1、 1 外文翻译 原文 Is there a macroeconomic impact on the profitability of the company? Material Source:Academy of Economic Stud ies. Author:Bucharest Abstract This paper aims at identifying a potential impact of the macroeconomic environment on the profitability of the companies listed on the Bucharest Sto
2、ck Exchange. This research derives from the most recent literature on the macroeconomic determination of the capital structure of companies located into emerging countries. Indeed, as for these corporations, there has been agreed on the risk transfer between sovereign and corporate spreads, but ever
3、y emerging country incurs a particular approach and generalization tends to decay. Therefore, the research focuses on highlighting out the macro determination of the corporate profitability; there will be developed a complex perspective, following up the mixture between idiosyncratic and systemic ap
4、proach. Introduction Global economy triggered corporate sector internalization. Companies became more and more integrated into a borderless world, designing and implementing strategies in order to reduce costs through economy of scale and outsourcing. Meanwhile, corporations are more and more expose
5、d to disequilibriums originating from the international environment. Macroeconomic volatility impacts them more consistently, especially from the perspective of their creditworthiness and profitability. Economic cycle is closely related to corporate profitability. During boom periods, profitability
6、potential increases while recession brings it down. An economic downturn triggers the probability to not be able to generate enough 2 cash-flow in order to cover the financial obligations. During the last decade, analysts agreed on the fact that corporate default does not imply only an idiosyncratic
7、 side, but also a systemic one, resulting from the correlation of the company with the macroeconomic environment. This paper aims at highlighting out the impact of the macroeconomic environment on the profitability of the companies listed on the Bucharest Stock Exchange, broken down by sector. There
8、 have been selected three variables closely linked to the macroeconomic volatility current account deficit, economic growth, exchange rate fluctuation- that have been integrated into an OLS regression grouping also indicators reflecting the financial soundness of the company. The conclusions regardi
9、ng the potential impact of the macro side on the profitability tend to differ according to the corporate sector, some being more impacted than the others. Trend of profitability Recently there has been developed a consistent literature on the macro determination of the corporate default (see Mc Neil
10、, Frey and Embrachts, 2005). Links between micro and macro variables closely related to corporate default have been pointed out. Alves (2005) and Shahnazarian and Asberg-Sommer (2007) found cointegration relationships between the macro and Moody s KMV expected default frequency (EDF) variables. Shor
11、t term interests, GDP and inflation are closely linked to EDF. Similar approaches have been developed by Aspachs, Goodhart, Tsomocos and Zicchino (2006) as well as by Pesaran, Schuermann and Weiner (2006). These perspectives subscribe to an impact derived from the macro environment to the corporate
12、segment, while Pesaran, Schuermann and Weiner (2006) revealed that this relationship can be modeled also under the form of an impact deriving from the corporate to the macro side. They found out that corporate default probability as well as equity values impact GDP variables. Castren et al. (2007) i
13、ncluded domestic output, inflation, nominal interest rate and real exchange rate as endogenous variables into a VAR model while aggregated default frequency and foreign macro variables were incorporated as exogenous variables. They concluded that default frequency and macro indicators have a similar
14、 trend. 3 This paper follows up the rationale of Jacobson et al. (2005) who conceived macro variables as corporate default regressors using the logit methodology. What it differentiates this approach is precisely the fact that there will be developed an OLS regression at the level of the corporate p
15、rofitability which is conceived as the key element of the corporate financial soundness. There have been selected three variables closely linked to the macroeconomic volatility current account deficit, economic growth, exchange rate fluctuation- that have been integrated into an OLS regression group
16、ing also indicators reflecting the financial soundness of the company. The research aims at revealing to what extent profitability is triggered by variables at the firm level and by variables related to the macro environment. The conclusions regarding the potential impact of the macro side on the pr
17、ofitability tend to differ according to the corporate sector, some being more impacted than the others. Macroeconomic factors In order to reveal the macroeconomic impact on corporate profitability, there has been performed a regression integrating profitability reflected into the net margin as endog
18、enous variable and a series of financial ratios related to liquidity, size and solvency as exogenous variables. Regressors included also macroeconomic variables current account deficit, exchange rate volatility and real economic growth. Database integrated financial information related to the compan
19、ies listed on the Bucharest Stock Exchange, broken down by sector. The industries analysis focused on were represented by materials, finished goods producers, fertilizer producers, energy and pharmaceuticals. The period financial information was related to was represented by the interval 1997-2007.
