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1、英语新四级 www.CETOL.cn 收集, 仅供研究和学习之用,版权归原作者所有2007 年 6 月大学英语四级考试 A 卷试题以及答案Part I Writing (30 minutes)Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on the topic of Welcome to our club. You should write at least 120 words following the outline given bellow:欢迎辞,欢迎加入俱乐部。标题:Welc

2、ome to our club书写提纲:1. 表达你的欢迎;2. 对你们俱乐部作一个简要介绍。Welcome to English club! It could serve as a platform to show your outstanding abilities and help you develop a range of great skills. You can be involved in a variety of activities including staging musical dramas, holding group discussions and watchin

3、g Oscar-winning movies. These extra-curricular activities could offer you ample opportunities. First, you active participation is helpful to strengthen the sense of responsibility and managing interpersonal relations. Second, various activities organized by us could raise your level of proficiency i

4、n English. A good command of English empowers you to enjoy decided competitive edge over your peers. You can file a written application to our staff office or email us via . The deadline for entries is Sept.25th. Come on, join us now!注意:此部分试题在答题卡 1 上。 Part II Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scan

5、ning) (15 minutes)Directions: In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer the questions on Answer Sheet 1.For questions 1-7, mark Y (for YES) if the statement agrees with the information given in the passage;Y(for NO) if the statement contradicts the information

6、given in the passage;NG (for NOT GIVEN) if the information is not given in the passage.For questions 8-10. complete the sentences with the information given in the passage.Protect Your Privacy When Job-hunting OnlineIdentity theft and identity fraud are terms used to refer to all types of crime in w

7、hich someone wrongfully obtains and uses another persons personal data in some way that involves fraud or deception, typically for economic gain.The numbers associated with identity theft are beginning to add up fast these days. A recent General Accounting Office report estimates that as many as 750

8、.000 Americans are victims of identity theft every year. And thai number may be low, as many people choose not to report the crime even if they know they have been victimized.Identity theft is “an absolute epidemic,“ states Robert Ellis Smith, a respected author and 英语新四级 www.CETOL.cn 收集, 仅供研究和学习之用,

9、版权归原作者所有advocate of privacy. “Its certainly picked up in the last four or five years. Its worldwide. It affects everybody, and theres very little you can do to prevent it and, worst of all. you cant detect it until its probably too late.“OnfficTyour fingerprints, which are unique to you and cannot b

10、e given to someone else for their use, your personal data, especially your social security number, your bank account or credit card number, your telephone calling card number, and other valuable identifying data, can be used, if they fall into the wrong hands, to personally profit at your expense. I

11、n the United States and Canada, for example, many people have reported that unauthorized persons have taken funds out of their bank or financial accounts, or. in the worst cases, taken over their identities altogether, running up vast debts and committing crimes while using ihe victims names. In man

12、y cases, a victims losses may include not only out-of-pocket financial losses, but substantial additional financial costs associated with trying to restore his reputation in the community and correcting erroneous information for which the criminal is responsible.According to Ihe FBI, identity theft

13、is the number one fraud committed on the Internet. So how do job seekers protect themselves while continuing to circulate their resumes online? The key to a successful online job search is learning to manage the risks. Here are some tips for staying safe while conducting a job search on the Internet

14、.1. Check for a privacy policy.If you are considering posting your resume online, make sure the job search site you are considering has a privacy policy, like CareerB The policy should spell out how your information will be used, stored and whether or not it will be shared. You may want to think twi

15、ce about posting your resume on a site that automatically shares your information with others. You could be opening yourself up to unwanted calls from solicitors (4MB $ ).When reviewing the sites privacy policy, youll be able to delete your resume just as easily as you posted it. You wont necessaril

16、y want your resume to remain out there on the Internet once you land a job. Remember, the longer your resume remains posted on a job board, the more exposure, both positive and not-so-positive, it will receive.2. Take advantage of site features.Lawful job search sites offer levels of privacy protect

17、ion. Before posting your resume, carefully consider your job search objectives and the level of risk you are willing to assume.CareerB, for example, offers three levels of privacy from which job seekers can choose. The first is standard posting. This option gives job seekers who post their resumes t

18、he most visibility to the broadest employer audience possible.The second is anonymous (匿名的) posting. This allows job seekers the same visibility as those in the standard posting category without any of their contact information being displayed. Job seekers who wish to remain anonymous but want to sh

