2015秋牛津译林版英语七上Unit 8《Fashion》(Reading 2)word导学案.doc

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2015秋牛津译林版英语七上Unit 8《Fashion》(Reading 2)word导学案.doc_第1页
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2015秋牛津译林版英语七上Unit 8《Fashion》(Reading 2)word导学案.doc_第2页
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1、年级:初一 主备:曹业琴 审核:王玉琴 时间:2013.12 课题:7A Unit 8 Reading(2) 课型:新授 课时安排 :1 课时 学生姓名_ 家长签名_ 学习目标:1 掌握重点单词和词组 2 学习并能运用描述服装搭配的表达 【课前热身】:一大声朗读下面的词组,并在书上划下来 1 举行时尚表演 give/ hold/ have a fashion show 2 我是来自七年级一班的 Millie. I an Millie from Class 1,Grade 7 . 3 今天我们将向你们展示不同风格的衣服。 Today we are going to show you differ

2、ent styles of clothes.我正穿着运动服和一双运动鞋。 I am wearing aports clothes and a pair of trainers. 5.运动鞋轻便、舒适,在年轻人中很受欢迎。 Trainers are light and comfortable and popular among young people. 6 他正穿着一件紫色的衬衫和一条灰色的裤子。He is wearing a purple shirt and a pair of grey trousers. 7 他红灰相间的领带很配他的衣服。His red and grey tie matc

3、hes his clothes. 8 他看起来精干。He looks smart. 9.现在 Amy 和 Daniel 来了。 Now Amy and Simon are coming. 10.Amy 正穿着一件黄色的棉质女式衬衫,围着一条蓝色的围巾。Amy is wearing a yellow cotton blouse and a blue scarf. 11.他们两个都穿着蓝色的牛仔裤。Both of them are wearing blue jeans. 12.年轻人真的喜欢牛仔裤。 Young people really like jeans. 13.她穿着一件红色的丝质女式衬衫

4、,一条黑色的羊毛短裙,一双红色的靴子。She is wearing a red silk blouse, a black wool skirt and a pair of re boots. 14 她看起来既现代又漂亮。She looks modern and beautiful.15. 今天的表演到此结束。Thats all for todays show. 16. 谢谢光临。Thanks for coming. 17.Sandy 的红色女式衬衫是丝绸做的。Sandys red blouse is made of silk.18. 多棒的一次表 演啊! What a great show!

5、19 我真的喜欢你红色的长靴子。 I really like your long red boots. 20.你穿着紫色的衬衫,灰色的裤子,红会相间的领带看起来很棒。 You look great in your purple shirt, grey trousers and red and grey tie. 21.Amy 和 Daniel 穿着牛仔裤看起来酷。Amy and Daniel look cool in blue jeans. 【学海拾贝】请动脑想想下列知识点,好吗? 1.向某人展示某物,把某物给某人看看 show sb sth =show sth to sb Show you

6、different styles of clothes = show different styles of clothes to you 带领某人参观某地 Show around 2 among 与 between 的区别: Among 一般用于三者或三者以上的“在中间” Between 一般指两者之间。 Between and 在和两者之间 3cotton , silk ,wool , 不可数名词 棉 cotton , silk ,wool , adj. 棉的,棉制的 4be made of. Be made from be made in. 5 Thats all for .到此结束。

7、今天的会就开到这儿。 6. lady (复数 ) _ gentleman(复数)_ scarf(复数) _ 7.both 与 all 的区别: Both 表示两者, both and (表示复数) , both of (表示复数) All 表示三者或三者以上 8.sb look(s) in sth sth look(s)on sb 【堂清巩固】一 用所给单词的适当形式填空 1. This _(year) cards only cost only 6. 2. I dont have enough time _(do) my homework every day. 3. My mother oft

8、en asks me _(work) hard for myself. 4.The hair clip _(match) her coat very well. She often watches basketball _(match) with it. 5.How many _(minute) are there in an hour? 6. Lucy always spends two hours a day _(dance). 二 选择题 ( ) 1. Everything is _ at night markets. You dont need a lot of money to ha

9、ve a good time. A. cheap B. bad C. expensive D. dear ( ) 2. - Oh, Ive left my school bag in the classroom. - Dont worry. Ill _ it for you. A. bring B. get C. take D. carry ( ) 3. That hairclip _ her 5 yuan. A. takes B. costs C. spends D. pays ( ) 4. Dont worry. Im _ to carry the box. A. strong enoug

10、h B. enough strong C. tall enough D. enough tall ( )5.-Thank you for your good idea - _. A.All right B.well C. No thanks D.Youre welcome. 三 完成句子 1.你的红发夹和你的蓝色 T 恤衫很相配。 Your _ _ _ _ your blue T-shirt 2.我还想为她买一张光盘。 I also _ _ _ _ a CD. 3 你每天做家庭作业要花多长时间? _ _time do you _ _ your homework? 4 我想你买个足球给我作为生日礼物 I want you_ _ _ a football _ _ _ _. 5 我没有足够的钱买随身听 I dont have_ _ _ _ a Walkman. 6.我想买和你哥哥不同的礼物。I want to buy _ _ _ _ your brothers. 7.我确信这双鞋子与你的上衣很配。_ _ this pair of shoes _ your coat _ _. 8白色和其他什么颜色都相配。 White _ any other _. 9.英式英语和美式英语有所不同。_ _ is a bit _ _ British_ 10.我想买些花给她。 I _.


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