北师大版高中英语选修八Unit 22《Environmental Protection》(The Twelfth Period)教案.doc

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1、 安徽省滁州市第二中学高中英语 Unit22 Environmental Protection The Twelfth Period Bulletin Board in some places this quake caused vertical uplifts as large as six meters. The second biggest earthquake known, with a magnitude of 9.2, occurred in Alaska on 27 March 1964; it had a rupture length of 800 km, and caused

2、 as much as 11 meters of uplift. Theoretical calculations suggest that these earthquakes are just about as large as possible for planet Earth. Suppose a hypothetical earthquake ruptures the entire 100 km thickness of the rigid tectonic plates, and suppose this rupture extends along a fault with leng

3、th 1000 km with an average slip of 10 meters. Calculations show that this hypothetical earthquake would have a magnitude of about 9.3. Larger earthquakes would have to rupture an even longer fault with an even greater average slip; apparently this just doesnt happen. What was the most deadly earthqu

4、ake ever? The 27 July 1976 earthquake in Tangshan, China (MS = 7.9) caused the greatest number of deaths of any recent quake known; the most reliable estimates are that about 242,000 lives were lost. Tangshan had a pre-quake population of about a million people; the main industry is mining. One reas

5、on the death toll was so high is because most of the structures in Tangshan were multiple-story, unreinforced brick and concrete buildings. Estimates of loss of life from the worst earthquake disasters are very unreliable; understandably, when tens of thousands of people are dead and most buildings

6、are in ruins, there are more important things to do than to count bodies. However, there have been about five quakes in the twentieth century where reports of lives lost exceeded 100,000. Most experts accept that the most deadly earthquake in historical times occurred in Shanxi Province, China in 15

7、56; about 830,000 lives were lost. Step III Unit Diary Get students to assess their learning over the unit. By completing Unit Diary students will learn what their difficulty is and what they should do to improve. Step IV Homework Post your view on how to English well on the Bulletin Board. 附件 I.本单元

8、课文注释与疑难解析 1. In the last few decades, scientists have reached consensus and reported that human beings are causing changes in the Earths climate something previously seen as beyond our control. 在过去几十年里, 科学家一致认为, 人类一直在影响地球气候的变化,这是一种原来 被认为是人类所不能控制的现象。 consensus: n. a general agreement among the member

9、s of a given group or community一致,合意,交感 consensus politics代表多数人意见的政纲; consensus management代表民意的管理 There is broad consensus (of opinion) in the country on this issue. 对这一问题 举国上下(舆论)普遍一致. The two parties have reached a consensus. 这两个政党达成了一致意见。 “beyond+名词”结构,“出乎胜过、范围、限度”。 常见的有:beyond belief (令人难以置信), b

10、eyond ones reach (鞭长莫及), beyond ones control(无法控制),beyond our hope (始料不及) The results have gone beyond our hopes. 结果超出了我们的期望。 2. Looking ahead, scientists believe that global warming could be one of the biggest environmental problems facing the 21st century. 展望未来, 科学家们相信, 全球变暖可能是 21 世纪面对的最大的环境问题之一。

11、looking ahead是现在分词短语,在句中做状语。 look ahead: 往前看;考虑未来 Look ahead!What can you see on the top of the hill? 向前看!你看见山顶上有什么 东西? I look ahead, and before me rise the fantastic towers of New York, a city that seems to have stepped from the pages of a fairy story. 我放眼望去,纽约的高楼大 厦在我前面升起,似乎是从童话故事的篇章中出现的一座城市。 Look

12、 ahead in the distance, and you can see the lights of the village. 你往远处 看,便可以看见村庄里的灯光。 Have you looked ahead to what youll be doing in five years time? 你是否想过五 年后你要做些什么? 现在分词短语 facing the 21st century做定语,修饰名词 problems,相当于定于从句 which/that would face 21st century. 3. This catastrophe is still very fresh

13、 in the minds of people worldwide who have not yet got over their separation from loved ones lost in the tsunami.那些 在海啸中痛失亲人的人们对这次浩劫仍然记忆犹新。 fresh in the mind历历在目,记忆犹新 The series of explosions are still fresh in our mind. 系列爆炸仍历历在目。 The memory of a remote day is still fresh in my mind. 很久以前的事,我仍然记忆 犹

14、新。 who have not yet got over their separation from loved ones lost in the tsunami 是定语从句,修饰名词 people。 get over从(疾病、失望等)中恢复过来,克服(困难等) He has got over the language barrier. 他已克服了语言障碍。 I cant get over how rude she was. 她很粗野, 我仍心有余悸. He was disappointed at not getting the job, but hell get over it. 他因没有得

