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1、六年级英语月度检测试卷 听力部分(30 分) 一、听录音,选出你所听到的内容,听两遍。 (10 分) ( ) 1.A. laughed at B. pointed at C. shouted at ( ) 2. A. Swedish B. Spanish C. Scottish ( ) 3. A. pick B. quick C. trick ( ) 4. A. hear B. hair C. here ( ) 5. A. right B. rained C. rainy ( ) 6. A. put on B. try on C. get on ( ) 7. A. point at B. po

2、int to C. shout at ( ) 8. A. think hard B. work hard C. study hard ( ) 9. A. after lunch B. after supper C. after breakfast ( ) 10. A. text B. next C. last 二、根据你所听到的问句选择合适的答句。(听两遍)(10 分) ( ) 1. A. I do. B. I can. C. I am. ( ) 2. A. All right. B. Thank you . C. No, it isnt. ( ) 3. A. Yes, there were.

3、 B. Yes, they were. C. Yes, there was. ( ) 4. A. He likes cakes. B. He liked cakes. C. He would like a cake. ( ) 5. A. It was Sunday. B. It was rainy. C. It is sunny. 三、听录音,填入所缺单词,听三遍。 (10 分) 1.There was a parrot in the park. We some interesting parrots. 2. Its your _ now. Please _ one sentence. 3.

4、A _ boy pointed at the king and _. 4. The weather _ windy and _. 5.We had a on 20th September. We brought some . 笔试部分(70 分) 一、按要求写单词 (20 分) 1. got(动词原形) _ 2. cloud(形容词)_ 3. tell(过去式) _ 4. Bobby (所有格)_ 5. fly (过去式 )_ 6. say (过去式)_ 7. good (副词)_ 8. clever (反义词) _ 9.child(复数) _ 10. are (过去式) _ 二、英汉互译 (

5、10 分) 1. 嘲笑他_ _ _ 2.一些饮料_ _ 3. 指着国王_ _ 4. 在空中_ _ 5. 多云且有风_ _ 6. think hard_ 7. look after them _ 8. on the mountain_ _ 9. at half past four _ _ 10. walk through _ _ 三、用所给词的适当形式填空(5 分) 1.We _(fly) kites in the park. It was interesting. 2.Each girl _(say) one sentence. 3.Look, Mike is _(run) in the st

6、reet 4.My sister often _ (do) homework after supper. 5. It _(be) cloudy yesterday. 四、单项选择(10 分) ( )1. Its turn. A. your B.Tom C. Toms ( )2. The girl is looking after . A. him B. his C. he ( )3. There many houses on the mountain two years ago. A. are B. was C. were ( )4. They at the foolish boy. A. l

7、aughing B. laughs C. laughed ( )5. My English teacher us his new pen last class. A. show B. showed C. shows ( )6. It is . There are black in the sky. A. clouds; cloudy B. cloudy; cloudy C. cloudy; clouds ( )7. He brought some and . A. breads; honey B. bread; honey C. bread; honeys ( )8. Tim usually

8、up at six in the morning, but he up at seven this morning. A. gets; got B. got ; gets C. gets; gets ( )9. Two men the king this morning. A. visit B. visited C. visiting ( )10.American cowboy likes wearing . A. jeans B. a kilt C. magic clothes 五、按要求写句子。 (13 分) 1. The king is very happy today. (把 toda

9、y 改成 yesterday) The king _ very happy _. 2. Jack can make a toy car. (对画线部分提问) _ can make a toy car? 3. Sam goes to school every day.(改为一般疑问句) _ Sam_ to school every day? 4. The king is wearing some clothes.(改为否定句) The king _ _ clothes. 5. I was at home yesterday. (对画线部分提问) _ _ you yesterday? 6. It

10、was time for supper.(改为同义句) It _time _ _supper. 六、翻译下列句子。 (7 分) 1.多么美丽的花朵啊! What ! 2下一个句子是什么? Whats the ? 3.今天早晨天气变晴了。 The weather this morning. 4.萨姆正在努力思考。 Sam _ _ _. 5.最后狮子变成了王子。 Finally ,the lion a . 6.聪明的人能看见他们,愚蠢的人看不见。 _people can see them, _ people cant see them. 七、阅读短文,判断下列句子是否与短文内容相符,相符的“T”,

11、 不符的 “F”。 (5 分) A young man is sitting in a bus. An old woman gets on the bus and stands in front of him. The young man stands up. The old woman pushes(推)him back into his seat and says, “ Dont stand up. I dont want to sit down.” The man stands up again. The old woman pushes him down and says, “ You

12、 dont have to give me your seat. I like to stand.” The man tries to stand up for the third time. The old woman tries to push him down again. The man shouts, “Dont push me, please. I have to get off the bus!” ( ) 1. The young man and woman are in different buses. ( ) 2. The young man is standing in t

13、he bus. ( ) 3. The old woman pushes the young man back into his seat. ( ) 4. The old woman likes to stand. ( ) 5. The young man stands up because he has to get off the bus. 译林牛津英语六上 Unit 1-2 单元检测卷听力内容 一、听录音,选出你所听到的内容,听两遍。 (10 分) 1.pointed at 2. Scottish 3. pick 4. hair 5. rained 6. get on 7. shout a

14、t 8. think hard 9. after lunch 10next 二、根据所听问句选择合适的答句(听两遍) 1. Who can see the magic clothes? 2. What beautiful clothes! 3. Were there any flowers beside your house? 4. What would he like? 5. What day was it yesterday? 四、听录音,填入所缺单词,听两遍。 (10 分) 1. .There was a parrot show in the park.We saw some interesting parrots. 2. Its your turn now. Please say one sentence. 3. A little boy pointed at the king and laughed. 4. The weather became windy and cloudy. 5.We had a game on 20th September.We brought some drinks


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