2017人教版高中英语必修四Unit 4《Body language》word导学案.doc

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1、 Unit 4, Book 4 Body Language 阅读 2 Showing Our Feelings 【学习目标】 1 深入理解课文,把握文章结构,培养快速阅读,整体理解的能力。 2 合作探究,主动质疑,学会在阅读中分析和总结方法。 3 了解一些有关 Body Language (身势语言) 的知识。 【自主学习】 Task I. Fast-reading Activity 1 阅读 Page 30 短文 Showing our Feelings. 划出各个自然段(paragraph) 的中心句(Topic Sentence) 。 Topic sentence of each par

2、agraph: Para 1: Of course, body language can be misread, but many gestures and actions are universal. Para 2: The most universal facial expression is, of course, the smile its function is to show happiness and put people at ease. Para 3: _ _. Para 4: There are many ways around the world to show agre

3、ement, but nodding the head up and down is used for agreement almost worldwide. Para 5: How about showing that I am bored? Looking away from people or yawning will, in most cases, make me appear to be uninterested. Para 6: _ _ _ Para 7: _ _ 小结:In most cases, the topic sentence of a paragraph falls e

4、ither _ _, or in the last sentence of the paragraph. Activity 2 根据各段的中心句,小组讨论,总结本文的主题(main idea)及要点 (points) 。 Main idea of the passage: _ _ has many universal gestures. 装订线 装订线 装订线 Points: 1 showing happiness 2 showing unhappiness or anger 3 universal body language to show _ or _ 4 universal body l

5、anguage _ _ _ 5 _ _ _ _ _ _ Task II. Careful-reading Read the text carefully and answer the following questions. 1. How can we know others feelings, even if they do not speak to us? We can know their feelings: (1) by the expressions _; (2) by observing how they hold their _; (3) by watching whether

6、they are close to or _; (4) by noticing whether they are looking at each other or _; 2. Why should we be careful with our body language? Because we must be sure not to be _ in other cultures, and we need to communicate without _. 3. Why is it important to watch as well as listen to others? Because t

7、hey may be communicating one idea in words and a different idea in _. Task III. Reading and finding A. 阅读课文,将文中的下列汉语词组译成英语: 1. 各种各样的 _ 2. 大声说出来 _ 3. 攥拳头 _ 4. 威胁别人 _ 5. 扭过头 _ 6. 根据各自文化 _ 7. 将双手微微张开,站得稍有距离 _ B. 阅读课文,将文中的下列英语词组译成汉语: 1. be misread _ 2. intend to do _ 3. at ease _ 4. from side to side _

8、5. in most cases _ 6. be respectful to sb _ 7. be wrong about each other _ 【合作探究】 Translate the following sentences in the text and finish the task. 1. Body languages is one of the most powerful means of communication, often even more powerful than spoken language. _ _ means: n 方法,手段 A. 毫无疑问,电视和网络是信

9、息交流的重要工具。 Doubtlessly, TV and Internet are important _ of communication. B. 解放军用一切可能的办法帮助地震灾民。 The PLA men helped the victims of the earthquake by all / every _. C. 已努力通过外交途径解决乌克兰争端。 Attempts have been made to settle the dispute in Ukraine _ diplomatic _. 翻译下列句子: A. 小汤姆用梯子爬上了树。 _ B. 电视也可以是一种有效的通信手段。

10、 _ 2. The most universal facial expression is, of course, the smile its function is to show happiness and put people at ease. _ _ function n. 作用,功能 A. 我不太在意手机的外形,我将功能放在首位。 I care little about the shape of the cell phone; I put _ first of all. B. 教师的作用在某种程度上决定了学生的发展;尽管还有一些其它的不可忽视 的因素。 The _ of a teac

11、her determines the _ of a student to some degree, though some other factors should not _ _. 翻译下列句子(每空一个词): 身体的成长是由营养决定的。 Growth is a _ _ _. function vi. 发挥作用,活动 A. 尽管制定得很仔细,该计划还是没能发挥很好的作用。 Though carefully made, the plan failed _ properly. B. 那台旧机器如果不经常加油是不能正常运转的。 The old machine _ properly if you d

12、ont oil it regularly. 翻译下列句子(每空一个词): A. 我的钢笔不太好写。 _ _ _ _ very well. B. 这沙发可当床用。 _ _ _ _ as a bed. ease n. 安逸, 不费力; with ease: 不费力,轻松; at ease: 放心,安心 A. His parents are retired and now live a life of _. 他的父母都退休了,现在过着安闲舒适的生活。 B. Her mind was _ _ knowing that the children were safe. 听说孩子们都很安全,她才放下心来。

13、C. He practiced until he could play the song _ _. 他不断练习这首歌,直到能熟练地演奏。 3. Being respectful to people is subjective, based on each culture, but in general it is probably not a good idea to give a hug to a boss or teacher. _ _ subjective adj. 主观的 A. 我们要尽量避免主观片面地看问题。 We must try our best to avoid _ _ and

14、 one-sided when looking at problems. B. 其实这是一个相当主观的方法,因为这一切都是由你的网站决定的。 This is really a very _ _ because it all depends on the nature of your website. in general 一般而言;总之 A. 通常情况下,你给予他人的,也往往可以从你的周边的人那里得到。 _ _, what you give you tend to get back from the world around you. B. 关于此次全球金融危机,王教授只是泛泛而谈,没有细说。

15、 Prof. Wang only talked about this global financial crisis _ _ terms and didnt go into details. C. 一般来说这是一个很好原则。 _ 【课后练习】 用本单元学过的词汇的适当形式完成下列各句: 1. The Peoples Liberation Army will have zero tolerance toward “Taiwan Independence” moves, D_ Minister Cao Gangchuan said to the press yesterday. 2. A new

16、study has found that elementary school students who slept too little were more _ (可能) to gain pounds. 3. Being a warm-hearted man, Lee was elected _ (代表) them to take part in the union meeting by his fellow workers. 4. An ambulance d_ to the scene of the accident. 5. The deeper we a_ (靠近) the center

17、 of the problem, the more heated the discussion became. 6. NBA, the short form for the US National Basketball A_, is a non- government organization. 7. “Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you. . If someone strikes you on one _ (脸颊), turn to him the other also”. 8. You must have m_ me. What I want to say is that you did quite well, the way you did it needs improving. 9. Ill have to take buses to work these days, because my car is in the garage to have a m_ repair. 10. The earliest programs of organized _ (成人) education arose in Great Britain in 18th century. 【学后反思】 _


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