19、are some other information may choose which pieces of contact information to display.The third is private posting. This option allows a job seeker to post a resume without having it searched by employers. Private posting allows job seekers to quickly and easily apply for jobs that appear on CareerB

20、without retyping their information.3. Safeguard your identity.英语新四级 www.CETOL.cn 收集, 仅供研究和学习之用,版权归原作者所有Career experts say that one of the ways job seekers can stay safe while using the Internet to search out jobs is to conceal their identities. Replace your name on your resume with a generic (泛指的) i

21、dentifier, such as “Intranet Developer Candidate,“ or “Experienced Marketing Representative.“You should also consider eliminating the name and location of your current employer. Depending on your title, it may not be all that difficult to determine who you are once the name of your company is provid

22、ed. Use a general description of the company such as “Major auto manufacturer.“ or “International packaged goods supplier.“If your job title is unique, consider using the generic equivalent instead of the exacnitle assigned by your employer.4. Establish an email address for your search.Another way t

23、o protect your privacy while seeking employment online is to open up an email account specifically for your online job search. This will safeguard your existing email box in the event someone you dont know gets hold of your email address and shares it with others.Using an email address specifically

24、for your job search also eliminates the possibility that you will receive unwelcome emails in your primary mailbox. When naming your new email address, be sure that it doesnt contain references to your name or other information that will give away your identity. The best solution is an email address

25、 that is relevant to the job you are seeking such as S.5. Protect your references.If your resume contains a section with the names and contact information of your references. take it out. Theres no sense in safeguarding your information while sharing private contact information of your references.6.

26、 Keep confidential (机密的)information confidential.Do not, under any circumstances, share your social security, drivers license, and bank account numbers or other personal information, such as race or eye color. Honest employers do not need this information with an initial application. Dont provide th

27、is even if they say they need it in order lo conduct a background check. This is one of the oldest tricks in the book - dont fall for it.注意:此部分试题在答题卡 1 上作答。1. Robert Ellis Smith believes identily theft is difficult to detect and one can hardly do anything to prevent it. 2. In many cases, identity th

28、eft not only causes the victims immediate financial losses but costs them a lot to restore their reputation.3. Identity theft is a minor offence and its harm has been somewhat overestimated.4. It is important that your resume not stay online longer than is necessary.5. Of the three options offered b

29、y CareerB in Suggestion 2. the third one is apparently most strongly recommended.6. Employers require applicants to submit very personal information on background checks.7. Applicants are advised to use generic names for themselves and their current employers when seeking employment online.8. Using

30、a special email address in the job search can help prevent you from 英语新四级 www.CETOL.cn 收集, 仅供研究和学习之用,版权归原作者所有receiving_.9. To protect your references, you should not post online their_.10. According to the passage, identity theft is committed typically for_.参考答案:(1-10)1 Y,根据人名 Robert Ellis Smith 定位在

31、原文第三段, 可直接对应原文内容。2 Y, 根据 financial loss 及 restore reputation 两组关键词对应原文第四段。3 N, 对应原文第三段第一句话,Smith 说 identity theft is an absolute epidemic. 与选项中的 minor offence 及 harm is overestimated 内容矛盾。4 Y, 对应原文第一个小标题 Suggestion 1 下第二段内容,直接对应,“如果找到工作后,不要把简历放在网上。“ 5 NG, 对应原文第二个小标题 Suggestion 2, 选项直接给出定位点,该建议包括三项内容

32、,选项中 most strongly recommended 并无给出相关的对应信息,选 NG。6 N, 对应原文最后一段的第六个小标题,原文说公司不要求你在求职时提交银行帐号,社会保障号码等,与选项 provide very personal information 矛盾。7 Y, 对应原文第三个小标题下第一段和第二段内容,网上求职不要用真名,用 generic name。8 unwelcome emails 对应第四个小标题,原文倒数第三段。9 names and contact information 对应原文倒数倒数第二段,根据小标题定位容易。10 economic gains,对应原

33、文首段最后一句话 “typically for economic gains.“Part III Listening Comprehension (35 minutes)Section A 11. A) H could help people of all ages to avoid cancer.B) II was mainly meant for cancer patients.C) It might appeal more to viewers over 40.D) It was frequently interrupted by commercials.12. A) The man i

34、s fond of traveling. B) The woman is a photographer.C) The woman took a lot of pictures at the contest. D)The man admires the womans talent in writing.13.A) The man regrets being absent-minded. B) The woman saved the man some trouble.C) The man placed the reading list on a desk.D) The woman emptied