20、In a first stage, regression included only firms related variables, linked to the idiosyncratic side of the corporate profitability. Secondly, regression was enlarged by the macro related indicators. The key element originates from the way statistic output evolved from one regression to another, esp
21、ecially from the perspective of the macro indicators impact. Statistic output points out that profitability is impacted to a high extent by 4 solvency, liquidity and size indicators. Material and chemical industry profitability is correlated negatively with liquidity while the other industries seem
22、to be positively correlated. This conclusion is quite interesting. A good liquidity indicator impacts in a positive way profitability. Profit creates good opportunities in order to bring liquidity into the company, but it does not necessarily imply liquidities in the realistic sense which is in line
23、 with the case of material and chemical industries. Size is correlated positively with profitability while solvency and indebtedness indicators are correlated in most of the cases negatively. Enlarging the regressions by the macro variables creates a clear opportunity for the R-squared and adjusted
24、R-squared to increase. In all the cases, R-squared and Adjusted R-squared increase at least by 10%. The most significant change is recorded in the case of the pharmaceutical industry (R-squared increases from 0.55 to 0.78). Profitability is highly impacted by the macroeconomic indicators at the leve
25、l of 4 out of the 5 industries. The only industry which is not impacted by macro environment is represented by the finished goods industry. Its profitability is impacted only at the firm level. Current account deficit impacts negatively profitability at the level of the material, fertilizers produce
26、rs and pharmaceutical industries while chemical and energetic industries are impacted positively. This impact is explained by the correlation of the industry with the final consumption. Energetic and chemicals are strongly linked to the usual consumption supported by a high current account deficit w
