2015秋牛津译林版英语八上Unit 8《Natural》(task)word导学案.doc

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1、年级:初二 主备:冯建平 审核:吴蕴 时间: 2013.12.18 课题:Unit8 task 课型:新授 课时安排:一课时 学生姓名_ 家长签名 _ 【学习目标】1. 培养学生根据关键词和语境猜测大意的能力; 2. 理解过去进行时的语 境; 3.教育学生学会在自然灾害中自我保护。 【课前热身】 大声朗读下列词组或句子,并在课文中划出来。 1 一月五号,星期五,一场暴风雪袭击了北京。 A snowstorm hit Beijing on Friday, 5 January. 2 我正在教室里做家庭作业,这时吴老师走进来叫我们早点回家。 I was doing my homework in th

2、e classroom when Mr. Wu came in and told us to go home early. 3 那天晚上我的父母没有能够到家,因为雪太大。 (2) My parents could not get home that night because of the heavy snow. = My parents could not get home that night because it snowed heavily. 4 在我们走着前往公交站台时,我与她合用一把伞。 I shared an umbrella with her while we were wal

3、king to the bus stop. 5 天气真是糟糕。雪在我们的周围不停地下着。 The weather was really terrible. The snow kept falling around us. 6 我们可以听见大风吹的声音。 We could hear the wind blowing. 7 突然,身后来了一阵强风。 Suddenly, a strong wind came from behind. 8 大风中我丢了伞,也差点摔倒了。 I lost my umbrella in the wind and I nearly fell over. 9 我们只能在厚雪中慢

4、慢走。 We had to walk slowly in the deep snow. 10 当我们到达公交站台时,看到很多人都在那儿等。 When we arrived at the bus stop, we saw many people waiting there. 11 第二天早上,我听到了汽车的嘈杂声。 I heard the noise of traffic the next morning. 12 人们正在努力清扫街道上的雪。 People were trying to clear the snow from the streets. 13 慢慢移动通过-pull oneself

5、 through-14 告诉某人(不要)做某事 tell/ask sb. (not) to do sth. 15 与某人分享某物 share sth. with sb. 16 一直做某事 keep doing sth. 17 听到.在做某事 hear - doing sth. 18 听到-的声音 hear the noise of- 19 上/下车 get on/off the bus = get the bus on/off (get on/off it ) 20 摔倒、跌倒 fall over 21 清理雪 clear the snow 22 多么可怕的一场暴风雪 What a terri

6、ble snowstorm! 23 我看见你和你的父母正站在路边。I saw you and your parents standing on the side of the road. 24 因为冷天气我父亲的轿车坏了。My dads car broke down because of the cold weather. 25 当你看见我们时,他正在打电话给某人来帮忙。 He was ringing someone to come and help when you saw us. 26 当他在堆一个大雪球时摔了一跤。He fell over as/when/while he was mak

7、ing a big snowball. 27 Peter 正躲在一颗树后,这时一个雪球击中了他。 Peter was hiding behind a tree when a snowball hit him. 通过预习,哪些方面你还存在疑问? _ 【学海拾贝】 1 I lost my umbrella in the wind and I nearly fell over. nearly 副词,意为“ 几乎,差不多 ”, 例,差不多十点了。Its_ ten o clock. 他从树上摔下来,几乎丧命。He _ _ the tree and _ died. 我差点没赶上早班车。I _ didnt

8、_ _ _ _. 2 People were trying to clear the snow from the streets. 此处 clear 为动词,意为“ 清除”, 在我们回家之前必须清扫干净教室。We must _ _ the classroom before we go home. clear 还可以作形容词,意为“ 清晰的”,副词为_ 【堂清巩固】 翻译句子 1 在雨中,Lily 和 Lucy 共用一把伞。Lily _ in the rain. 2 由于强风我们不得不缓慢地行走在深雪中。 We _ the strong wind. 3 当 Mr. Wu 进来的时候我正在做作业。

9、 We _ Mr. Wu came in. 4 当我往外看的时候,人们正在清理街上的雪。 People _I looked out of the window. 5 当我们到达公交站台的时候看到好多人正在等公交车。 We saw _we arrived at the bus stop. 6 一阵强风从后面刮来,我的伞丢了,我差点摔倒。 A strong wind _. I _ and I _. 7 这个男人被困住了,他大声喊救命,但没人听到。 The man _ and he _.But no one heard it. 8 一幢教学楼被闪电击中而着火了。 Lightning _. 9 当我走

10、进房间的时候他们正在恐惧地尖叫。 They _I came into the room. 10 由于时间紧迫,尽快给他电话。Call him back_ the limited(紧迫 的) time. 11 雪花在我们身边纷纷落下,我听到风在吹。 The snow kept_ and I heard _. 12 幸运的是,有人救了我们。_. 13 你那时正在等公交车吗?_ at that time? 14 当 Millie 在拍照时,一只雪球击中了她。A snowball hit Millie when she _. 15 他们昨天下午的 3 点和 4 点之间和谁在交谈? Who _from

11、3 to 4 yesterday afternoon? 16 由于使用不当,他的电脑出故障了。 His computer _ his incorrect use. 17 当我正在练钢琴时,我妈进来了。 _, my mum came in. 18 当一块块砖掉落下来时,人们正在惊恐地四处逃窜。 People_while_. 19 遵守交通规则对我们来说是很重要的。It s_. 20 昨天有人受伤了吗?不,没人受伤。_? No,_. 根据要点提示完成下面的写作 1 昨天晚上,你去参加李江的生日宴会,大家又唱又跳,玩得很开心。 2 离开李江家时,天开始下雨。由于已经很晚了,你只能步行回家。 3 一辆车疾驰而过,在十字路口撞倒了一个男孩。 4 车没停,逃跑了; 5 你十分气愤,记下了车号后马上报警。警察来后迅速把孩子送往医院。 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


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