2017外研版英语七年级下册Module 4 Unit 1《Everyone will study at home》word教案.doc

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1、Module 4 Life in the future Unit 1 Everyone will study at home 教学目标 1. Knowledge and Ability Objects 1) Key vocabulary: chalk; ruler;carry; change; future; need; will; level; be able to ;not.any more; free 2) Key structures: Will you use books in the future? Yes, we will. No, we wont. ( will not= wo

2、nt) Teachers will write on the blackboard with chalk in the future. Teachers will not write on the blackboard with chalk in the future 3)To train studentslisten ing skill and commu nicative competence. 2.Method Objects in Teaching 1)Listening,speaking , reading and writing methods. 2)Discussion meth

3、od. 3)Pairwork. 3.Sensibility and Value To be interested in learning English and to insert imagination by predicting the future. 教学重点 1. Key vocabulary in this unit 2. Key structures: Will you use books in the future? Yes, we will./No,we wont. Teachers will write on the blackboard with chalk in the

4、future. Teachers will not write on the blackboard with chalk in the future 教学难点 To master the key structures. 学情分析 学生在前一模块已经学习了一般将来时态的 be going to do 的各种用法。本课则是在前面的 基础上引入到谈论将 来生活这个话题上,这是学生熟悉也是比较感兴趣的话题。在教师预设的任务中,引导学生在交际 中动态生成。 学生有话可说,乐于合作分享,这样就有利于他们更好地运用课本知识,达到提高综合运用语言能力的目的。 学法指导 自主探究,互助互学,教师导学,检测评价

5、教 学 过 程 教学 内容 教师活动 学生活动 效果预测(可能出现 的问题) 补救措施 修改意见 一 课前准备 二 课内探究 Make the students preiew the new vocabulary 1.Show some pictures of a school in the future. 2.Check the new vocabulary and show the vocabulary. 3.展示新句型 (1)free talk: We use. at school now. (2) will 句型引入: Will you use books in the future?

6、 4 专项练习: 利用图片练习 will 的 疑问句及回答,肯定 句与否定句的变化。 5.听力训练 1) Play the tape for the students. 2) Check the answers with the whole class. 6.对话处理 1).听后读 Preview the new vocabulary and read them aloud Enjoy the pictures. 1)Groupwork:According to the phonetic symbols,say out the ir English words and Chinese mean

7、ing. 2).Consolidate the new vocabulary:根 据句意及汉语提示,写出正确的单 词。 ( 自主探究,个人展示) 1)Look and say:We use.at school now.( 个人展示) 2)New drills: Will 的基本句式学习 1)Discuss and show the sentence patterns. 2)Writing and speaking practice Listening practice() Listen and choose Linglings answers to the questi ons. Listen

8、ing practice() 1.Listen and answer: Who thinks there will not be a school in the future,Betty or Daming? 2.Listen again and check the students ideas about the future. 1.Read the conversation and find out 1.本单元内容不很复杂, 话题贴近学生的生活, 学生应该有较高的学 习热情。 2.课堂以学生为中心, 以听说为主导,能较 好地完成教学目标。 3由于农村学生英语 水平的限制,可能部 分学生不会

9、 投入互动, 英语交际的自由性有 待提高。 1整合教材, 对教材的内容进 行适当的补充、 删减、调序。 2.以话题为核心, 设计多种任务活 动,把知识点化 难为易。 3.将知识不断滚 动,内化和外延。 4 尽量让学生在 游戏、竞赛活动 中快乐学习。 2).读后学 Explain the key language points. 3).学后读 4).读后说 7.学以致用 8.课堂小结及自测 What have we learned? the key phrases in the text. 2.Complete the passage in Activity 4. Language points

10、 learning Read the dialogue chorally and in roles,loudly and correctly. Have a short conversation with your teacher. Work in pairs: Talk about what your school will be like in 10 years. 1. Review what we have learned today with your t eacher. 2. Choose the right answer. 3. Change the sentences. 1. W

11、rite the new words and the key phrases from your memory. 2.Make a poster of your classroom in ten years. 三课后提升 板书设计 Module 4 Life in the future Unit 1 Everyone will study at home. Will you use books in the future? Yes,we will. No,we wont.( wont=will not) Teachers will write on the blackboard with chalk. Teachers will not write on the blackboard with chalk. 参考书目及 推荐资料 教学反思


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