15、到 那份工作而大失所望, 不过他能想得开。 lost in the tsunami过去分词做定语修饰代词 loved ones,相当于定语从句 who were/got lost in the tsunami。 Customers voluntarily pay to purchase their goods or services. They are able to give the buyer what he or she wants at the lowest cost possible (while still making a profit). They will not take

16、on unprofitable activities. Government: It provides public goods, or services that are needed by the public (national defense, parks, etc.). It can regulate the for profit firms (e.g., trust-busting, environmental requirements, etc.). It can control areas of society through taxes/fees (e.g., public

17、schools receive funding through taxes). Its focus should be on serving the needs of the nation and the people. Nonprofit Organizations: They can provide public goods or services needed by the public. They can provide private goods. These organizations receive trust from those receiving the service a

18、nd those supporting the service. Funding comes from voluntary giving of their supporters or grant funding. Their main focus is to accomplish organizational goals and break even with money coming in but no profit. Global Warming Q & A 1. What causes global warming? Is it part of a natural cycle? Answ

19、er: Global warming is caused by the build up of gases in the atmosphere such as carbon dioxide and methane, which form a sort of blanket over the Earth, trapping in heat that would normally escape the atmosphere. The leading greenhouse gas is carbon dioxide, a pollutant emitted from the burning of f

20、ossil fuels, such as coal, oil, and natural has. While it is true that there has always been some natural climate variability, the changes that are currently underway are unlike anything that has been seen before. Record levels of carbon dioxide are having a far reaching change over our weather, sea

21、 levels, and climate. 2. How can Global Warming affect our lives? Answer: Global warming is sometimes referred to as the most dangerous experiment ever conceived. We do not know what the full affect of radical climate change will be on our environment, but we do know that even a modest rise of 2- 3F

22、 (1.1-1.7C) could have dramatic effects. In the last 10,000 years, the Earths average temperature hasnt varied by more than 1.8F (1.0C). Temperatures only 5-9F cooler than those today prevailed at the end of the last Ice Age, in which the Northeast United States was covered by more than 3,000 feet o

23、f ice. Leading scientists assert that a rise of 3 degrees would cause famine and drought and threaten millions of lives. It would also cause a worldwide drop in crops of between 20 and 400 million tons, threatening 400 million more people with famine, and put up to 3 billion people at risk of floodi

24、ng and without access to fresh water supplies. Few ecosystems could adapt to such a dramatic temperature change, resulting in the destruction of half the worlds nature reserves and a fifth of coastal wetlands. Global sea levels could rise by more than 20 feet if the ice shelves in Greenland and Anta

25、rctica collapsed, which is a distinct possibility if temperatures continue to climb. Droughts and wildfires will occur more often. More than a million species worldwide could be driven to extinction by 2050. 3. Does the rise in the earths temperature cause more intense storms /hurricanes/ tornados h

26、ere in the US? If so, how? Answer: While it is impossible to blame any single event on global warming, there are several reasons to believe that global warming will create more intense storms. Hurricanes are powered by warm water on the surface of the ocean. As global warming heats the surface of th

27、e water, hurricanes will increase in speed, power, and frequency. Tornadoes are caused by rapidly rising amounts of heat from the lower areas of the atmosphere to higher portions of the sky. While scientists are again reluctant to pin individual storms on global warming, global warming does create g

28、reater amounts of heat in the lower portions of the atmosphere, creating more tornado-causing energy to be released into the upper atmosphere. 4. What are the largest sources of global warming pollution in the world and in the United States? Answer: The US produces far more carbon dioxide than any o

29、ther country in the world. According to the latest figures by the Department of Energy, the US produces 22% of all CO2 emitted into the atmosphere, at 5,912.21 million metric tons in 2004. That is more than China, and India together (17% and 4.1% respectively), more than Russia (6%), Japan (4.7%), A

30、ustralia (1.4%) and the whole of Europe put together (17.2%). In the United States, the major sources of CO2 emissions stem from burning fossil fuels, like coal, natural gas, and oil. We burn coal and natural gas to produce electricity and energy for our homes, businesses, and factories, while most

31、of the oil is burned to power transportation, planes, buses, and especially cars. However, all of the technology that produces this energy is outdated and inefficient. We can continue to live our lives by putting more efficient technology to use, and by getting more energy from clean sources, like w

32、ind and solar. 5. Can we curb our emissions of global warming pollution without hurting our economy? Answer: Absolutely. In addition to being dirty and dangerous, Americas coal and nuclear power plants are wildly expensive, Americas energy policy is terribly expensive, requiring large subsidies whil

