting articles were written by Anna, who for our magazine these years.Awrote Bwould writeCis writing Dhas been writing33Unless you have planted something, you wont be able to know the pleasure of watching the thing you have planted .Agrown B growing Cto grow Dto be grown34The topic, we devoted a full discussion, is to be presented to our teacher at class.Awhich B where Cto which Dfor which35- Oh, my


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