27、hile the other industries are not linked to the same extent. Pharmaceuticals and materials do not imply goods related to usual consumption which has been recently reflected into a growing current account deficit. Real economic growth impacts in a positive manner the profitability at the level of all
28、 the industries, confirming the assumption that a prosperous macro environment creates incentives to corporate profitability. Exchange rate volatility has a negative impact on the evolution of the corporate profitability only in the case of the pharmaceutical industry. This finding is in line with t
29、he assumption that pharmaceuticals concentrate its activity mainly on imports which implies a high sensitivity to exchange rate fluctuations. Overall, macro related variables determine to a high extent corporate profitability. In order to provide an accurate assessment of the corporate profitability
30、, it is necessary for the analysts to consider also the macro environment the company activates in. The conclusions of this paper must be interpreted within the context of 5 the limitations imposed by the database dimension. Future research will keen on integrating into the research other macro rela
31、ted indicators. 译文 宏观经济是否影响公司的盈利能力 资料来源 : 科学院经济研究 作者: 布加勒斯特 摘 要 本文的写作主旨在于识别宏观经济环境对列示在 布加勒斯特证券交易所 的公司的盈利能力产生的潜在影响。这 项研究 源自于大多数关于新兴国家的公司运用宏观经济测定公司资本结构的近代文献 。事实上,对于这些公司,已 经达成 了风险 在主权 和企业 公司 之间的 转变的 一致意见 ,但每一个新 兴 国家 的公司都 有 各自 特定的方式 并且 往往 普遍地趋向于 衰 减 。因此, 这项 研究 更集中于突显出公司盈利能力的宏观测定,并且将会开发出一种复杂的方法 , 继而将特别的和系
32、统的途径相融合 。 1 导言 经济的全球化引发了公司部门的内部化 。 各式各样的公司越来越多地融入到无边界的世界经济当中,并且为了减少成本,它们计划和实施了规模经济和外部采购的策略。 与此同时, 各公司也 正在越来越多地 暴露出它们 来自 于 国际环境 的非均衡状态 。宏观经济的波动 对它 们 的影响 更 具有一贯性 ,特别是 在它 们的 信誉程度方面 和盈利能力 方面 。 经济周期 与企业的盈利能力密切相关 。在 经济 繁荣时期, 会引起公司 盈利能力的 增长,而 在 经济衰退 时期,会引起公司盈利能力的下降 。 由于 经济 低迷而 引发的 盈利能力的下降会使得企业 不能够产生足够的现金流
33、来覆盖企业的各项金融债务 。 在过去 的 十年中,分析师 们 一致 认同这样一个事实 , 就是企业的违约现象不仅仅是出现在个别的公司,而是一个普遍的现象,这是因为在 宏观经济环境下公司之间是具有相关性的 。 本文的 主旨在于突显出宏观经济环境影响列示在布加勒斯特交易所的公司6 的盈利能力的影响程度,并且按部门进行分解 。目前已选定 了 三个 与 宏观经济波幅 密切相关的变量 收支往来账户赤字 ,经济增长 和 汇率波动, 它们 已被纳入 了最小平方法 线 性 回归分组指标 ,同时 也反映了 公司的 财务健全 程度,并且 得出 了有关企业盈利能力宏观方面的潜在影响会根据企业部门的不同而有所不同的结
34、论 , 跟其他部门相比, 其中一些 部门受到的影响更大。 2 盈利能力的趋势的分析 最近,已经 建立起了 一致的 关于企业在宏观经济下违约的一致的 文学 体系( 见 Mc Neil, Frey and Embrachts, 2005)。 微观变量和宏观变量之间的联系与公司违约密切相关的事实已被指出 。 Alves( 2005)和 Shahnazarian 和Asberg-Sommer( 2007) 发现 了 宏观 经济 和穆迪县 KMV 公司(法国电力公司)预期违约的 频 数 之间的关系 。短期利益 、 国内生产总值和通货膨胀 与预期违约的频数是 密切相关 的 。类似的方法 通过 Aspach