35、the waste paper basket.14. A) He quit teaching in June. B) He has left the army recently. C) He opened a restaurant near the school. D) He has taken over his brothers business.15. A) She seldom reads books from cover to cover. B) She is interested in reading novels.英语新四级 www.CETOL.cn 收集, 仅供研究和学习之用,版

36、权归原作者所有C) She read only part of the book.D) She was eager to know what the book was about. 16.A) She was absent atl week owing to sickness.B) She was seriously injured in a car accident.C) She called to say that her husband had been hospitalized.D) She had to be away from school to attend to her hus

37、band.17. A) The speakers want to rent the Smiths“ old house.B) The man lives two blocks away from the Smiths.C) The woman is not sure if she is on the right street.D) The Smiths new house is not far from their old one.18. A) The man had a hard lime finding a parking space. B) The woman found ihcy ha

38、d got to the wrong spot. C) The woman was offended by the mans late arrival. D) The man couldnt find his car in the parking lot.Questions 19 lo 22 are based on the conversation you have just heard.19.A) The hotel clerk had pui his reservation under another name.B) The hotel clerk insisted that he di

39、dnt make any reservation.C) The hotel clerk tried to take advantage of his inexperience. D) The hotel clerk couldnt find his reservation for that night.20.A) A grand wedding was being held in the hotel.B) There was a conference going on in the city.C) The hotel was undergoing major repairs. D)It was

40、 a busy season for holidav-makers.21.A) It was free of charge on weekends. B)Ithada 15% discount on weekdays. C) It was offered to frequent guests only. D) It was 10% cheaper than in other hotels.22A) Lemand compensation from the hotel. B) Ask for an additional discount.C) Complain to the hotel mana

41、ger. D) Find a cheaper room in another hotel.Questions 23 lo 25 arc based on ihe conversation you have just heard.23. A)An employee in the city council at Birmingham.B) Assistant Director of the Admissions OfficeC) Head of the Overseas Students Office.D) Secretary of Birmingham Medical School.英语新四级

42、www.CETOL.cn 收集, 仅供研究和学习之用,版权归原作者所有24. A) Nearly fitly percent arc foreigners. B) About fifteen perceni are from Africa. C) A large majority are from Latin America. D) A small number are from the Far East.25. A) She will have more contact with students.B) It will bring her capability into fuller pla

43、y.C) She will be more involved in policy-making.D) It will be less demanding than her present jobSection BPassage One26.A) Her parcnls thrived in the urban environment.B) Her parents lefl Chicago to work on a farm.C) Her parents immigrated to America.D) Her parents set up an ice-cream store.27A) He

44、taught English in Chicago. B) He was crippled in a car accident. C) He worked to become an executive. D) He was bom with a limp.28.A) She was fond of living an isolated life.B) She was fascinated by American culture.C) She was very generous in offering help.D) She was highly devoted lo her family.Pa

45、ssage Two29. A) He suffered a nervous breakdown. C) He was seriously injured.B) He was wrongly diagnosed. D) He developed a sirangc disease.30. A) He was able lo talk again. B) He raced to the nursing home.C) He could tell red and blue apart.D) He could not recognize his wife.31. A) Twenty-nine days

46、. B) Two and a half months.C) Several minutes.D) Fobburteen hours.32. A) They welcomed the publicity in the media. B) They avoided appearing on television.英语新四级 www.CETOL.cn 收集, 仅供研究和学习之用,版权归原作者所有C) They released a video of his progress.D) They declined to give details of his condition.Passage Three

47、33. A) For people lo share ideas and show farm products.B) For officials lo educate the farming community.C) For farmers to exchange iheir daily necessities.D) For farmers to celebrate their harvests.34. A) By bringing an animal rarely seen on nearby farms.B) By bringing a bag of grain in exchange f

48、or a ticket.C) By offering to do volunteer work at the fair.D) By performing a special skill at the entrance.35. A) They contribute to the modernization of American farmsB) They help to increase the state governments revenue.C) They provide a stage for people to give performances.D) They remind Amer

49、icans of the importance of agriculture.Section CStudents pressure somciimes comes from their parents. Most parents are well (36) _but some of them arent very helpful with the problems their sons and daughters have in (37)_to college, and a few of them seem to go out of their wav to add to their childrensFor one thing, parents arc often not (38)_of the kinds of problems their childrenface. They dont realize that the (39)_


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