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1、 硕士学位论文 (专业学位) 柴油机高原冷机起动排放特性研究 姓 名: 学 号: 所在院系:汽车学院 职业类型:工程 专业领域:动力工程 指导教师: 二 XX 年 X 月 Cold Start Emission Research of Diesel Engine at High Altitude Candidate: Student Number: School/Department: Discipline: Major: Supervisor: 柴 油 机 高 原 冷 机 起 动 排 放 特 性 研 究 同 济 大 学 同济大学 硕士学位论文 摘要 摘要 柴油机由于其可靠性好、热效率高、燃油

2、经济性好等特点,广泛应用于工业、运输、农业等领域。起动阶段排放是柴油机排放控制的重点,目前针对柴油机平原环境起动排放的研究很多。我国高原地区约占国土面积的三分之一,具有面积大、分布广的特点,进行柴油高原起动排放研究,采取措施控制柴油机高原排放,具有重要的学术意义和参考价值。 本文以某型电控直列泵六缸柴油机为研究对象,进行了 0m4500m 海拔的冷机起动排放试验,分析了海拔高度、冷却液温度、供油策略对柴油机起动排放 的影响。在试验研究的基础上,采用 CHEMKIN-PRO 软件,利用正交设计法, 对该柴油机 3000m 和 4500m 海拔水平下的起动排放进行了仿真计算,得到了该柴油机的低起动

3、排放最优控制参数组合。主要结果如下: 1) 试验研究了海拔高度、冷却液温度、供油策略对柴油机起动气态污染物排放的影响。结果表明:海拔升高导致柴油机起动时间增长,燃烧温度降低, CO 和 HC 瞬态排放浓度升高, NOX 浓度降低,导致 CO 和 HC 排放显著增加, NOX 排 放降低。海拔每升高 1000m, CO 排放增加 24.4%, HC 排放增加 40.0%;冷却液温度升高,缸内燃烧热氛围变好,起动时间缩短, CO 和 HC 排放降低, NOX 升高,冷却液温度 60 时该机起动产生的 CO、 HC 和 NOX 分别为 11.6g、 2.9g 和 0.43g;与原策略( A 策略)比

4、较,高原起动时, 500r/min 以下低转速减油策略( B 策略)、 500r/min 以下低转速和 800r/min 以上高转速减油策略( C 策略)、 0r/min800r/min 全过程减油策略( D 策略)的起动时间缩短, CO 和 HC 排放降 低。 2) 试验研究了海拔高度、冷却液温度和供油策略对柴油机起动颗粒物排放的影响。结果表明:海拔升高,起动时间增长,虽然核态颗粒和聚集态颗粒数浓度减少,但颗粒物总质量排放增加,颗粒平均几何粒径增大。冷却液温度升高,核态颗粒浓度增加,聚集态颗粒浓度降低,颗粒总质量排放降低,颗粒平均几何粒径减少。与原策略( A 策略)比较,减油策略( B、 D

5、 策略)的核态颗粒浓度减小,聚集态颗粒浓度增加,颗粒总质量排放增加,颗粒平均几何 粒径增大;减油 策略( C 策略)的核态颗粒浓度增加,聚集态颗粒浓度减小,颗粒总质量排放减 小,颗粒平均几何粒径降低, 3000m 和 4500m 海拔, 500r/min 800r/min 中转速 减油( C 策略)的颗粒物排放最低。 3) 建立了该机起动排放仿真模型,仿真分析压缩比对该机起动排放的影响。 I 同济大学 硕士学位论文 柴油机高原冷机起动排放特性研究 以压缩比、冷却温度、供油策略为控制因素,以降低排放为目标,设计了正交方 案,仿真分析了该机 3000m 和 4500m 海拔高度的起动排放。结果表明

6、: 3000m 海拔, 60 冷却液温度、压缩比 15.0、中高转速减油策略的 CO、 HC 和苯化物(颗粒前驱物)排放最低,比优化前分别降低 58.5%、 36.0%和 21.1%; 4500m 海拔, 60 冷却液温度、压缩比 15.0、全过程减油策略的 CO、 HC 和苯化物排放最低,比优化前分别降低 57.5%、 22.1%和 44.7%。 关键词 :柴油机,高原 冷机起动,排放,研究 II Tongji University Master of Philosophy Abstract ABSTRACT With its characters, such as high reliabi

7、lity, high thermal efficiency, good fuel economy and so on, diesel engines are now widely used in areas of industry, transportation, agriculture, etc. Cold start emission is one of the most important diesel engine emission control aspects, and there are many researches on start emission of diesel en

8、gine in plain over the world. Plateaus in our country have the characteristics of large and widely distributed, and the total area of plateau is about a third of the land area of our country. Studying start emission of diesel engine and adopting measures to control diesel engine emission at high alt

9、itude have important academical significance and reference value. A six cylinder heavy duty diesel engine with electric controlled mechanical-line pump was employed in diesel engine cold start emission experimental research at the altitude of 0m4500m. then, impacts of different altitudes, coolant te

10、mperature and fuel injection strategies to diesel engine cold start emissions were analyzed. According to the results of experiment, cold start emission of diesel engine at the altitudes of 3000m and 4500m was calculated on CHEMKIN-PRO with the orthogonal design method, and got the optimized level a

11、ssemblies of engine start control factors. Main contents and conclusions are as follows: Firstly, impacts of different altitudes, coolant temperature and fuel injection strategies to gaseous emissions of diesel engine cold start have been studied. The results showed that increased altitude resulted

12、in longer start time, lower combustion temperature, increasing concentration emission of CO and HC, and decreasing concentration emission of NOX. Increased altitude led to increasing mass emission of CO and HC, and decreasing mass emission of NOX. Every 1000m the altitude increased, mass of CO and H

13、C increased by an average of 24.2% and 40.0%. Increased coolant temperature resulted in better thermal atmosphere in chamber, shorter start time, and lower mass emission of CO and HC, but higher mass emission of NO X. the mass emission of CO, HC and NOX with the coolant temperature 60 were 11.6g, 2.9g and 0.43g. At high altitude, compared with strategy A, strategy B with smaller fuel injection mass below the engine speed of 500r/min, strategy C with smaller fuel injection mass below the engine speed of 500r/min and above the engine speed of 800r/min, strategy III


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