2017外研版英语七年级下册Module 2 Unit 2《I can run really fast》word导学案.doc

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1、Unit 2 I can run really fast. 第三课时 1、学习目标 1. 记住本课新单词、短语、重点句型。 2. 运用情态动词can 来作自我介绍,竞选班长。 二、学习重点 情态动词 can / cant 的用法 三、学习难点 情态动词 can / cant 的用法 课前预习 一、使用说明与学法指导 1、试读单词表中本单元的单词,不会读的在单词下用红笔划上横线 2、使用快读和细读两种 阅读的方法里查找文章的信息 二、预习自测 I. 根据句意及汉语提示写出正确的单词。 1. Can you _ ( 承诺 ) to help me with my Chinese , Wang Le

2、i ? 2. The young man in a black coat looks very _ (强健的) . 3. - Whats your _ (成绩) in the Chinese test (测验) ? - Its a secret . 4. - Is _(每个人) here now ? - Sorry , Xiao Yang isnt here . 5. Zhao Qi is our _(班长) and he always help us . II. 用方框中所给单词或短语完成下列句子。 tidy team just beautiful fast 1. Sara plays ba

3、sketball well , and she is in the school _ . 2. - Jane , your red skirt is very _ . - Thank you . 3. Mary is _ a six-year-old girl , but she knows a lot . 4. - Time for school ! Please walk _ . - OK . 5. Please keep your room clean and _ from now on . 三、我的疑惑:_ 课内探究 Step 1 Warming-up 1. Show some pic

4、tures to review the words of Personal background. 2. Review the text of Unit 1. 3. Read the words after the teacher. 4. Introduce the new words. Step 2 Work in pairs 1. Show some pictures to tell the students what the class monitor, PE monitor and the cleaning monitor should do. 2. Work in pairs. As

5、k and answer the questions. 1) Which monitor would you like to be for your class? Class monitor PE monitor Cleaning monitor 2) What do these monitors do? Step 3 Reading. 1. Play the recording. 2. Ask the students to read through the passage. 3. Read the passage and check () the true sentences. 1) Li

6、ngling doesnt get on well with others. 2) Lingling is kind to everyone. 3) Daming is good at sport so he wants to be the PE monitor. 4) Daming plays football for the school. 5) Tony doesnt like cleaning. 6) Tonys home is tidy. 4. Check with a partner. 5. Call back the answers from the whole class. 6

7、. Read the text together. Step 4 Underline the correct words. 1. Ask the students to read through the passage in Activity 3. How to choose your monitors A good class monitor gets on well with (1) classmates / everybody and (2) promises likes to help you. A good PE monitor enjoys sport and is usually

8、 (3) fit / tidy. They often play (4) basketball / the piano or other sports in the school (5) team / class. They always try to get the best (6) score / help in a match. A good cleaning monitor is (7) bad / good at cleaning. They make the classroom (8) just / best like home. 2. Underline the correct

9、words. 3. Check with a partner. 4. Call back the answers from the whole class. 5. Read the passage together. Step 5 Complete the sentences. 1. Ask the students to the words in the box in Activity 4. get on well with good at ready to 2. Ask the students to read through the sentences in Activity 4. 1)

10、 Lingling is a kind girl and she is always _ help others. 2) Everybody likes her because she _ others. 3) Daming plays football and is _ sports. 3. Check with a partner. 4. Call back the answers from the whole class. 5. Read the passage together. Step 6 Work in pairs 1. Choose the best classmates to

11、 be the monitors in Activity 1. Say: Who they are and what job they can do Why they can do it 2. Write a passage about one of the monitors in Activity 5. Use the passage in Activity 2 to help you. 3. Check with a partner. 4. Call back the answers from the whole class. 当堂检测 、翻译下列短语: 1. 新学期开始 _ 2. 愿意成

12、为 _ 3. 与相处得好 _ _4. 努力工作 _ 5. 乐意去做某事 _6. 帮助别人 _ 7. 选择某人作为_8. 承诺做_ 9. 想成为 _ 10. 跑得快 _ 11. 在球赛上 _ 12. 打球赛 _ 13. 擅长于_ 14得分最高 _ 15. 在校队打篮球_16. 帮助某人搞清洁 _ 17. 干净整洁的房子_18. 确信_ 19. 就好像 _ 20.使漂亮 _ 、完成句子: 1. 我与全班同学都相处得很好。 I _ all the classmates in our class. 2. 我想成为班长,请选我。 I _ the class monitor, Please choose

