2012秋人教版英语七上《unit 9 my favorite subject is science》word教案3.doc

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2012秋人教版英语七上《unit 9 my favorite subject is science》word教案3.doc_第2页
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1、Unit 9 My favorite subject is science. The Third Period (Section B, 1a2b) Teaching aims and language points: 1. Learn these words a nd expressions, and be able to say, read and write them: free, cool, A.M., P.M., useful, from, from . to ., Mrs. , lesson, hour 2. Learn these words and expressions, an

2、d be able to say and read them: left, right, opposite, schedule, description, the same as 3. Be able to talk about subjects, lessons and teachers by using -What do you think of music? -Its relaxing. -When is the class? Its on Monday. -When does Yu Mei have Chinese? -She has Chinese from 8:00 to 8:50

3、. Teaching steps: 1. Warm-up. (课 堂 热 身 ) Daily greeting to the students( 日 常 问 候 ) 2. Revision and presenta tion. (1) Show a picture of a music book. Ask the Ss: T: What subject is it? Ss: Its music. Get the Ss to listen to a piece of music. Then ask: T: What do you think of music? Help them to answ

4、er. Ss: Its relaxing. (2) Show a picture of a history book. Ask the Ss: T: What subject is it? Ss: Its history. T: What do you think of his tory? Show some pictures to lead the Ss to give answers like “Its easy/fun/useful”. Present the new word useful. 3. Work on 2a. (1) Ask some of the Ss to share

5、their ideas about different subjects. Teacher is to make conversation with them and collect the description words they use. T: What do you think of history? Ss: I think its T: Yes, I think so. / Oh, but I think its . (2) Revise the adjectives they may use. (3) Ma ke the Ss follow the sample and exch

6、ange ideas. 2. 用图片表意,引导学生用相关 的形容词来表达对计算机课程的 看法,最后引入本课时的生词 useful。 教学设计说明 1. 先复习学科名词,再讨论对学科 的看法。 3. 完成 2a,学生们讨论对各学 科看法。首先收集相关的形容词, 然后学生两人一组用已学过的形 容词模仿所给的例子进行对话, 交换对学科的看法。 4. Work on 1a. (1) Read the words in 1a. (2) Match the words on the left with their opposites on the right. (3) Teach the new word

7、s: free, cool (4) Check the answers. 5. Listen ing practice. (1) Work on 1b. Listen and check the words in 1a. (2) Read the schedule. (3) Work on 1c. Listen again and circle the classes David talks about on the schedule. (4) Check the answers together. 6. Pair work. (1) Work on 1d. Ss talk about Dav

8、ids favorite subject in pairs. Then ask one pair to present their conversation to the class. (2) Ss follow the sample to talk about their own favorite subjects in pairs. (3) Get them to show their conversations in their groups. And then check some pairs. 7. Reading. (1) Ss skim the text in 2b and as

9、k: What is the letter about? (2) Ss read the text again and underline the s ubjects Yu Mei likes and circle the subjects she doesnt like. Check their answers. (3) Ss read the questions about the text and try to find the answers while reading the text for the third time. Then check their answers. 8.

10、Work on 2c. (1) Complete the schedule in 2c. (2) Ss check their answers in their groups. A: When does Yu Mei have Chinese? B: She has Chinese from 8:00 to 8:50. 9. Pronunciation. (1) Listen and repeat. (2) Read aloud. Check the Ss pronunciation. (3 ) Talk about the rules of pronunciation and spellin

11、 g. 10. Homework( 家 庭 作 业 ) (1) Recite the text in Section B, 2b aloud. (2) Make a schedule for the week. 5. 1b 听力练习非常简单,所以可 以一带而过。充分利用好 1c 的 日程表,首先阅读日程表,让学 生看懂日程表,提醒他们要同时 注意时间和科目,这样学生才能 顺利完成 1c 的听力练习。 6. 1d 的话题是在 Section A 的基 础上增加了以 when 开头的问句。 学生首先根据听力材料完成书上 方框内的对话,再模仿例子谈论 自己的情况。 4. 由于将 2a 放在了 1a 的前面处 理,该部分的形容词已经在 2a 进行了复习,所以 1a 的重点是 教学两个生词:free, cool. 7. 阅读的训练要注意阅读的方法, (1)略读,了解文章的大意; (2)细读,了解文章的细节; (3)再次阅读,理解文章的意思。 8. 2c 仍然是针对 2b 的阅读练习,由 于有了前面的阅读练习,学生可以很 容易地完成表格。但是教师应充分利 用表格信息,对学生进行 when 开头 的问句和回答的训练。


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