35、s, Goodhart, Tsomocos 和Zicchino( 2006)以及 Pesaran, Schuermann 和 Weiner( 2006) 而得到发展 。通过对 这些观点 的 订阅 认知到宏观经济环境会对企业的各部门产生影响 ,而Pesaran, Schuermann 和 Weiner( 2006) 透露这种关系即源自 于宏观方面对公司的影响可以被模式化或者形式化 。他们发现, 企业因违约而产生的盈利能力和权益价值 影响 着 国内生产总值。 Castren 等( 2007) 的观点 包括国内生产 总量 ,通货膨胀,名义利率和实际汇率 在 VAR 模型 中表现为内生变量 , 而被
36、汇总 的违约 频 数 和 外部的 宏观变量则 被 合并 纳入为外生变量。他们的结论是 违约频数的变动趋势 和宏观指标 的变动趋势有所相似 。 本文 追踪 Jacobson 等人( 2005) 的基本原理,他们运用多元逻辑的研究方法 设想宏观变量 和 企业违约 频数 。 而不同于前种做法的另一种方法是 制定一个公司盈利能力水平 的最小二乘方 线 性 回归, 同时把 公司 的 盈利能力 被设想成为是一个对 公司财务健 全起关键作用的因素 。目前已选定 了 三个 与宏观经济波幅密切相关的 变量 -收支往来 帐 户 赤字,经济增长 和 汇率波动, 它们 已被纳入了 最小二乘方 线 性 回归分组指标 ,
37、同时 也反映了 公司的 财务 是否 健全 。 这项研究旨在揭示 由企业的变量水平与宏观经济环境的关系而引发的对公司盈利能力的影响程度 。 得出的结论 是针对企业的不同部门,企业盈利能力受宏观方面的影响会有所不同 , 跟其他部门相比, 其中 的 一些 部门受到的影响更大 。 7 3 宏观经济影响盈利能力的因素 为了揭示了宏观经济 对 企业盈 利 能力的影响程度 ,已进行了 对盈利能力的综合的回归分析, 反映到 类似于内生变量的 净利 润 和一系列 与流动性有关的 财务比率,规模和 类似于 偿付能力 的 外生变量 。 回归量也 包括宏观经济变量 收支往来账户 赤字,汇率波动和实际经济增长率。 数据
38、库 已经 综合 了有关在 布加勒斯特证券交易所 列示的上市的公司的财务信息 , 并把它们以产业进行细分 。 工业行业的分析焦点主要是有代表性的原材料、产成品、材料供应商、动力和药物 。 与这些周期性 的财务信息有关的代表区间 选定在 1997 年 2007 年 。 在第一阶段,回归 分析 只包括 与公司有关的链接公司盈利能力 的特殊方面的变量 。 在第二阶段 ,回归 分析范围由于增加了与 宏观 方面 有关 的 指标 而有所扩大 。起 关键 性作用的元素 来源于 从 一 种 回归 分析 到另一 种回归分析的统计输出的方式 ,特别是 来源于对 宏观指标的 影响的透视 。 统计输出指出,盈利 能力
39、受到偿付能力,流动性和规模 性 指标 的广泛影响 。材料和化工行业 的 盈利能力 与流动性 呈负相关 关系 ,而其他 工业企业的盈利能力似乎与流动性 呈正相关 关系 。这一结论是很有趣 的 。一个好的流动性 指标对盈利 能力产生积极影响 。利润 为公司创造好的流动性 ,但它并不一定意味着流动 性与盈利能力的现实意义在 材料和化 学工业 中奏效 。 在大多数的工业企业中,规模性与盈利能力呈正相关关系,而企业的偿债能力和债务指标则与盈利能力呈负相关关系。 通过宏观变量 扩大回归 分析范围给 R 平方和 对 R 平方增加 调整创造了一个明晰的机会 。在 所有的 这些案件中, R 平方和调整 后的 R
40、 平方至少增加了 10。其中 最 显著 的变化 出现在制药工业的案例中 ( R 平方从 0.55 增加 至 0.78)。 盈利能力 受到宏观经济指标高度影响的 有 4-5 个行业 。唯一的 一个不受宏观经济环境影响盈利能力的 行业是工业 产 成品 行业 。其盈利能力 只受公司标准的影响 。 收支往来账户 赤字 在原材料行业对盈利能 力产生消极影响 , 而在 化肥生产、 制药 、 化学 和动力行业收支往来账户赤字对盈利能力 产生积极影响。这种影响 被解释为与行业的最终的消费量有关 。 动力 和化学 产业的收支往来账户赤字与平常的消费量存在高度相关性 ,而其他行业都 没有相同程度的相关性 。在制药
41、 和 原 材料 行业,与商品有关的通常消费量并不能反映出一个正在增长的收支往来账户赤字 。实际 的 经济增 长率对在这一 水平上的 所有 行业 的盈利能力均产生积极的影响 , 因此一个繁荣的宏观经济环境有利于促进企业的盈利能力的假定得到了证实 。汇率波动 对企业盈利能力的变化是产生 消极影响 的 , 这 只8 有在 制药行业 才奏效 。这一 发现 是符合药品 主要 集中 于 进口 这一假设的,这意味着在制药行业盈利能力对汇率的波动有着较高的敏感性 。 总体而言, 与 宏观调控有关的变量 在很大程度上影响着 企业的盈利能力。为了 对企业的盈利能力有一个准确的评估 , 经济学分析师有必要考虑宏观经济环境对企业参与经济活动产生的影响 。 本文的结论必须包括来自于数据库容量的局限性因素。将来的研究将热衷于与另外的宏观经济指标相融合。