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1、 1 外文翻译 原文 A Practitioners Perspective on The Role of a Third-Party Logistics Provider Material Source: http:/.hk Author: Forrest B. Green, Will Turner, Stephanie Roberts, Ashwini Nagendra, Eric Wininger, Radford University ABSTRACT Most studies of logistics look at needs from the perspective of the

2、 hiring firm. This paper does that, but further examines the role of a third-party logistics provider by looking at services from the practitioners perspective. Keywords: Logistics, 3PL, Supply Chain, Third Party, Outsourcing, Non-asset Based INTRODUCTION Increasing focus on global expansion in the

3、marketplace has fostered greater attention on streamlining the supply chain management functions of business. Many companies choose to outsource part or all of their logistic functions to third parties in an attempt to achieve operational efficiencies within the supply chain. This also allows compan

4、ies to concentrate on core business activities. Third-party logistics (abbreviated 3PL) providers are able to take over the supply chain functions of businesses and manage them better in many cases than what the companies could do on their own. This study presents advice on choosing a 3PL partner an

5、d examines the perspective of one major company heavily involved as a broker and provider of logistics services. THIRD-PARTY LOGISTICS OVERVIEW Typically, a core company providing services or products is considered the first party; the customer (or customers) the second party. A third-party, then, i

6、s a firm hired to do that which neither the first or second party desires to do. A third-party logistics firm is a firm that provides outsourced or “third party” logistics services to companies for some portion or all of their supply chain management functions. 3PL typically specializes in integrate

7、d warehousing and transportation services that can be scaled and customized to customer needs based on market conditions and the demand and delivery service requirements for their products and materials (Skjoett - 2 Larson, 2007). 3PL is evolving from a predominately transactional role to one that i

8、s more strategic in nature. The 3PL industry evolved in the 1970s when during a time of expanding globalization and an increased use of information technology (Song employs 6,800 employees; and realizes close to $7 billion in gross revenues. It is a non-asset based company in that it contracts with

9、numerous carriers worldwide, those being fourth-party logistics providers (4PLs) in this context. Hence, the full range of logistic support activities serving 25 thousand customers is seen through this one company. The person who provided the information is the transportation sales executive for the

10、 company. 1. What tools and methodologies do companies use to optimize logistic providers? Our customers look to us for global, multimodal (meaning by truck, rail, ocean, or air) planning and execution. They seek logistics providers that offer solutions to the challenges the ever-changing transporta

11、tion presents. 2.What size companies benefit from logistic providers? Any size company can benefit from logistics providers: smaller companies benefit from the vast knowledge and cost saving abilities a 3PL can provide. While larger companies can let us concentrate on our specialties to keep track o

12、f their complicated logistics problems. Larger companies can have many different challenges from many different plant locations; coordinating all of their needs can be a headache. A 3PL can concentrate on the task at hand without having to worry about the rest of the business, leaving the customer t

13、ime to spend on its business goals. 3. Does your company provide the software needed for 3PL to clients and/or vendors? Yes, we provide software that can integrate directly with the customers. This allows them to electronically send us load information and to view their current loads status. We also

14、 have a website for customers and carrier alike to use to seek business opportunities. 4. What is the basis under which a 3PL is chosen and who the provider should be: a. From previous experience? b. References? c. Allow a group of 3PLs to give presentations and then select from them? 6 3PL have to

15、sell themselves to both customers and carriers. There are many reasons that make or break a 3PL from being used. It really depends on what the customer is looking for, some want the cheapest rates while others are willing to pay more for a higher level of service. The most important factor to consid

16、er when choosing a 3PL is whether or not they can provide a solution to match your challenges. 5. What is the main reason to use a third party logistics provider? Service and flexibility. What sets us apart as a 3PL is our dedication to providing excellent customer service. That means offering probl

17、em prevention, communication, a proactive sense of urgency, attentiveness, and professionalism to every customer and carrier. Our non-asset-based philosophy accounts for some of this flexibility; by not having equipment, we are free to consider all options for the customer. 6. Do you control your cl

18、ients entire process or is it only certain functions in the chain? Both depending on the freedom our customers give us really. Some only want us to find equipment for them; others look for us to handle everything from pickup to delivery, billing and loss prevention. 7. Do organizations view logistic

19、s outsourcing as a strategic response to environmental constraints or does it merely represent a tactical response for the purpose of reducing operational costs? I would say that this really depends on the company. Some companies find it more economical to employ their own transportation and logisti