13、me. 3. Tom 总是乐意帮助别人。 Tom _always_ help _. 4. Sam 在家经常帮助妈妈做 家务。 Sam often _ his mother _ at home. 5. 我兄弟擅长于踢足球。 My brother _ football. 6. 选我做体育委员,我会使大家都健康。 _me _the PE monitor, I can _ everyone _. 教学反思: 课后训练 以“Choose me as t he PE monitor ”为题,写一篇作文。 1、介绍自己在体育方面的强项。 2、承诺对同学们的服务。 3、希望同学们选自己。 Unit 2 I c

14、an run really fast. 第四课时 一、学习目标 1. 记住本课新单词、短语、重点句型。 2. 运用情态动词can 来作自我介绍,竞选班长。 二、学习重点 情态动词 can / cant 的用法 三、学习难点 情态动词 can / cant 的用法 课前预习 一、使用说明与学法指导 1.自主学习、合作学习的效果由学生自我评价。 2.小组内制定具体的评价方案。 二、预习自测 根据汉语提示完成下列句子,每空一词。 1. 玛丽总是乐于帮助别人。 Mary is always _ _ _ others . 2. 我们的英语老师对我们非常好。 Our English teacher _ _

15、 _ _ us . 3. 周末,我们经常在家打扫卫生。 We often _ _ at home at weekends . 4. 那个女孩擅长打网球。 The girl _ _ _ playing tennis . 5. 这对双胞胎与同学们相处得融洽。 The twins _ _ _ _ their classmates . 三、我的疑惑:_ _ 课内探究 1.get on well with意思是“和相处得很好”。 2.I work very hard, and I do well at school.我在学校学习努力,表现很好。 do well意思是“表现好”。do well in 是指

16、“在某方面做得好,擅长做”。如:She does well in handmade things. 她擅长做手工物品。 本课中还出现了和do well in意思相近的词组be good at,如下: I play most ball games well. But Im really good at football. 大部分球类运动我都玩得不错。但我真正擅长踢足球。 3.Choose me as your class monitor and I promise to help YOU! 选我当你们的班长, 我保证会帮助你们!as 此处用作介词,意思是“作为, 当作”。如: As your f

17、riend, I will be with you forever.作为你的朋友,我会永远和你在一起。 4.I often help my mother do cleaning at home and I like a clean and tidy house. 我经常帮我母亲在家打扫卫生,我喜欢 整洁的屋子。 在英语中,常常在 do后面加上动词的 -ing形式,表示“做某事”。如: do some cleaning 打扫卫生 do some shopping 买东西 do some reading 看书 do some washing 洗衣服 5. We can make our class

18、room beautiful. 我们会使教室非常漂亮。 此句子中的make是“使、使得”意思,一般用于“make + 宾语 + 宾补”这种结构,常 用的句型是:make + sb. / sth. + adj. 意为“使某人或某物处于某种状态 ”。例如: The news made him happy.这个消息使他很高兴。 当堂检测: 、根据句意完成单词。 1. He runs so f_ that I cant catch up him. 2. I want to be the cleaning m_. 3. I will help you, I p_ you. 4. Every day I

19、run to the school and it can keep me f_. 5. Carrie is g_ at history. 6. Our p_ is between the dining hall and teaching building. 、从方框中选出合适的词填空。 score choose game PE as basketball I want to be the _ monitor. I like to play most ball _. Im good at _. I join the school basketball team. If you want to g

20、et best _ in your match, _ me _ your monitor! 、根据汉语意思,完成句子。 1. 我想当生活班长。 I_ _ _ be the _ _. 2. 他擅长踢足球。 He_ _ _ _ football. 3. 我的卧室很整洁。 My bedroom is _ and _. 4. 我想成为一名医生,就像你一样。 I want to be a doctor, _ _ you. 5. 保持我们的教室干净、漂亮,人人有责。 Its our duty to keep our classroom _ and _. 教学反思: 课后训练 、翻译下列短语。 1. 新学期

21、开始 _ 2. 愿意成为 _ 3. 与相处得好 _4. 努力工作 _ 5. 乐意去做某事 _ 6. 帮助别人 _ 7. 选择某人作为 _8. 承诺做 _ 9. 想成为 _10. 跑得快 _ 11. 在球赛上 _12. 打球赛 _ 13. 擅长于 _14得分最高 _ 15. 在校队打篮球 _ 16. 帮助某人搞清洁_ 17. 干净整洁的房子 _ 18. 确信 _19. 就好像 _ 20.使漂亮 _ 、完成句子。 1. 我与全班同学都相处得很好。 I _ all the classmates in our class. 2. 我想成为班长,请选我。 I _ the class monitor, please choose me. 3. Tom 总是乐意帮助别人。 Tom _always_ help _. 4. Sam 在家经常帮助妈妈做家务。 Sam often _ his mother _ at home. 5. 我兄弟擅长于踢足球。 My brother _ football. 6. 选我做体育委员,我会使大家都健康。 _me _the PE monitor, I can _ everyone _.


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