2016春鲁教版英语七下Unit 2《I’m going to study computer science》(SectionB 3a-Self Check)word导学案.doc

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2016春鲁教版英语七下Unit 2《I’m going to study computer science》(SectionB 3a-Self Check)word导学案.doc_第1页
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2016春鲁教版英语七下Unit 2《I’m going to study computer science》(SectionB 3a-Self Check)word导学案.doc_第2页
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2016春鲁教版英语七下Unit 2《I’m going to study computer science》(SectionB 3a-Self Check)word导学案.doc_第3页
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1、Unit2 SectionB(3a-Self Check)精品导学案 学习目标 知识目标 熟练掌握并 运用 be going to 结构 技能目标:用本单元所学词汇和句型描述将来的打算。 情感态度: 过谈论未来的打算,引导学生学会给自己制定目标,并能为之付出 努力。 课前准备 : I. 总结 be going to 结构的用法 _ II. 背诵并复述 2b 部分。 III. 用学过的句型谈论各自的 New Years Resolution。 学习过程 Before writing 1. 小组之间核对课前准备 I 和 II。并大声朗读、背诵。 2. 3a Complete the fir st

2、two paragraphs about resoluti ons with the words in the box.Then read aloud While writing 1. Write you r resolutions under the following headings.(3b) 2. Use your notes to write three more paragraphs about your resolutions. In each paragraph, write what you are going to do and why (3b). After writin

3、g 1. Ask two students to write their resolutions on the blackboard. Then check the answers. 2. Hand in their writings. 3. Part 4: Imagine you work for your city. Think of a plan to make it cleaner and greener.来 知 识巩固 1. Finish Self Check. II. 情景交际 从方框中选择合适的选项完成对话(其中两项多余)。 A. How about you? B. Im goi

4、ng to play the violin as hard as you p lay basketball. C. Im going to Nanjing for a vacat ion. D. Im going to be a violinist when I grow up. E. How are you going to do that? F. What are you going to be when you grow up? G. Did you make a New Years resolution? A: 1. B: Yes, I did. A: What are you goi

5、ng to do? B: Im going to be on the school basketball team. A: 2. B: Im going to play basketball every day and ask some players for help. A: Great! B: 3. A: I want to learn to play an instrument B: Oh, why? A: 4. B: Fantastic! How are you going to do that? A: 5. III. 阅读理解 Li Ning from China: I want t

6、o be a movie director like Zhang Yimou. And I want to make some exciting movies. Maybe you can see my movies many years later. Vic from Singapore: I want to be an actor because I love acting. I enjoy it, and I always perform with the DVD on. I take acting lessons three times a week Eliza from the Un

7、ited States: When I grow up, I want to be a dentist because I am very interested in it. But I need to save enoug h money to get the education. Rebecca from the United Kingdom: I am going t o be a professional programme r. I like working on the computer and surfing the Internet, and I know the job ca

8、n help me make a lot of money for my family. We are going to live in a big house with my pets a cat and a dog. ( ) 1. _ wants to make some exciting movies. A. Li NingB. Eliza C. Rebecca D. Vic ( ) 2. The underlined word “perform” means _ in Chinese. A. 演 奏 B. 完 成 C. 表 演 D. 执 行 ( ) 3. When Eliza grow

9、s up, shes going to be a(n) _. A. directorB. actress C. dentist D. programmer ( ) 4. Rebecca comes from _. A. America B. England C. Singapore D. Australia ( ) 5. Which of the following is NOT true? A. Vic often takes acting lessons. B. Eliza needs to save money to get the education. C. Rebecca wants to make a lot of money for her family. D. If you have a toothache, maybe you can ask Li Ning for help. 课堂反思 : 1. 在谈论我们将来打算时,可以从哪些方面写?要用什么时态? 家庭作业 :完成知识巩固部分


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