20、cs needs. Others have outsourced due to the overwhelming cost of owning and maintaining a fleet of equipment. I would like to think that more companies are using 3PLs because of our high level of service and expertise. Its what we do and what we know that sets us apart and makes us the better option

21、. 8. What measures do you have in place to ensure that the 3PL you choose has demonstrated expertise in this area, and can it supply proven performance based results? When we source equipment to use for our customers transportation needs, we are very careful and thorough. We are trusting these compa

22、nies with valuable cargo both 7 money-wise and time sensitive. Any loss can be quite costly whether its through product damage, production delays, or delays to the vendor. We select carriers with solid track records. We try to build solid relationships with the carriers we use to establish trust and

23、 ensure superior service. 9. What effect do 3PLs have on the structure and performance of supply chain flows? 3PLs offer superior service and industry knowledge. They can make the performance of the supply chain more efficient. CONCLUSION With the increasing focus of business expansion into the glob

24、al market, companies need to have an extremely lean, efficient supply chain to achieve successful integration into new markets. 3PL providers can help provide services to these companies, but also assist the more localized companies looking to cut operational costs or focus on core competencies. The

25、re are many advantages to outsourcing logistics services to third parties. The amount of services being offered by these logistics providers continues to grow each year. Today, 3PLs are more than just transportation providers; they are becoming involved in the long-term strategic direction of their

26、client companies. The key to successful outsourcing of logistics services lies in finding a 3PL provider that has the most strategic fit with the companys goals. An efficient way of selecting the proper 3PL provider is to follow the nine steps mentioned earlier. The most important step in selecting

27、a 3PL provider is to ensure the decision is a collaborative one made by representatives of all departments within a company. Companies have successfully used 3PL providers to handle their logistics needs, while 3PL companies such as that in the second interview have been leading the way in providing

28、 the service required. Although the future of the 3PL industry is somewhat uncertain, it can be assured that the increasing global demand and technological capabilities will lead to further integration between 3PL providers and companies alike. 8 译文 从业者眼中的一个第三方物流服务提供者的角色 资料来源: http:/.hk 作者: Forrest

29、B. Green, Will Turner, Stephanie Roberts, Ashwini Nagendra, Eric Wininger, Radford University 摘要 大多数的物流 研究喜欢从 企业的物流 需求角度出发。但是本文 将 通过一个物流服务 从业者的角度 ,以一个 第三方物流提供者的角色 ,对第三方物流进行探讨 。 关键词 : 物流;第三方物流;供应链;外包;资产基础 绪论 随着全球市场的不断扩张,人们 越来越关注供应链管理功能 。许多公司将他们物流业务 的部分或全部 流程外包给第三方物流公司以 改善 供应链 管理,从而 提高核心竞争力。这使得公司可以 将精

30、力 专注于 核心 业务。第三方物流 (简称 3PL)服务提供 商具备接管企业物流业务的能力, 并 且 在 绝 大多数情况下做的比企业本身更 加出色 。 但是, 选择第三方物流合作伙伴, 不是一件容易的事。 第三方物流概述 通常情况下,核心企业提供服务或产品 ,即卖方, 被认为是第一方;买方是第二方。第三方 则是那些 物流公司 ,他们为企业提供部分或全部的 供应链管理服务。 第三方物流 通过信息技术 集合 仓储和 运输 为 一体,根据市场情况和需求,为客户提供 可缩放和定制的服务,并满足他们的产品和材料递送服务的要求(Skjoett - Larson, 2007)。 第三方物流正 在 从一个 以

31、 交易为主的角色,转变为一个更具有战略性质的角色。 第三方物流业在 1970 年发展起来,日益全球化, 并且 不断使用 新的 信息技术 (Song & Regan, 2001) 。 这些趋势导致了 企业 对物流服务的 需求增加, 增加了外包物流业务使公司仍然能正常 运作的可能性, 从而使企业 在市场上更有竞争力。第一代的第三方物流公司( 1970s- 1980),提供交通运输、航运等服务。第二代第三方物流公司( 1980-1990)提供增值服务。第三代第三方物流公司( 2000 起)整合了信息技术和供应链管理 (Nemoto & Koichiro, 2007)。 第三方物流特征 第三方物流服务

