2015秋牛津深圳版英语九上Unit 4《Problems and advice》word教案2.doc

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1、教案 1 课题 Unit4 Problems and advice 课型 Reading 备 课 时 间 教学目标 1. Students can predict the content according to the title and pictures. 2. Students can skim and scan the text. 教学重点 Students can know about the problems in stud、life and thoughts according the text and can provide ways in English for help 教

2、学难点 1、Master the important words such as ashamed embarrassed suggest 2、Skim and scan the text to predict the main idea ,master some reading skills . 教 材 分 析 教学关键 Skim and scan 教法与学法指导 self-study; Group work task-based learning. 教学 环节 主要教学步骤或内容 学生主体活动 教师活动 设计意图 时 间 分 配 第一 环节 复习 回顾 平移 的基 本性 质, 引入 课题 S

3、tep 1.Lead in . 1.Answer the question : What would you do in the following situation? according to the pictures 1.Show some pictures in different situation and ask the students what they should do in the situation. 1.To lead in the reading. 3 第二 环节 观察 操作、 探索 Step 2. New words. 2.Finish the exercises

4、. 2. Ask students to do some exercises to get familiar 2.Master the new words in a competing way. 归纳 平移 的作 法 第三 环节 课堂 练习 Step 3. Pre -reading. Step 4.While reading Step 5. Group work 3. Work in groups ,choose a situation and find a way to solve it. Report their results. 4. Read think and answer. Fin

5、ish the exercises on P52- 53,Then check the answers. 5. Discuss the passages in groups Represent the group to explain with the new words, especially different forms of the words. 3. Provide different real situation and ask students what they should do in the situation Ask them to report the teamwork

6、 4 Raise some simple question to make students get the main idea of the passage. Then ask them more questions and make them further their understanding of the passages. Ask students to finish the exercises on P52-53,Then check the answers 5. Divide students into 3.Understand the text by predicting.

7、4.Understand the text by questions. 5. Cooperate to further understandin g of the 5 7 8 20 te passages in front of the class groups and ask them to discuss the passages Choose one student to represent the group to explain the passages 4.Present the learning sheer which conclude the key words usage t

8、o students. and lead them to self-study and discuss to master them. text. 第四 环节 课时 小结 Step 6 Summary. 6. Listen carefully. 5.Emphasize the important phrases and words. 5.Summarize. 2 第五 环节 课后 作业 Step 7 Homework. 7.Do the homework 7.assignment homework 课 堂 教 学 流 程 Lead inNew words Pre -readingWhile readingGroup workSummary Homework. 效 果 评 价 与 反 思


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