33、e taking a heavytoll (造成重 大损失) on consumers. There have been dozens of studies which show that by investing in clean energy, such as renewable energy and energy efficiency, we can reduce our emissions of greenhouse gases while creating new jobs and saving consumers money. While many countries in Eur

34、ope and Asia are recognizing the need to curb emissions, Americas industries are being left behind. America needs policies and programs that will stimulate green power industries, we can ensure that America will once again lead the world in technology and manufacturing. And by making simple choices

35、in the kinds of products we buy, such as Compact Florescent lightbulbs and hybrid cars, we can all save money and protect the environment by consuming less energy. 6. Is it too late to stop Global Warming? Answer: While it is true that global warming is already occurring and affecting the way we liv

36、e, it is vital that we take steps to curb global warming pollution. If we do not begin to make the change to clean energy, the heat waves and hurricanes that we have already suffered through will become more routine and worse. Thankfully, we have all the tools necessary to curb our emissions of gree

37、nhouse gases - tools like clean energy, energy efficiency, and cars that go farther on a gallon of gas. Mark Twain might as well have been talking about global warming when he famously remarked, “Everybody talks about the weather, but nobody ever does anything about it.“ For years we have heard so m

38、uch about the causes of climate change, that weve missed the fact that there are simple, practical solutions that can slow this growing problem. Technologies exist today that can cut emissions of heat-trapping gases and make a real difference in the health of our planet. And these solutions will be

39、good for our economy, reduce our dependence on foreign oil, and enhance our energy security. You can help to reduce the demand for fossil fuels, which in turn reduces global warming, by using energy more wisely. Here are 10 simple actions you can take to help reduce global warming. 1) Reduce, Reuse,

40、 Recycle Do your part to reduce waste by choosing reusable products instead of disposables. Buying products with minimal packaging (including the economy size when that makes sense for you) will help to reduce waste. And whenever you can, recycle paper, plastic, newspaper, glass and aluminum cans. I

41、f there isnt a recycling program at your workplace, school, or in your community, ask about starting one. By recycling half of your household waste, you can save 2,400 pounds of carbon dioxide annually. 2) Use Less Heat and Air Conditioning Adding insulation to your walls and attic, and installing w

42、eather stripping or caulking around doors and windows can lower your heating costs more than 25 percent, by reducing the amount of energy you need to heat and cool your home. Turn down the heat while youre sleeping at night or away during the day, and keep temperatures moderate at all times. Setting

43、 your thermostat just 2 degrees lower in winter and higher in summer could save about 2,000 pounds of carbon dioxide each year. 3) Change a Light Bulb Wherever practical, replace regular light bulbs with compact florescent light (CFL) bulbs. Replacing just one 60-watt incandescent light bulb with a

44、CFL will save you $30 over the life of the bulb. CFLs also last 10 times longer than incandescent bulbs, use two-thirds less energy, and give off 70 percent less heat. If every U.S. family replaced one regular light bulb with a CFL, it would eliminate 90 billion pounds of greenhouse gases, the same

45、as taking 7.5 million cars off the road. 4) Drive Less and Drive Smart Less driving means fewer emissions. Besides saving gasoline, walking and biking are great forms of exercise. Explore your communitys mass transit system, and check out options for carpooling to work or school. When you do drive,

46、make sure your car is running efficiently. For example, keeping your tires properly inflated can improve your gas mileage by more than 3 percent. Every gallon of gas you save not only helps your budget, it also keeps 20 pounds of carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere. 5) Buy Energy-Efficient Products

47、 When its time to buy a new car, choose one that offers good gas mileage. Home appliances now come in a range of energy-efficient models, and compact florescent bulbs are designed to provide more natural-looking light while using far less energy than standard light bulbs. Avoid products that come wi

48、th excess packaging, especially molded plastic and other packaging that cant be recycled. If you reduce your household garbage by 10 percent, you can save 1,200 pounds of carbon dioxide annually. 6) Use Less Hot Water Set your water heater at 120 degrees to save energy, and wrap it in an insulating

49、blanket if it is more than 5 years old. Buy low-flow showerheads to save hot water and about 350 pounds of carbon dioxide yearly. Wash your clothes in warm or cold water to reduce your use of hot water and the energy required to produce it. That change alone can save at least 500 pounds of carbon dioxide annually in most households. Use the energy-saving settings on your dishwasher and let the dishes air-dry. 7) Use the “Off“ Switch Save electricity and reduce global warming by turning off lights when you leave a room, and using only


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