32、的特点是,他们外包各种物流 事项 ,提供个性化服务,并且处理多种物流业务流程。这些业务 涉及运输、配送、仓储、物料搬运、库存9 控制、包装以及检验 (Bolumole, 2001)。根据 Sowinski (2005), 由第三方物流提供的一些服务在当前市场的有: 7. 专业合同运输 8. 库存管理 9. 物流管理及咨询 10. 运费审计和咨询 11. 货物追踪 12. 逆向物流和增值服务 将供应链的部分流程外包给第三方当然在存在优点的同时,也存在缺点。最明显的缺点是某种程度的控制,在委托的业务关键环节他人损失。 一些第三方物流供应商的优势和劣势,根据 Farris(2004)的理论,见表 1

33、: 表 1 使用第三方物流服务的优势和劣势 优势 劣势 成 本减少 在物流方面失去控制 提供效率,服务和灵活性 影响员工就业 专注于核心竞争力 更多来自客户的距离,损失个人风格 释放资源 第三方物流服务中断的风险 消除基础设施带来的成本 对第三方物流商的不信任 风险共享 更好的现金流 得到无法仅依靠自己能获得的资源 选择一个第三方物流商 第三方物流的关系是根据合同建立的一项长期合作伙伴。如何建立成功的合作关系,关键在于选择有潜力的第三方物流服务商,并且组织有效的沟通过程。并且在建立合作关系时,必须通过一个系统的方式来表明企业的需要和选择,这对物 流业务外包影响重大。根据 Meritex Log

34、istics (2007)的理论, 至少有九个应遵循的成功选择第三方物流供应商的步骤。这些步骤如下: 1. 形成一个跨职能的团队 选择第三方物流供应商应该通过公司内部各部门的努力(比如制造、销售、营销、财务、质量控制、物流等等)。通过使各个部门联合,再去选择一个合适的第 三方物流供应商,以此满足各部门的需要。 2. 设定目标 在设定目标的时候,目标应当包括降低成本,占领新市场,希望专注于核心竞争力或者保持在一个特定的行业竞争。一旦公司确定自己的需要和渴望,10 能更好的选 择第三方物流供应商,使这个供应商提供的服务满足自己的需求。 3. 确定客户服务要求 由于客户是公司存在的根本原因,确定他们

35、的需要是一项重大的决策。让客户的服务要求进行界定,使物流服务商能够有效履行。确定企业的物流需求,有利于在未来提供更好的物流服务。 4. 制定一个候选人名单 通过网络寻找适合自己的第三方物流服务商,满足自己特定的物流需求。第三方物流服务商也可以找到行业目录,并通过国际仓储物流协会寻找适合自己的客户。 5. 第三方物流企业内部利益的候选人探索 在作出决策前,明智的做 法是与第三方物流服务商进行沟通,看这些供应商是否愿意提供所需的服务。通过信件或者电子邮件,了解这些第三方物流公司的概况,这样有助于找到适合自己的物流供应商。这封信还应该要求第三方物流信息提供者提供他们的物流能力。 6. 对提案征集要求

36、 - 在确认第三方物流服务商后,公司可以再发出征求建议书( RFP)的请求。招标书应该提供公司正寻求的物流服务的详细提纲。并且在这个提纲中提出对配送、仓储、运输以及增值服务不同程度的要求。重点是要包含足够多的细节,这样第三方物流服务商就能确切的知道客户需要什么样的物流服务,并且争取提供这样的服务。 7. 访问供应商的设施 当第三方物流服务商的名单缩小到四五个的时候,应当组织跨职能的团队去考察他们的硬件设施。该小组可以调查第三方物流服务商的物流设施,并且从不同标准进行分析。除了对硬件设施的分析,调查 小组应该与供应商的管理层与员工进行交流,确定他们的职业素质和物流服务流程。 8. 资格审查 之后应当对这些服务商提供的数据进行审查。要审查的东西包括财务信息、战略、管理理念、该供应商的客户满意程度,并且追查过往的业务记录。 9. 选择最佳人员 完成审查后,经过一段时间观察最终来选择最符合公司需求的物流公司。 之后便可以开始长期的合作关系,以确保将来的成功,达到公司的战略目标。 面试结果 在本文的研究过程中,作者采访了物流供应商和公司。 对于这个文件,一次面试被选定为他人获得公平的代表。它还包 括其他特别的见解,帮助没有注意到有关的关切和第三方物流供应商和承包商双方的考虑。访谈看着对方,可


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